Parking Trailers

Started by kit029, August 01, 2010, 23:23:25 CET

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Althought his is a forum and is open to anybody's opinion, this is all useless talking.
Everyone will do same as you and leave the trailor there, including me, what can you do!!!!
But we will still receve the fine, and we will have to pay, so please grow up, and try to be usefull.
If someone wants to do something, please write letters and phone and complaint to TM or Local Councils.
Nobody of them will be reading this thread to see what your problem is, unless he is in the same problem as we are.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Biex thali in number mhux problema jekk jibqax hemm sakemm tohrog u terga tithol


If you leave the number plate with the trailor, you will still be fined 100% sure, cause I asked Police Inspector Tonna + you will not find it.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Pero in-number plate skond il-ligi jrid ikun mal-karru.Fejn hemm tabelli li ma tistax tipparkja bil-karru warajk ikun saru mil-kunsill bil-barka tal-ADT u jekk mhux bil-barka tal-ADT tista tikuntesta u tirbaha.Jien qed nghidilkhom milli naf hbieb.Il-problema hawn Malta hi li l-ewwel ihallu kollox ghaddej imbad f'daqqa wahda jisikaw ic-cintorin u bla konsultazjoni ma hadd.


u jekk jihduwulek x taghmel spitec? taf number plate tista tintuza ghal serqa u? da x xol hu li ghal naqa sajd tista tidhol f dawn r riskji?

dan normalment ikun mwahhal mad dawl tal karozza ghal indicators u ekk,, u perez li m hawnx hallelin, anqas ssibu garanzija.....

bis serq l hawn u puluzija li ma jatux kas das serq nippreferi citazzjoni imbad ta..... jw invara minn post li ma jersqux l emm
Good season so far.....


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Jew taqla l-karru u thallih wahdu, u hekk zgur ma jkunux jafu ta' min hu.
Il-problema jekk jisirqulek il-karru  :-\
jew jittowjawulek il-police :-X
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


kieku minnek ma nikunsidrax baghira...

jin ghadni kemm ghamilt l arm tar rota ta quddiem gdida ukoll kien emm proxxmu prova jzarmaha bi spanner... incidentalment fettili naghmel bicca arm zghira biex nghaddi l katina minnha u qata qalbu....

tafdaw xejn bid dghajjes u karrijiet ghax hawn mewga ta hallelin dilettanti.
Good season so far.....


this is what birzebbuga local council says:

Dear Sir,

The law prohibits trailers to be parked alongside the road, it is a contravention. The trailer should be garaged.


Maria Galea
Executive Sec.
Birzebbuga Local Council
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Granitu naf li jisirquh.Jien qed nghidlek il-ligi mhux li hu sewwa.Jien ma naqbilx mahha pero l-ligijiet maltin hekk huma.
@placebo saqsih il-ligi min ghamila jekk hux il-kunsill jew il-gvern pls?


i wrote back to ask for details in which law or legal notice there is information guidelines about such an issue. In the meantime i emailed also ADT marine section and ADT transport section to check about this issue.

this is very worrying .... how can i leave my boat unattended by the sea while driving to put the trailer back in garage!

this is not an option .... we are a member state in Europe and we can not tolerate such things. All other countries have facilities where one can put the trailer while out in water or at sea.

I hope that some other forum members email about this worrying situation to authorities. And also boat manufacturers should help in this issue.
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


i think that by e-mailing as individuals we will resolve nothing. they won't even acknowledge the e-mail. maybe this forum administrators can speak with the administrators of the Malta boating forum and with the boat builders and outboard importers which are nearly all sponsors of this forum and can tackle this issue as one group to make more pressure on the authorities.

At this time the administration of the forum maybe a bit busy because of the Porto Rotondo competition but when they come back they can consider this suggestion.


That's why i said what i said before baghira because in malta you will never get it right ..
It's all one whole business, they make it almost impossible to obide by the law and then go around giving out citasions which = $$  ..It's all business !!
So what do i do assuming im from rabat and go to gnejna .. leave the boat on it's own while i go with the trailer to rabat! RIDICULOUS


just been talking with 2 friends regards buying 3 new boats. If this issue goes so bad for sure we don t buy boats to leave in garages

Quote from: placebo on August 04, 2010, 21:52:11 CET
i wrote back to ask for details in which law or legal notice there is information guidelines about such an issue. In the meantime i emailed also ADT marine section and ADT transport section to check about this issue.

this is very worrying .... how can i leave my boat unattended by the sea while driving to put the trailer back in garage!

this is not an option .... we are a member state in Europe and we can not tolerate such things. All other countries have facilities where one can put the trailer while out in water or at sea.

I hope that some other forum members email about this worrying situation to authorities. And also boat manufacturers should help in this issue.


jin ada ha niktbilhom... imma billi jin cittadin malti ha naghmel bhal hafna shabi  maltin dak weekend, nikser il ligi u nigi ala ghajni. tajd mux ha noqod nistenna jibdlu l ligi jewww......

ndumu nistennew kiku.,...
Good season so far.....