Aquaflyte 8m

Started by joergens, September 03, 2011, 19:26:25 CET

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Im going to sell my Aquaflyte 8 m, year 2007 with a 250 hp Suzuki. Its on trailer and has plotter, sonar etc and is hardly used. If there is anyone on Malta interested of buying it, I ship it down from Sweden. Price is 45 000 € + shipping cost.


Some pics would be nice, upload them to the forum gallery first and then we'll help you embed them in this post

Is this the boat?

[attachment deleted by admin]


If you don't manage to sell it in Sweden, personally I would bring it with you to Malta. First you might find a buyer here as its an unusual RIB that can be uaws throughout the year and second so you can enjoy it a bit as well depending on how long u will be in Malta