Lady Moon - Petecraft 20 customized

Started by Moonwalker, December 26, 2012, 01:10:58 CET

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mhux ahjar ixammar idejk u tmur tlesti ghal ada ;)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


@skip  - Thanks again m8 for the advice. I currently have the 17p 3 bladed. Will try another run at full load with these before deciding what to get. But I think I could be good with the Mirage plus 18p too. The PVS is fully blocked on the 17p. I dont remember how it was set on the other props.
@ redhead - Thanks but I plan to keep the boat in the garage when not in use. Unless I find a good pontoon space at cheap price :)

While on the subject, how long can you leave a boat in the water without antifauling or other treatments (gelcoat only)?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Jig Harder --->



Jien ridt screen wihed u peress li drajt bil Garmin xtaqt nibqa l istess. Barra il GPSMAP4010 ghandi il GSD26 u 3kW transducer.
Ghadni ma kellix cans nittestjah sew imma nispera li nkun ahjar mill Furuno ghax gieni spiza mhux hazin.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Thanks. B 3kw ma nimmaginax li se tkun hazin. Saqsejtek fuq tal garmin ax hsibtu armajt GPS/FF flimkien. Proset u ir risq mil gdid. Ghamilt dajsa tal holm


bilmod dak it transducer ghax kif tixghelu jgerrex il hut :p proset eh, kollox mil aqwa :)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today