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Radioactive Mediterranean?

Started by Tracina, April 15, 2011, 15:44:30 CET

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Dear Fishing Friends,
           I wanted to spend a couple of words reflecting on the risks the Mediterranean faces with regards to contamination by radioactive material and possibly draw some of you in on these considerations.
Step one; let's learn a lesson-           More than one month has gone by since the terrible earthquake and consequent Tsunami that has devastated the north-eastern coast of Japan on the 11th of  March 2011. To date, more than 12,000 fatalities + more than 15,000 missing = 27000; a tragedy that the Japanese people are teaching the rest of the world to face with great courage, dignity and humanity. As we all know, the disaster crippled the Daichi Fukushima nuclear power plant; 6 reactors built in the early 1970's right on the coast. 3 of the reactors exploded and consequently released a large amount of radioactive material forcing the Japanese government to evacuate more than 180,000 people in a 20 km radius of the power plant. Unfortunately, there has been an obvious war of information due to the cosmic economic interests surrounding this event. I can only begin to imagine the national and international legal implications Japan (G8) could face due to the radioactive contamination of people and wildlife.
The Med-          Here comes the fun bit. Are we unknowingly waiting for something similar to happen in the Med? Has it already happened and we don't know? What consequences would a "closed sea" face?
        Let's see, what could be the sources of radioactive contamination in the Mediterranean??? 1) Accidents in Nuclear power plants of course. 2) Dumped radioactive waste (nuclear power station by-products but also civil by-products such as X-rays, NMR scans etc.). 3) Dumped war heads (not just nuclear ones, but also depleted Uranium). 4) Accidents at nuclear-propulsion vessels such as the ones used by French, British and American nuclear aircraft-carriers and submarines (remember the Russian Kursk?).
Link to map of nuclear power plants in Europe (European Nuclear Society):
          Fortunately, the Mediterranean countries and their governments are "serious ones", just look at Italy, and the organized crime that could earn billions from radioactive waste "disposal" does not exist. Yeah right!!! Who are we kidding? The Italian reporter Ilaria Alpi was murdered while working on a story investigating radioactive waste trade:
Check this out:

What would happen to our health, tourism, fishing industry and ultimately to the marine ecosystem? Can we continue to ignore this? Let this go on? I'm just a poor "Tracina" and I won't go further, but is it time to start bringing Geiger counters with us when we go fishing?

Japan- no more fishing in the North East-
Already, Japan's Agency for Natural Resources and Energy has admitted that high levels of radioactive Cesium 137 were 20 times the normal level at more than 300 meters from the effluent of the Daichi power plant, far less than the levels of the other main radioactive isotope gushing out from the crippled reactors, Iodine 131, which was found at concentrations of more than 1150 times higher than the maximum allowable for a sea water sample a mile North of the Nuclear Power plant. The direct consequence on the marine activities of the area has been the complete ban on fishing due to dangerous concentrations of radioactive isotopes having entered the food chain. A real tragedy for a country in which seafood represents the heart of its cultural culinary and economic traditions. Numerous scientific bodies have been claiming that the impact on the marine environment will be limited due to the "dilution effect" the ocean has due to it's shear volume of water.


I came across these two maps of the SITES where ships containing various kinds of toxic waste have been "allegedly" sunk in the Mediterranean. I am attaching these maps as .doc. The references I cite, state the maps were drawn based on Maps found in the comand room of the "Rosso" ship, and later on in Comerio's house. WHo is he? Inform yourselves! THAT SHIP LEFT MALTA with destination LA SPEZIA on the night of the 14th of December 1990!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to understand, given the tremendous amount of intertwining economic interests, what to believe and what not.

However, it is SAD to see the silence sorrounding these reflections. Shhh :-X :-X :-X :-X Wouldn't want to uncover the pot...

What has been demonstarted, unfortunately for MY "poor" Italy, is that the Northern Adriatic was used by NATO during the Balcanic wars as a DUMP for their depleted uranium armaments and fragmentation bombs. Fishermen in these areas have FISHED these bombs, one of which even EXPLODED on board wounding some of them. They also say that in those areas the amount of fish has plumetted, and that rashes and other strange symptoms point to severe poisoning. THIS IS A SHOCKING DOCUMENTARY SHOWING THIS IS NO LIE.

I wonder where the NATO dumping sites for the "Libyan Crisis" are. HMMMMMM What is between Libya and Siciliy , where a lot of these planes take off?????.
Yesterday's tremors were a grim reminder of the faults under our butts!

"Silence, something about silence makes me sick" RATM