Awesome Shark Video

Started by MartinB, June 07, 2010, 06:53:48 CET

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Got this in an e-mail & its too cool not to share! it kind of makes you re-think any mis-conceptions you may have about sharks.Enjoy  :)


What a nice vid. They do not seek attention and are not intelligent like dogs. That shark was in a sort of hypnotized state. Still they deserve to be where they are and not persecuted.

A few years back my wife and I were in a popular chinese restaurant in st jullians and on the menu there was sharks fin soup!!!! It was crossed off, but still there. I was really disgusted and bursting to tell the owner to remove it.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!


Sharks and a lot of reef fish go to a cleaning station....they go to get rid of parasites that harm their skin.......they lie immobile and let small fish do the cleaning, they even open their mouths and let the fish in and these places the sharks are well behaved and do not attack any other fish even the ones waiting their turn for cleaning. At a certain time u may get 3 or four different shark species that usually dont see eye to eye but at the cleaners they tolerate each other and behave better than humans as they wait their turn without jumping the queue.

Nice video I liked it........good thing that guy had a chain mail as when sharks rub against u they scrape off skin and that way they test if u are edible.......


Looks like an aquarium shark to me. :)
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


If i remember right from biology in school,sharks skin has these little "teeth" all over it (i forgot the name ill wikipedia it later on :) ) and they are supposed to be like course sandpaper if you rub it one (or the wrong) way and smooth if you rub the other way..Still i wouldn't like to try it without a chain-mail suit!! actually scratch that..i wouldn't like to try it period! i have alot respect for sharks & the people who swim with them,but ill respect them from the shore :)


good one Martin I second and if u want to third that LOL