NatureTrust Malta - Appeal for Help

Started by skip, June 22, 2012, 09:37:23 CET

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Can't really agree completely with you gaffer on this - environmental NGOs are meant to protect biodiversity not to protect you, me or our families from the more rowdy members of the human species! Of course this does not mean that I agree with the lassaiz fair attitude and lack of discipline that seems to have overrun this country.

You may or may not think much of it yourself, but many people, including myself, think that it is very positive to have turtles return to laying eggs on our beaches after an absence of so many decades. After all turtles are getting rarer - therefore I think that it makes a lot of sense to limit  beach-related activities in the area to increase the chance of these eggs hatching.


Yes. and facts like the truth an often hurt.  I remember not so long ago when an EIA (read environment impact assessment) was being carried out focusing on the installation of Wind Turbines on is-Sikka l-bajda.  Notwithstanding the argument that is-Sikka l-Bajda has been trolled, trammeled and wiped out clean of any marine life by the numerous fishing vessels sweeping the whole area there, and I cannot remember nature trust, mepa or any other NGOs coming out against this practice.  SO what was the negative impact/...a bunch of birds, who have taken to laying their eggs on l-ahrax tal-mellieha...and do you know what the crime of these wind turbines would be?...(I stop, shudder, laugh and cry at the same time) the crime was NOISE POLLUTION...yes, you read right, the noise pollution coming from the big propellers the turbines use would certainly disturb the birds and nestlings!...Imma man, dan mhux pajjiz tad-dahk ta jew tal-mickey mouse...this nation has no backbone, just a bunch of yes man, ready to accept everything the authorities pontificate on (read CABS drones flying overhead) and we poor natives have to lump it or stuff it.  So, this country, full of backboneless people, had to accept the result of a negative impact on a few birds, and forfeit the installation of a Wind Turbine Farm in an area which was clean swept of any living marine creature (this with the blessing of the authorities) because the noise from the turbine flaps would disturb the birds.  A missed opportunity to have the cleanest of energies, delivered by nature.  But of course, Heavy fuel oils used at the local power station only affect humans, you know, the back bone less type of humans, who are more concerned with the welfare of some birds, rather than the whole population, especially the southerners.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: lazyfisherman on June 25, 2012, 14:56:33 CET
Can't really agree completely with you gaffer on this - environmental NGOs are meant to protect biodiversity not to protect you, me or our families from the more rowdy members of the human species! Of course this does not mean that I agree with the lassaiz fair attitude and lack of discipline that seems to have overrun this country.

You may or may not think much of it yourself, but many people, including myself, think that it is very positive to have turtles return to laying eggs on our beaches after an absence of so many decades. After all turtles are getting rarer - therefore I think that it makes a lot of sense to limit  beach-related activities in the area to increase the chance of these eggs hatching.

Lazyfisherman - it is your right not to agree, and I will defend that right here on the forum.  But that does not mean you're always right, or I'm always wrong.  As I said, I'm not exactly jumping up and down and flapping my arms in joy because some turtle decided to lay eggs on a sandy beach on our island, but I'm not going to go over there and remove the eggs just because its infringing on my right to enjoy the beach.  I look at priorities and balance.  And you know somehing lazyfisherman, I've never seen the tips balanced in my favour when dealing with environmentalists. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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As you said it is all about balance and priorities but different people have very different notions of where this elusive balance lies. For many, environmentalists or otherwise, given that this may be a a one in a lifetime possibility to see turtles hatching locally, protecting the turtle eggs gets priority - it is a one off event after several decades.

As people who make use of the sea and its resources, i am of the opinion that fishing enthusiasts should be at the forefront in protecting the sea and its resources. But of course, I may be wrong!


What use would the environment be to one's state of being if one wasn't around to enjoy that environment anyway!.  Who decides on what is priority, who recieves it, and at what level?
We can get philosophical here, but the rules of engagement will not change.  So it is no longer one of preservation and sustainability, but the need now has changed to witnessing an event locally that may or may not ever happen again.  How's that for being egoistically intrinsic about nature!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I am a very keen viewer of National Goegraphic, Animal planet, and Nat Geo wild.  I have never witnessed the researchers, crew, or supporting team ever interfere with the natural course of nature, even when life and limb of the animals was at stake.  They permitted nature to take its course, allowing for the natural checks and balances built into the life cycle of the earth's wild life to take its natural course. Here, we're above that, as no sooner had the poor turtle layed its eggs, that we felt the need to dig them out of their natural hole, and place them somewhere else.  Saftey or not safety, we are infringing on life's natural way, just to satisfy our curiosity to witness this eventual hatching of the eggs. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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MMMMMMMM..valid points from everyone but we live in Malta and that makes things complicated......We help a turtle eggs, but not other endangered species......we protect turtle eggs but no the human being......the obvious question is WHY....... its not an easy answer, one can argue that its election time, A PR exercise etc.
What amazes me is why do the people not react why are we so policically blind. If the goverment does not act and does things which are dangerous for the Human being then we should send a msg either by protests or if too scared by the vote........we have a power station that runs on heavy fuel and the Maltese are passive about it......and dont think that affects only the people of birzebbugia it effects all living creatures on the island as well as the surrounding seas, the water table etc etc.
where are these envirementalists that keep quite and WHY?? if it harms the envirenmont that means all living creatures. How about noise pollution like gianpula or ta' you thing that noise pollution only effects humans how about the different creatures. How about the light pollution nowadays its hard to see the sky at night with the glare of the lights....dont they know that has an effect on migratory birds, local bats etc.
BUT all these do not make headlines a bunch of eggs do......mind you i am in favour of protecting the hatchlings and I hope that we have more nesting in the furure, that is if it will be reported as I have ny doubts.....
Oh i am watching the news and they just said that there is a concert of Isle of MTV and its being held on the granneries in Valletta (Floriana), 50,000 youngsters jumping up and down, the noise well there are only residents in the area no turtle eggs, light pollution who cares (eggs dont fly)......hello Mepa and co wake up ...........

I could keep on and on but there is only one thing to say ONLY IN MALTA and that my friends summs it all up................


the answer to all your questions shanook is CORRUPTION.


Quote from: The_Gaffer on June 25, 2012, 16:53:23 CET
I am a very keen viewer of National Goegraphic, Animal planet, and Nat Geo wild.  I have never witnessed the researchers, crew, or supporting team ever interfere with the natural course of nature, even when life and limb of the animals was at stake.  They permitted nature to take its course, allowing for the natural checks and balances built into the life cycle of the earth's wild life to take its natural course. Here, we're above that, as no sooner had the poor turtle layed its eggs, that we felt the need to dig them out of their natural hole, and place them somewhere else.  Saftey or not safety, we are infringing on life's natural way, just to satisfy our curiosity to witness this eventual hatching of the eggs. 

We have been interfering with nature all the time, but generally to work against it rather than with it - this whole turtle issue is an issue precisely because we have messed around with nature - to the extent that all our sandy beaches have been ruined from the ecological point of view such that a turtle laying eggs (which would probably have been a common event some time ago) makes the headlines.

And researchers do interfere with nature and are having to do this more and more often as they try to redress this huge imbalance that WE have created - species translocation from one place to another, captive breeding programs for reintroduction (even involving artificial insemination !) etc. Ideally all these last resort measures are best avoided but unfortunately they may be the only options available for saving species that have become endangered as a result of man's massive impacts on the environment.


@lazy fisherman- I understand that you possess a higher level of expertise and are more competent on this subject than I am. I see your point and accept it. Thanks.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Good points, but we have to keep the two points separate....

Govt. and Nature.

Let them poor eggs hatch in peace.....

and let the govt. show off, and bullshit with all this protection issue, after all we are not stupid and we can answer the govt. sooner or later...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Quote from: shanook on June 25, 2012, 19:42:16 CET
MMMMMMMM..valid points from everyone but we live in Malta and that makes things complicated......We help a turtle eggs, but not other endangered species......we protect turtle eggs but no the human being......the obvious question is WHY....... its not an easy answer, one can argue that its election time, A PR exercise etc.
What amazes me is why do the people not react why are we so policically blind. If the goverment does not act and does things which are dangerous for the Human being then we should send a msg either by protests or if too scared by the vote........we have a power station that runs on heavy fuel and the Maltese are passive about it......and dont think that affects only the people of birzebbugia it effects all living creatures on the island as well as the surrounding seas, the water table etc etc.
where are these envirementalists that keep quite and WHY?? if it harms the envirenmont that means all living creatures. How about noise pollution like gianpula or ta' you thing that noise pollution only effects humans how about the different creatures. How about the light pollution nowadays its hard to see the sky at night with the glare of the lights....dont they know that has an effect on migratory birds, local bats etc.
BUT all these do not make headlines a bunch of eggs do......mind you i am in favour of protecting the hatchlings and I hope that we have more nesting in the furure, that is if it will be reported as I have ny doubts.....
Oh i am watching the news and they just said that there is a concert of Isle of MTV and its being held on the granneries in Valletta (Floriana), 50,000 youngsters jumping up and down, the noise well there are only residents in the area no turtle eggs, light pollution who cares (eggs dont fly)......hello Mepa and co wake up ...........

I could keep on and on but there is only one thing to say ONLY IN MALTA and that my friends summs it all up................

Well, Shanook, every five years there is the election and a vote.

That is the best answer you can give to the a**h*** and du***ss politicians we have of whatever colour.

There might be the good one in the flock but its like a basket of apples, once one is rotten all become rotten....
Good season so far.....



A security guard employed by the Ministry of Resources and Rural Authority (MRRA) is to be removed from his job at Gnejna Bay after his own behaviour threatened the turtle nest he was sent to protect. A day after Gnejna Bay was declared an Emergency Conservation Area (ECA) by MEPA to ensure that the maximum protection for the site where a marine turtle laid a number of eggs on Wednesday, a security guard drove his car down to the beach, seemingly drunk, beamed his car lights onto the beach and even urinated near the nest."He was only removed from "working"in gnejna bay.i wonder what mepa{sic}has to say!


Quote from: Granitu on June 26, 2012, 09:42:46 CET
Well, Shanook, every five years there is the election and a vote.

That is the best answer you can give to the a**h*** and du***ss politicians we have of whatever colour.

Quote from: baghira on June 26, 2012, 08:33:52 CET
... after all we are not stupid and we can answer the govt. sooner or later...

Are you sure Granitu & Baghira, cause I really doubt it!!!!!!!!!!! The British say "ones bitten, twice shy" but this does not seem to apply to the Maltese, take for example the hunting issue!!!!! Bitten ones, bitten other times, and still voted for the present government.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP

The Darkman

Quote from: The_Gaffer on June 25, 2012, 22:45:31 CET
@lazy fisherman- I understand that you possess a higher level of expertise and are more competent on this subject than I am. I see your point and accept it. Thanks.

Excellent. I was told that one of the attractions for a Brit thinking of moving to Malta was that we had a similar sense of humour. And this is precisely the kind of sarcasm that puts a smile on my face. See you soon !