Federation Amateur Big Game Tournament 2012

Started by Gogo, March 19, 2012, 10:13:13 CET

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Hi All,

Gogo is back trying to enter into the normal social activity following the loss of my dear wife early this February.

The Federation following my suggestion is organising a Big Game Fishing Tournament on the lines of last year.

Below is an introduction to the event and aim of this year's Competition.

I hope that this initiative will be favourably supported by amateur Big Game Fishermen and participate like last year.  

The dates we are working on are between the 24th June and  8th July.
I already asked the Fisheries Director for a Tuna quota for the Tournament. Otherwise catches allowed are like last year.

At present it is important that anyone interested contacts me (email below). I sent first emails yesterday and 18 boats have shown their interest in participating. Kindly note whether boat is with trailer.

Help with sponsors, donations and gifts is needed and constructive suggestions  are appreciated.

Amateur National Big Game Fishing Tournament 2012.

The Amateur Fishing Federation of Malta this year is organising a Big Game Fishing Tournament open to all recreational fishing boat owners.

The aim of this Competition is to collect funds which will be devolved  to a local charitable institution namely St Peter Foundation.
St. Peter Foundation  was founded by Notary Tonio Spiteri with the help of other benefactors   in 2004 and its activity is the buying of fish at  a low cost and  distribution of  these fish  portions to Institutions, such  as to Old age Homes, orphanages and similar local institutions   with social needs. Through the years St. Peter Foundation increased  the number of institutions benefitting from this free distribution of free fish portions,  and at present 30 institutions  are benefiting  from this activity every month. Presently  the Foundation distributes about 25,000 fish portions per year. As the distribution throughout Malta is carried out by a local firm free of charge  and the demand is on the increase, the pressure  is mounting.
Presently the Foundation is in the process  of building a premesis for the   storage and  processing of the fish portions. Such an operation needs financial help.  So this year the Federation opted to organise this Tournament in aid of St. Peter Foundation.

However such events needs funding. Tournament Participation fees  are the first source of these needed funds.  As the organisation of the Event  has its own expenses  the Federation heartly urges anyone to help through  prizes to be awarded to the winners of the Tournament, donations and gifts. The more funds collected the bigger the donation that can be  collected in aid of St. Peter Foundation .

Thanking you in anticipation for your help.

Dr.Joe Carabott Damato
Secretary Federazzjoni Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta.

Contact persons:
Mr. Frank Abela Federation President        email  Frabel@bigfoot.com
Dr. Joe Carabott Damato  Secretary            email   dr.carabott@marcompmalta


Thank you for your sympathy Freedive.
If you took part last year and wish to participate even this year, just tell me your boat number and I will register your boat from last year data.
If not give me this data: Name Surname, Address, mobile /telephone number, email, boat no and max speed and whether boat is on trailer. Parking area will be available but it is important to know the number.

The Organising committee is working on all the other issues as regulations, dates etc. We are also considering to take into account the wave heights apart from the wind force. These will be issued in the near Future
As to fees we have already decided for €30 per boat with three persons including the skipper. Extra persons an additional €20 each.
At present the number of registered boats is 25.





Grazzi Tony.

Nispera narawk maghna. Dis-sena sib lil xi hadd li jiflah il-bahar. Ahna se naghmlu minn kollox biex insibu gurnata sabiha ghal kull kompetitur.


I'd rather be fishing.....



Sad to hear Gogo..... Condolences from my end too...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Condoljanzi Gogo/ Dr Carabott D'Amato.

M ghand il familja D'Amato rahal gdid kont nigi ghandek meta jkolli xi rih!
Good season so far.....


Thank you Baghira and Granitu.

Granitu send my best wishes to all your family.


Quote from: Gogo on March 21, 2012, 12:08:09 CET
Thank you Baghira and Granitu.

Granitu send my best wishes to all your family.

I will Gogo
Good season so far.....


Sad to hear this Dr. Gogo..... I am really sorry..

Buona Pesca Trading will be offering like last year a Trolling reel to put up as one of the prizes model to be announced at a later stage.


Hi All,

If somebody is interested to participate the following data is needed,
Postal Address
Boat name and registration number ( Valletta registered boats have an ON number)
Maximum speed
Name of Club/Association if registered with any.




Dear Okuma 1976,

Thank you for your sympathy for the loss of my dear wife.

Another big thank you for your generous offer. Some day I will call and discuss re advert which we aim to do for each sponsor.




Well done Okuma (Norbert).  Its important that the MFF sponsors also support the Federation. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Hi all,

The Federation has the pleasure to announce that with each boat registered with the Tournament, Mr Fish has donated three vouchers with 15% discount each. Also there will be T shirt for each person on the boat.
