Lampuki Fishing Regulation.

Started by framerc, January 31, 2011, 19:24:04 CET

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I would not classify a ten hook baited line as a long line!!!.  Then it would really become rediculous.  These are the things which will be under discussion:
What classifies a long line?
How long is long?
Number of hooks?
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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According to Wikipedia:

QuoteLongline fishing is a commercial fishing technique. It uses a long line, called the main line, with baited hooks attached at intervals by means of branch lines called "snoods". A snood is a short length of line, attached to the main line using a clip or swivel, with the hook at the other end. Longlines are classified mainly by where they are placed in the water column. This can be at the surface or at the bottom. Lines can also be set by means of an anchor, or left to drift. Hundreds or even thousands of baited hooks can hang from a single line. Longliners commonly target swordfish, tuna, halibut, sablefish and many other species.[1]

In some unstable fisheries, such as the Patagonian toothfish, fishermen may be limited to as few as 25 hooks per line. In contrast, commercial longliners in certain robust fisheries of the Bering Sea and North Pacific generally run over 2,500 hand-baited hooks on a single series of connected lines many miles in length.[2]Longlines can be set to hang near the surface (pelagic longline) to catch fish such as tuna and swordfish or along the sea floor (demersal longline) for groundfish such as halibut or cod. Longliners fishing for sablefish, also referred to as black cod, occasionally set gear on the sea floor at depths exceeding 1,100 metres (3,600 ft) using relatively simple equipment. Longlines with traps attached rather than hooks can be used for crab fishing in deep waters.

Longline fishing is prone to the incidental catching and killing of seabirds, sea turtles, and sharks. Otherwise, compared to other fishing techniques such as bottom trawling, longline fishing is less destructive to bottom habitats. It generally has good species selectivity and low fuel consumption.[3]
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

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Gaffer jien illum nahsibha hekk:

Is- sajd joghgobni u rrid nibqa nzommu bhala delizzju. Qatt ma kont inqis kemm qed nohrog u kemm qed naqbghad.
Biss illum inhoss li bniedem ghandu jmur biex jiehu pjacir imma juza sew ir- rizorsi.... jigifieri jekk hela 60 euro fuel ..halli ma jaqbadx b' 60 euro hut imma ghal menu xi jsajjar.
Jien mort 4 darbiet ghal lampuki s-sena l- ohra bir-rixa 2 ma qbadt xejn u 2 qbaddna 12 kull darba. Hlejt 240 euro petrol. Issa kieku forsi (ghax stajt) fettili fejn sibt il- lampuki tfajt il- konz..kieku jaf f- dawk l- 4 darbiet kont naqbad aktar hut bl- istess jew inqas ammont ta petrol u kont inkun qed nuza r-rizorsi ahjar.

Il- hut kont inqassmu zgur ghax jien ma nzommux hafna fil- freezer.
Jien nirrispetta l- idejat tieghek u bl- ebda mod ma nehodha kontrik jekk ma naqblux...ghandek dritt


Sew qed tghidu: il- bicca hi x' tifhem biha konz tal- lampuki. meta wiehed jimmagina li bhal- tat-tonn jew pixxispad bil- fors ikun kontra. Imma l- konz tal- lampuki, jien minn dejjem nafu bi ftit snanar.. 20 jew 30 kien jaghmlu missieri. Probbabli l- awtoritajiet ukoll lanqas jafu b' din il- bicca u b' naqra rieda tajba ghandhom mnejn jifhmu.


Hi everyone. It is the first time I am writing on Forum. I am pleased to see the different suggestions and question which most amateur  fishermen bring up. Remember that this issue on Lampuki Regulation deals only with surface longline (konz tal-Lampuki). I agree with The Gaffer asking what defines Lampuki longline, length and number of hooks. Note that the Federation of Amateur Fishing representative on the Fisheries Board is calling that this issue be placed on the next Fisheries Board meeting agenda with possible other pending topics. As always since the early nineties the Federation by means of its Executve committee having achieved necessary information from its affiliated Associations discuss with the relevant Authorities controversal cases that arise. This happened when the former PTF were to be abolished and through some real hard work the MFC category was created. During the years several other issues arose and presently similar work is  underway with MT (MMA) regarding moorings.
I wish to add that every amateur fishermen should join in a local Fishing Association and actively that part during local and Federation meetings and activities so forming one united body when our hobby is under attack.
All the Best.


Gogo;  I can assure you that the MFF is a voice to be reckoned with.  We represent over 1880 members, and we have always been treated with respect when engaging with the local authorities.  We do not classify as a club, or association, howver the MFF is the only recreational fishing entity in Malta affiliated to the International Game Fishing Association (IGFA), which has representatives in very authoritorial and influential fora such as ICATT.  We are also members of Big Game Italia, who are a very strong lobby group in the EU, and we'll soon have our very own wing Malta Big Game with the help of our associates. 
We were very influential last year with the authorities in the granting of a consession for BFT on a catch and release basis.  Actually, it was through representations and meetings held by the MFF administation and local fisheries authorities, that this happened.  All our members were grated this consession. 
As you yourself are quite aware, we are a very active forum, backed by loyal members and appreciated by our benefactors and sponsors.
We not only discuss fishing activities and matters here, but we also discuss and review equipment, tackle, boats inboards and outboards, spear fishing.  Our members here find a haven of information and are always sure to find help when required
We look forward in forging the same relationship with the Federation as we have with all our stakeholders so that together, we can move forward as one.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Gogo meta tkellimna fuq x kienu qed jghidulna meta nhallsu l- licenzja ghidtlek li jien saqsejthom ghal konz tal- kahli,lizz,imsell,kubrit etc u qalulna :tal- wicc xejn. Issa hareg li bil- miktub hemm imnizzell li i- ispeci migratorji biss ma jistghux jinqabdu mis-sajjied rikreattiv bil- konz tal- wicc(u ghandna l- lista ta l- ispeci). Ghalhekk nixtieq li kieku meta tkunu qed tiddiskutu dan is-suggett tqajjem dan il- punt.
U l- istess haga dawn il- knuz ikollhom ammont zghir hafna ta snanar.


Jien personali l ahwa darba biss naf li tlaqt konz tal lampuki. xi sentejn ilu konna hrigna xi 4 mili fil grirgal u sihbi telaq konz ta 100 sunnara al lampuki u kalah mal kurrent u konna qbadna wahda mdaqsa.

Pero ma narax ghaliex ma tistax tuza konz ghal lampuki. L awtoritajiet ahjar jaraw min jalaq il port ta marsamxett flaxijiet bl ghazel ghal plamti


Quote from: bigboy on February 04, 2011, 20:50:05 CET
L awtoritajiet ahjar jaraw min jalaq il port ta marsamxett flaxijiet bl ghazel ghal plamti

Mhux qed tghid hazin Big. Illum mort San Pawl il-Bahar (il-Barracudas) biex forsi nistad mill-art izda kien hemm bahar jibla d-dinja. Lanqas 50 metru l-barra mill-moll, kien hemm dghajsa qed ittella parit. Bdew itellghu mill-bagi ta' gewwa nett u baqghu sejrin jigbdu kwazi sal-Fekruna - ghalqu l-bajja kompletament. Dawn misshom jaraw l-awtoritajiet.

U jekk hawn xi hadd jghidli missek irrapportajt nghidlu li meta ccempel l-ghassa ta' San Pawl jghidulek cempel l-ghassa ta' Bugibba u kontra. Minghand Qajfas ghal ghand Pilatu u kulhadd jaghmel li jrid.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


From the 16th February to 14th July they can throw nets wherever they want except the grand harbour which is prohibited all year round.

So Malvizzu they can close all the bay from barracudas to fekruna and they are doing nothing illegal.

But this doesn't make as much harm to the sea as having a 10 hook line for lampuki


Busumark is right... you can't report them, they are doing nothing wrong "accoring" to the law
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


guys...have the authorities clarified what makes a longline + all that was discussed  in this thread?
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