night or day fishing

Started by Simon G, May 17, 2006, 13:49:11 CET

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ok new question ( sorry but im not a very expirienced angler ) i bought another waggler and on it is written 6 - 5 + 1 . does this mean that i have to add a 5g weight as well as a 1g weight ?  ( there's no + in front of the 5 so i dont know why there is a - )


Sergio, you need to add 1gm. I would take it more slowly but.

First try adding 0.5gm then in 0.2 one by one splitshots. Ideally you should have 3 different splitshots.

You should end up with only the top part (yellow/ orange) tip just visible outside water.
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing

Simon G

going night fishing this week trying out a new location i hope i get something

the bottom is mainly sand with a few scattered rocks i saw a lot of nice sargi (500g+)

i was going to use bi valves and king rag as bait any other suggestions as what bait to use
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


hi Simon G

how do you hook a bi-valve?  And with what sort of mollusc do you fish ?  I never tried using this type of bait and I read on many sources that its quite an effective bait.  Cannot understand how to hook it though.....



Quote from: Simon G on June 11, 2006, 18:51:41 CET
hi sergio
when you go night fishing you are targeting some very particular fish
one of my favorite places in that area is ta xbiex between black pearl and the bocci club
the set up i recommend is one beach caster with a pater noster rig and a carbon ledgering rod with very fine line (14-18 ) line riged up with a running lead  hook size 1-4 worm hooks preferebly red and rear barbed
as bait i use king rag worm (hanex tal imperjal) gandofli with a cracked shell  razor fish  small squid whole and crabs
the fish you will be targeting are large bottom dwellers like sargi and awrat  (i caught a 5kg wild awrata from there at 3 am after a storm on a gandofla 10mts from the shore)
when rigging shellfish you crack one side open and insert the hook then tie the shells together using nylon or fishing elastic

at this time of year you will find sawrell ta limperjal roaming ports and bays the best baits are fresh tunnagg or any oyher bloody fish.  these fish come in in the evening around 6pm and come back in the morning around 5 am

good luck and good fishing

so simon, when ur saying that u caught this huge awrata, where u fishing with a running ledger rig? and if yes, what type of line did you use (fluoro? , diam?) and what size and type of hooks!

i am new to fishing with a reel rod, and i am willing to buy the necessary equipment.... what line should i buy for my rigs? if its possible can u mention brands!?

tnx in advance,


Why do fish make men go crazy?


hey dude ,

              i have learned quite a bit about night fishing by now :p so i might be able to give some advice. usually at night i fish with a running ledger rig. i use a light shimano reel + rod . i have 2 spools . one is spooled with .14mm mono and the other .18mm. for the running ledger rig i use .14mm Smart Fluorocarbon (from angler centre) and as a hook i use Owner Ryusen-B size 6 or Owner Iseama size 4. bait - king ragworm. try to buy a light feeder rod casting weight up to 50g, preferably with 3 tips. the lightest tip ( usually able to cast 20g) will be able to feel the lightest of bites . good luck !


hey man,

tnx for yr reply,

but the 0.14mm fluoro carbon line would have a low load test! i mean i have a fluorocarbon reel with somethink like 0.23 mm and the load test is only 2kg!! by any chance did u mean fluoro coated line?? because that would be a different story as far as i know!

last time i went fishing was around 2 weekends ago! however again i had no success!! i used the running ledger rig with this 0.23mm fluorocarbon line and the owner hooks (6 and 8 - red) as bait i used hniex tal korea and xkal. it was in the morning (early morning - rnd 4.30am) and it was really windy. first we went to the south but it was too windy and left to ta xbiex (just beneat the black pearl!) i got fed up because i don't know the place and i was all the time getting stuck!! can anyone suggest any places i can go? i am from the sliema area...

i really cannot get the good start in this type of fishing grrr...


Why do fish make men go crazy?


Last time I went night fishing all I caught was a morina :(


If you live in the sliema area Balluta bay (behind piccolo padre/barracuda rest) is good place to fish.i have had good success at night using a standard running ledger rig off the moll in the bay (near the kamra tas-sajjieda delittanti) with a small swimfeeder instead of the weight.Put some bread/cefalo mix inside (some swimfeeders usually have a small strip of lead on it,if not put a small 10g weight in with the bread mix) & a cube of cheddar cheese as hook bait on a size 8 hook use real cheddar not that pre-packed vegetarian cheddar stuff,and use 0.16mm flurocarbon for the hook length.You can get some very nice breams and you definetly wont hook any un-wanted morini,as your more likely to with the hniex.Also at dawn (& dusk sometimes) this time of year barracudas will be around snapping at bait fish & you can try your luck with a spinner.
Also round the moll you can sometimes see 6 or 8 BIG griebel,but they are frequently there and practically impossible to catch! as we say they can read & write!!!
Also just a bit further round from the moll (a bit further round from the small sandy bit) there is a small jetty with a ladder near it if you fish there (or near there) the day AFTER a strong grigal wind (when the sea will still be murky and not as clear as usual) from dawn onwards,preferably with a 7 or 8m hand rod with 'Farka' or even some 'sellieh' as bait you can catch big xilep & mullet,its very important to put a few balls/handfulls of groundbait in a few times first,some bread mixed with cefalo or 'gobon tas-sajd' to get them feeding.
For the xilep use a strong main line of around 0.35mm and tie on a clip swivel leaving about 35/45cm from the end for the hook length,its about 2m deep approx fish about 20cm above the bottom.Use 0.20/0,18mm for the remaining hook length,a size 12 or 16 hook (depending on the size of xilep there!) & a small standard float (apply lead shot accordingly),practically for the xilep you wont need it cos when they bite they instantly sink the float bending your rod double almost! No harder fighter on light tackle! last time i went there was about a year ago (in january) with some guys from work we caught about 15/20 each all in the 600g-1 kilo and over range not counting the bigger ones that snapped off! get some spare hook lengths ready.
Good luck & tight lines.
