How come No Fluorocarbon pre-rigged lures

Started by skip, May 02, 2006, 16:06:34 CET

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With recommendations to go for Fluorocarbon leaders I find it quite surprising that pre-rigged artificial lures, especially those for shy fish don't come pre-rigged with Fluorocarbon. The only choice is usually clear mono, whereas I would have thought that squids and things for say Tuna would also be offered in fluoro?

True there is the cost aspect and true you could make your own (though you would need to invest in a good crimper tool).

Mike, is this something you are looking into or are there specific reasons why pre-rigged lures aren't in fluoro?



While flourocarbon leaders are a real boon to live bait fisherman and those doing live bait trolling where the speed is below 3 knotts, and water behind the boat is clean, it's not the last word when it comes to trolling lures; here's why! Most often the lures are being pulled in that 6-10 knot range and the there's a good deal of camouflage in the way of wake disturbance behind the boat that reduces the need for the addition of substantial expensive the flourocarbon. As an example, my line of spreader bars would jump in price, 30% or more. Flourocarbon is also a lot stiffer than standard mone, and many are affraid that the lure may loose some actions. We haven't found any great difference between lures trolled and those with standard mono.Many anglers can't and won't justify the price of the flourocarbon. I do them only on special orders.

Now, if I was fishing from a boat that wasn't making way, I'd apply the flourocargon to my live bait rigs, and I do. Especially for the albacore, or the big cow yellowfin or bluefin fished with bait, live or dead.

Flourocarbon is also a little different to handle, while stiff, the usual knots don't always seem to tighten and jam down, so opened knots have plague a some anglers. I prefer to use crimps on large diamiter leaders, and jam knots on smaller leaders for joining bait hooks. Make sure that the crimsp are matched by way of similar diamiters, and crimp them down good.

Best of luck on you fishing this year,
Capt. Mike Fisher


Ah now that makes total sense Mike :) I see now how Fluoro can be used but where its also not necessary. So basically Fluro for dead slow or drift fishing / live bait and regular mono for the faster trolling speeds.

Good to know about handling Fluoro.

Thanks Skip


 ;D You hit the nail on the head. I tie in a 3 - 4 foot (one, two meters) of flourocarbon leader for live bait, and it really helps. The knots have to be strong...Flourocarbon is not knot friendly, LOL...

Capt. Mike Fisher


Will crimping help or does it defeat the object of using flourocarbon?

Lets put MALTA on the map with our fishing knowledge.

Simon G

from my expierience with fluoro carbon (Platil Ghost) it has to be changed regularly as it starts to fray after a couple of fish.
i found it to be the best for live bait but change it after each day so it is pretty expensive to troll with.
on the other hand it can help increase the catches.
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