Started by kempy, October 03, 2007, 23:49:09 CET

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i never had any problems on a boat while fishing for lampuka or bottom fishing inside the port ..... but the very second we stop to try for bottom ones in open water i start to feel real sick. I tried taking pills but they make me so sleepy i find it hard to stay awake. ANY SUGGESTIONS AT ALL WOULD BE LOVED GREATLY.
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


You might need to just get used to it a bit, but otherwise there are the usual anti sea-sickness things. The blue bands that go on your wrist that have a plastic raised bit to exert pressure. Biodramina gum or pills, and then there's an expensive device that looks like a watch that puts an electrical charge through your wrist to counter the sea sickness feeling.



if I were you I'd first try out Ginger capsules from a manufacturer Arkopharma. They don't cause any side effects and you may buy them from pharmacies or Health shops. It's quite a natural remedy that works most of the times but if it's not the case for you then go for something suggested by skip.
I'd rather be fishing.....


Kempy my wife often has the same problem,all fine while we move but sometimes gets sick when we stop for a long time in choppy seas.Try the gum Skip suggested it is effective and can be taken only when you feel sick and not hours before going to sea.
Also the ginger remedy is interesting , I personally never heard of it and looked it up on the net , it is often quoted as a good remedy.Have a look on the net re the subject because there are a lot of suggestions that one might try and see if they work since not all remedies work for everyone.

My last suggestion is that although you were sick do not assume or be afraid that you will be sick every time since this may condition you to be sick,so be positive and carry some gum with you.


a table spoon of Angostura and tonic water will work as well. But as everyone said its a matter of personality. try everything and see what works for u. A friend of mine is only sick if he looks at the Sun rising on the horizon. If he can avoid looking at it he is fine all day if not LOOK out.......... so see what could be causing it.
Good luck man hope u get over it.


It's a case of trying different remedies and seeing if they work. Sometimes bouts of seasickness can be brought on simply by focussing too much on the end of your rod whilst waiting for that all important bite. When you focus close-up for long periods the motion of the boat riding up and down in the swell can seem more pronounced. Try focussing your attention on more distant objects every so often. Worked wonders for me! Gum and crackers also help. 
19 ft Galeon Galia with 140 hp Tohatsu


wow so much help in such a short time thanks guys i will let yuou know how things go
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


one suggestion i can make to help you is take a few large bottles of water with you and every time you are sick have a good drink.sea sickness gets really bad when you have nothing in your stomach to come up.once you start bringing up brown bile from your stomach head for home as you wont get better untill your on this and after a few trips out your sea sickness will gradually disappear.thers no magic cure.   redbus9
If you can't eat it don't kill it.