2011 Spearfishing- Protected areas

Started by Tracina, August 20, 2011, 11:36:36 CET

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Hi everyone,

       after getting my spearfishing licence renewed yesterday, I am dying to go out and try my luck with my "wonderful" Mares FV75... hi hi hi

       As always, I would like to abide to all the Maltese rules & regulations and was wondering if any of the experts could quickly tell me if any new regulations are in place for 2011. I have already tried to look it up in the old forum discussions, but I am confused about several things, especially regarding "protected areas" for spearfishing in the specific. Not netting, nor long lines... just spearfishing.

        The police at Floriana were not able to give me any specific info, and I was in a rush so I refer to all you experts:

        What other important Maltese rules&regulations should any spearfisher be aware of in order not to run into trouble with authorities/swimmers? Is there a minimum distance from shore? Are the "signalling buoys" compulsory? Maximum catch allowed? (I already know the minimum sizes, so this is not needed). Any protected areas where spearfishing is not allowed?

        I thank all of you in advance for the replies, and who knows, maybe our paths might cross under water ; ) Viva Malta



i am no expert but this website has some good links http://www.maltafishingforum.com/regulations.html

i am also looking for more info. i use a buoy but i didnt find any mention of signaling buoys in any regulation. i heard of spearfishermen who were sent home for not having one, even though they were diving from their boat.

if there is a requirement for a buoy,there should be a specification for one (how big, color etc)

does administration of spearfishing fall under fisheries   section vetrinary dept? resources ministry?MMA? AFM? thx


As mentioned under regulations you will find all that we know about.
Re: buoy it is considered as an essential tool whilst spearfishing, no wonder that they might stop you without one.
But re: rules nobody knows anything.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Hi Baghira, thx for reply. I've partially answered my own question by reading a post from 2008. Do you know if further regulations regarding the protected areas have been put into place? Regarding the buoy, you're perfectly right.!!! I wonder if we could actually draw up a map... Or maybe that is somewhere on the forum too and I just can't find it  ???. In fact, reading the folllowing, it isn't that clear after all!!!
A map would be so much easier... after all, Malta isn't exactly huge  ;D

Anyways, I quote Spnotta:

"Spearfishing is prohibited in the following areas. Only surface fishing is allowed including trolling lines (rixa) and angling for pelagic fish.

Location: Wied iz-Zurrieq; Wreck: Um el Faroud
Location: Off Xatt l-Ahmar; Wreck: MV Xlendi, Cominoland, Karwela
Location: Marsascala; Wreck: Tug St.Michael, Tug 10
Location: Off Qawra point; Wreck: Imperial Eagle
Location: Off Cirkewwa; Wreck: Rozi, P29
Location: Off Xrobb l-Ghagin; Wreck: Blenheim bomber
Location: Off Exiles Point; Wreck: Bristol Beaufighter

Fishing is strictly prohibited in the proximity of the sewage outfall at Wied Ghammieq within the area demarcated on the land side by two stone pillars painted red situated on the sides of the drainage outlet, one on Xghajra shore in the vicinity of Ras il-gebel and the other under the Ricasoli Bastion and on the sea side by two range buoys. It is also prohibited to collect by any means from the same area any edible marine products. (reg.11_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations).

No fishing is permitted in the Dockyard Creek or in the French Creek, that is in those parts of the Grand Harbour to the south east of a line drawn from St.Angelo Point to Isola Point and hence to the northern end of Parlatorio Wharf and Corradino Hill without a special licence issued by the Director with the approval of the Prime Minister. (reg.12_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations).

No spearfishing is permitted in zones which are designated to be conservation zones by MEPA* and wherever artificial reefs are built for the purpose of scientific studies or as an attraction to tourist divers.

*Designated Marine Protected Areas: A marine site that has recently been selected and designated as a marine protected area and a Special Area of Conservation of International Importance is the marine area between Rdum Majjiesa and Ras ir-Raheb on the northwest coast of Malta. MEPA.ORG
The Veterinary Regulation and Fisheries Conservation and Control within the Veterinary and Fisheries Affairs Division (VAFD) has set a number of conservation areas around wrecks."

I guess the next step is reading the regulations as Baghira suggested.

Man, it just feels like a lot of things are left purposely "vague", as if we were to dig into them too much, a whole load of "mud" would stir up!! Interest, tourist divers, interest, tourist divers, interest tourist divers...



Waste of time tracina beleive me...

Not only Laws/regulations/EC directives/notices to mariners change often, but also interepretation from our professional civil servants...

I gave up my friend to try to work hand in hand with these.
There is no way you can get proper info. on this island...All they care is what someone from above tells them to do....then the kings of our seas do what the hell they want.......

So be careful and respect the rules as much as you can..... all the rest is luck..
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Antonio Anastasi

Quote from: ballastbelly on August 20, 2011, 18:59:11 CET
i am no expert but this website has some good links http://www.maltafishingforum.com/regulations.html

i am also looking for more info. i use a buoy but i didnt find any mention of signaling buoys in any regulation. i heard of spearfishermen who were sent home for not having one, even though they were diving from their boat.

if there is a requirement for a buoy,there should be a specification for one (how big, color etc)

does administration of spearfishing fall under fisheries   section vetrinary dept? resources ministry?MMA? AFM? thx

I would imagine the buoy is there more for your safety, to make you visible while on the surface but also while underwater. I do not imagine you would want to have a boat coming over you while you are surfacing.
Having said that people using boats have been known to have near misses.


Apparti irreks 'wrecks' fejn ma tistax tghodds bil-harpoon qrib l-art.
