My Catches!

Started by Arti2, December 18, 2007, 20:46:34 CET

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Perla 165

fkelma wahda mhux worth it. mill lima nassi tamel big boy it tondi jew il kwadri? li isib lahjar?
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Jien nahseb ahjar katusi. Mhux tal-plastic imma tal-fuhhar. Xejn, xejn jekk titilfuhom ma jaghmlux hsara bhan-nassi. Generalment jaghmlu jew katusi maghluqin minn wara b'toqba fin-nofs, jew bombli tal-fuhhar.

Ma ghandi xejn kontra n-nassi, ghax hut ikun hemm idur maghhom imma jekk jintilfu bil-maltemp jidhol hut jew qarnit u jmut go fihom xorta.

Tal-plastic ma tantx ghandhom kulur naturali l-katusi.
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Today I went spearfishing and I caught a nice Leerfish (Serra Hoxna).

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Once again Arti2 you've done a great catch :D
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


Nice one Arti2, I imagine the trill catching that on a rod!!
Can't wait to go fishing


nice catch as always. Had you saw any more of this fish? was it chasing other fish? when I caught one this year, it was chasing "ic cawl" and I was doing aspettoes for seabass


All os a sudden the sea surface was full with blue runners, they were either chasing smaller fish or were being attacked by this fish. I swam towards the fish in the surface that's why I know they were blue runners. As the water wasn't so clear I couldn't see well and the only thing I saw was fish scales everywhere and I saw no fish to shoot on. Then I dived to the bottom and saw this leerfish (serra).  I shot about 3 metres away and got it with the 90. As I have no reel and wasn't sure were I got it I left it taking the float. I hit it in the belly so it was a good thing not to pull it towards me. Then when it was tired I got my 75 and hit it better.
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i think its better for you a 75cm gun, very light with a small reel, like saying can have 30mtr of line


But when I got my 90 instead of 75 I got more fish. You are right about the 75 though because its lighter to turn.
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if you put .80 line on it with a 6mm shaft you get the best performance for you waters


Yesterday again I tried my luck. In about 3hrs I caught these:

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Impressive. I take it you sell all that Octopus to restaurants right.


Wow wow wow.
I found this thread just now. Its a very nice representation of you Arti. Even though I do not know you, I admire your catches, and respect the fact that you post pictures.
I go spearfishing on a weekly basis, not so often as you do, but I ve been going for ages now. I never saw that amount of octo. To tell you all I am not so keen in finding octopus. But when you go fishing, either you go for octo, or for some other fish using other techniques. I am surprised how you do both at same dive. (One thing that ran thru my mind is the time that you go........and I cannot not ask?? was it night )
I am also a scuba diver, and I also practice it a lot. This may be a reason that I do not go spearfishing as often , as I have this other hobby which keeps me occupied. To tell you all, before I also used to go with a speargun, but since I have been doing spearfishing more professionally, I can assure you that the two things have been separated, and I am now catching fish on my underwater camery whilst diving. It gives you much more pride and satisfaction, knowing that you got fish with your talent, and with no other artificial help.
Whilst scuba, I usually try to discover fish attitude, but fish have a different attitude towards divers, especially in some places. I've viewed  ceren, kahli, dentex at a few centimetres from my mask whilst diving. This is unimmaginable whilst freediving. Mind you, I was not hiding or aspetto with cylinders, I was swimming open sea. But I never saw this impressive amount of octopus. You should have a good place for it, and I am immagining the only plave that this might be.

It also seems to me that you do not dive very deep, and this also shows an improved technique, whilst teaching some other members not to give up.

By the way, one thing I do not like is the fact that you go alone.........Try to be safer. I know its hard to share, and to find a guy with your same time schedule and dedication. God knows how many times I did not go for this reason.

Anyway, good luck, and once again, prosit.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


In the past I went with my father and really I enjoyed it together with my father. But from about 1995 I always go alone. One reason is that the more others know your places sometimes the more they come, they tell everyone. When I go with others it has to be a relative or one of my best friends or someone who shares his place!

When I have any chance I go. The fact that I catch both fish and octopus is that every place I go I remember particular areas where to search for octopus (bejtiet) and areas where to find fish like seabreams.
But sometimes its a matter of luck. My uncle tells me that if I dive in a well I also catch an octopus!!!
I had a good teacher my father!

I found out that there are particular times during the day when to catch fish. These are early in the morning, at noon and in the evening is good too.

Presently I found out that in the evening is somewhat better for seabreams. So I go at about 16:00, search some places for octopus and the remaining time till about 19:30 I concentrate on fish. Today I am going at 14:00.

Normally I go early in the morning like others do. I spend always about 8Hrs max and a min of 5Hrs, so thats why I catch both fish and octopus cause I have plenty of time to do that.
Another thing is that when I sometimes caught octopus fish come for food inside their nest and sometimes seabreams come too close for my speargun so..
Other fish like blue runners and amberjacks sometimes are attracted too to octopus so they come close too.

Thats why the catch is somewhat always mixed.
If I had a camera I consider taking some nice pics like yours.

Btw I like to catch a nice fish more than to catch an octopus.

Eh and if u want to ask me other things feel free to PM me.
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