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new rules

Started by redbus9, June 19, 2007, 14:26:23 CET

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re new rules,i dont regard reading the forum as lurking,i regard it as obtaining information on a particular subject that i want to know more about.the rule of 5 posts per three months means over two thousand new posts per year,whos got time to read all them to keep up to date with what is going on in the forum.also the ban on guests reading the forum will detract from what the forum was set up to do,that is if im correct,promote fishing in malta to a world wide audience via the internet.your views please,redbus9
If you can't eat it don't kill it.

placebo many posts will make it a bit weird

Afterall many of us are passionate fisherman who do not spend much time on intnet.

but....something interesting will obviously keep the posts running.
I think more creative thinking by moderators will surely keep it running :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


A forum only functions if people contribute. If no one posts, then there will be no information to read! If you read something and like it, or appreciate the information then I don't think its so hard to post something back either in gratitude or perhaps with another question.

If no one posts within the forum, then there will be no reason to visit it anymore and it will die. I don't think 5 posts is asking too much of ppl at all, i don't think its fair on the people who are contributing their time and knowledge if other's don't join in. You don't have to read them all, you can simply be active in the area's/boards of the forum that interest you.

Guests will simply need to register now, which is a 3-4 minute task, nothing to it really. Once they register then they will have access, I don't see any issue with that. Guests are not banned from the forum, they simply have a very limited access to only a few boards which is not unreasonable.

The promotion of fishing in Malta can continue to remain available to a worldwide audience, just because they have to register and participate a little doesn't distract from that.

Clearly we can't please everyone, and perhaps in time if the board remains more active the very basic min. number of posts will be removed. The culture in Malta especially with Fishing is that of keeping all the knowledge to yourself which I don't agree with, hence the creation of the forum to try and increase its appeal and reach a greater audience. Redbus, you wouldn't have been able to learn anything here if people hadn't contributed their knowledge, info etc, though it's nice to see that at least you managed your first post.

I would however like additional feedback from members to hear their views and opinions and then the forum moderators will take a decision.



While I do understand Skip's intention in making the forum more active ,I do not agree with defining those who do not submit regularly as lurking. I am one of those who rarely submit a post and still always got replies and for this thanks to all. However I have very little knowledge and experience in fishing that I find it difficult to contribute.
People like me learn a lot from reading the posts and this is thanks to the generosity of all those who are ready to teach others to make the sport/passtime more popular, and Skip is on the forefront of these 'teachers pool'. So thanks again Skip but please rethink the rules since a lot of people would either post rubbish or will be denied access if they are new to fishing.


Lurkers aren't those who do not submit regularly, but those who never post at all, ie not even one single post. I want the forum to be a friendly community and not a place where people come in to just read the catch reports or sightings, techniques or tips, take that information for their benefit but then never give back to the community.

I don't think people on the forum are going to slam anyone down if he knows little about fishing, I myself am a relative beginner and have only really tried offshore fishing by boat, hence i cannot contribute in all area's. What I know comes from researching onlne, reading and participating and then trying it out in the field. I am therefore more of a paper fisherman! I have some of the theory but not the experience/results from the field. Guys like Placebo and SimonG have been fishing for ages and I would imagine have self taught themselves techniques and methods that work well.

Lastly, if a new member joins, he will have three months ( a whole season) before he needs to make the 5 post minimum, therefore they will not be denied access if they are new to fishing. In three months one can read quite alot and I'm sure be able to make 5 posts. Even if its something as basic as a mini fishing journal. I am a member of another forum, non fishing related and we are encouraged to post about what happened out in the field. A mini report of that day or evening's fishing for example. I do beleive everyone can contribute there.

