Lampuki Season 2011

Started by nemxu, August 17, 2011, 17:30:14 CET

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benri sorry ta jiena deletant bhalek ukoll nistna nifem li inti tiehu gost tmur tistad u taqbad xi haga issa jekk inti tadli xi rid namel biex inkun membru bhalek habieb jiena inkun nista niehu pjacir daqsek u ma kellex alfejn igobom daqsek bi kbar jiena ma nahsiebx li kullhad telaq jimxi mil lewwel mhux ekk habieb jiena adni nibda u naqa ajnuna kun tajjba al minu bhalli grazzi u il gurnata it tajjba benri

aw xi had jistja jadli xir rid namel PLS


Skuzani kont daqshekk iebes Kevin ghandek ragun imma kienu ghadhom kif qaluli li l-bierah filghodu xi sajjieda dawru ic-cimi tad-dilettanti! Jekk naghtu il-co-ods hawn tista tobsor x'jigri! Biex tidhol membru mur taht il-Gillieru San Pawl u hemm il-Klabb tal-ghaqda. Matul il-gimgha ikun miftuh wara 7pm u nahseb il-hadd filghodu.
I'd rather be fishing.....


prosit hbieb,hekk imorru l-affarijiet.


Went out today however didn't go to hurds bank because my friend was to scared to go out :/ we caught a few tunnag (catch and release) and a sargu I think :P

No lampuki. :(


Went for lampuki last Friday sea was as clam as could be (Mirror) to my usual hunting ground in the west of Gozo plenty of Cimi close to land and going out as far as my sight could sea on the first four cimi we caught four small sized puki the size of the early season on plastic squid white and then for the next twenty cimi nothing, but later on we caught one each  on cimi 22 and 23 then nothing till cima number 40.

On Cima 40 as we had been trying out the new Auto pilot for quite a while a school of dolphins surrounded us and made a show of themselves to our pure pleasure, not to hurt any one of them we put up our lures and stayed watching them put up a display of fun and showmanship (photos to be put up soon).

As soon as they left we continued fishing and playing with the Autopilot,  zig zagging, circles straight and figure of clover around the cimi we finally caught one of them (a cima i mean) turning to retrieve our lures we saw a Hanzir coming out from under the palm we shot him and thereafter we put up our lures and went for the hinzer instead and managed to catch 4 good sized ones.

Coming in we set the autopilot for our port in M"forn and came in from 19miles out in 18minutes with a speed of around 35/37 knots to the exact spot i had marked.

All in all a good day fishing , boating , sightseeing and great satisfaction from the investment i did on the boat,

Tight lies everyone and my uncle said ok to use his cimi as long as we don't damage them.
RASCALA 24ft. with DF225 hp SUZUKI v6 4 stroke


@kevin....I think u asked for the B'Bugia cimi. If that is so go near the pier at St Georgies bay and ask for Barun and ask him where to go to join the B'Bugia club.that way u have the right to use the Fads....Good luck mate.

Destination Sea

jew staqsi ghal kaxxier ta l ghaqda nenu jkun hemm kwazi dejjem.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


Out of curiosity how much does it cost to be a member of cimi of bbugia?


any luck on Saturday Benri. I didnt make it but I have to make it a point that I go this coming week... I am getting lazy........


I went out yesterday

Trolled around 20 cimi and got only one lampuka after the 3rd cima, then trolled to the fishfarms and hooked a nice 750g lampuka and another one a bit smaller.

All in all 3 Lampuki and 1 cervjola :)


just back, saw lot of lampuki under the fads but didn t wanted to bite. We got 11 today.


emic,just say hello and it would be your 1000 post. welldone.


hrigt dalodu bir rixa al lampuki. domt addej xi 3 sieghat u lanqas messa wahda. tistu tieduli fejn irrid immur!

hrigt fuq san giljan.

kemm irrid inkun addej? klamar frisk jaghmel differenza?

thanks u


could someone help me catch a lampuka!?!?

we leave usually from bahar ic-caghaq. any good spots around???



Zaffa - I will be quite honest and straight with you.  You need to enrol with a club, preferrably the Bugibba fishing club first.  They will provide the coordinates of their FAD's (Cimi).  Once you get those, it should be easy.  Go out to the FAD's, and troll around them in a clockwise circle. Further up you should find information where the bugibba club is, failing that, send a PM to Benri.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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