Advice needed - rods for fishing from land

Started by lazyfisherman, May 15, 2011, 08:11:38 CET

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Hello everybody

I need some good advice regarding  rods for fishing from the shore. Now I have been fishing for many years (I am now 45 years old) - most of my shore fishing was pole fishing for mulett and zabri around Grand Harbour and Marsamxett harbour. Later I had bought a 7 m rod with reel which I used in the same way as a pole (i.e. fixed float) but having a reel I could fish with lighter tackle and still land decent fish. 

Over the past years I have been fishing less and less and have practically abandoned fishing from land - I have a very small 10 foot boat which I use for bottom fishing and light trolling in and around harbours.

Now I am again getting the bug and would like to resume fishing from the shore too but techniques and tackle have evolved so much since that I am somewhat lost as to what I should buy.

I will be doing light fishing in and around harbours (no spinning, surf casting or fishing from cliffs) - mainly light ledgering and using the running float. I still have my 7m reel rod which has given me very decent catches on a number of occasions. I bought a couple of reels (a very decent daiwa 1500 and a Penn 4000).

My main difficulty is what  rods should I be looking at. I am not interested in competitions so I do not need many rods. So let us set a limit of 2 new rods (in addition to my 7m rod.) What should I be looking at in terms of rod length and casting weight.

Any advice would be very much appreciated.


light ledgering rod 3.9 - 4.5mtrs = 10-20gms for light bottom ledgering with a sensitive tip.

nice 9mtr pole for mullet and other land fishing - suggest you get hold of a good 9mtr that can easily be set up as 8, 7, 6, and even 5mtr pole rod using fixed float

using the 7mtr bolognese rod and a 9mtr pole i suggest you get also hold of a good 4mtr landing net

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Many thanks placebo

Fishing with a modern 9 mtr pole, given that there is no help from a reel's drag, what thickness of terminal tackle would you suggest for a starter (obviously then one would have to experiment) - one that is not too thick but would give me at least a fair chance of landing a good fish, say a 1 or 1.5 kg mulett (using a landing net of course)

Thanks once again


i will go for 0.14 on hand pole. Take care suitable rod tip is adequate for the job.

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Thanks placebo - It will get some time to adjust myself to such light lines on a pole (never fished below 0.20 but back then lines were not as good as what is available today) even though with the bolognese I did land a couple of good fish with 0.16mm line.

Any good quality  reasonably priced poles that you could suggest?