Fish On - Hooked on Fishing

Started by The_Gaffer, September 10, 2012, 15:01:12 CET

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Genuine Engine/Boat tests done in the correct manner like

Equipment reviews incl Terminal tackle would be good too, saves ppl buying the wrong stuff


Having read all the valid comments, if all was incorporated it would be a great maltese fishing tv series. However as rightly said, costs are high and its almost impossible not to combine sponsors to such a venture. And obviously sponsors want their products visible all the time, as well as logos and spots shown every 2 minutes. Which is really annoying and detracts from the whole idea! So what if instead of being a TV series it would be produced as a dvd series. The purchase of the dvd would make the whole idea feasible, as well as avoiding the need to over-sponsor it. If the dvd was at a reasonable price im sure a lot of people would buy it. Obviously it is easier said then done, and I am sure most people would buy one, and copy the dvd for a 100 times to distribute it to friends. However, again this can be tackled in various ways. Just a basic idea which can be worked upon. 


Impartiality is possible. A one hr TV programme is entitled to 12 minutes advertising time. So a 1hr programme works out at 48minutes programming and 12 min advertising. However, good idea on the DVD suggestion, fruit for thought!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Xi punti ckejknin ..

inkludi intervisti ma sajjieda xjuh kemm fuq il-metodi u ghodda ta zmienhom (minghajr teknologija) u ovvjament kwantitajiet ta qbid u prezzijiet ta hut ta dak iz-zmien.

Progetti ta konservazzjoni b'lenti kritika .... Advantages/disadvantages ta fish farming; ricerki minn universitajiet fuq dinamika tal-mediterran (lessepsian immigration mil-Egittu); bram etc etc

Effetti ta bidliet fil-klima, salinita, waves/aeration, turbidity etc fuq il-produzzjoni tal-alka,hut etc.

Migration patterns & Routes

Gadgets relatati mal-mestier [boating/shorefishing/spearfishing/photography etc]

my 2 cents worth insomma u prosit.


I have another suggestion, which should provide a quantative benefit to this exercise.  How many people, directly or indirectly, benefit (financially) from the recreational fishing industry in Malta.  Just to mention a few areas, Fishing tackle outlets,tackle and bait importers, boat builders and boat importers, inborad/outboard importers, marine outlets, charter companies.  One could quantify the amout of people working and supported by the recreational fishing industry, and the contribution to the economy.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: The_Gaffer on September 17, 2012, 13:58:29 CET
I have another suggestion, which should provide a quantative benefit to this exercise.  How many people, directly or indirectly, benefit (financially) from the recreational fishing industry in Malta.  Just to mention a few areas, Fishing tackle outlets,tackle and bait importers, boat builders and boat importers, inborad/outboard importers, marine outlets, charter companies.  One could quantify the amout of people working and supported by the recreational fishing industry, and the contribution to the economy.

This is a difficult exercise gaffer - But i can help you on this as I have something in my hands that can get you a rough estimate. PM me.
Good season so far.....


What I find missing in most fishing programs is explanations on sounder images. Every boat has a sounder these days but there is very little information about how different fish show on the screen.
Wicked Tuna shows this very well but that is for Tuna only. We need same information for other type of fish too.
Goodluck btw.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Share the adventure, live the excitement, get first hand experiences as we provide unbiased reviews on tackle, which lures are hot, which setup and bait serves you best, and subject boats to a sea trials and reliability tests.  This is Fish On, the weekly television series on One.

Each episode uncovers the secrets employed by local recreational fishermen while practicing their favourite pastime.  Hear those reels scream, see those rods bend, listen to those tongues lash when a fish manages to get away.  Listyen to experts in their respective fields sharing their knowledge and experience, whether its safety at sea,  performing emergency repairs on inboards and outboards while out at sea, knot tying, which tackle works best, and why the need for conservation at sea. 

Ride the waves with us while we put to test locally built or imported boats.  Follow the reviews on fishing tackle and electronics.  Fish On is guaranteed to keep you hooked for 45 minutes to your sets. 

Fish On
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Prosit. Very nice news indeed. Ghal meta gaffer - next summer?


The evidence is overwhelming.  Fishing is fast becoming the national pastime.  Whether one is dangling a line from a fishing pole along the shore, or speeding in a sports fishing boat to his or her favorite fishing grounds, people from all walks of life in Malta are hooked to this fascinating recreational activity.  Fishing. 
Recent research suggests that there is a very healthy appetite from local enthusiasts for a locally produced, unbiased fishing related TV series.  A TV series which would focus on delivering 12 TV programs dedicated to recreational fishing in Malta.  This series is projected to be aired during the summer programming timetable.  The main elements of the series would highlight various fishing techniques from land and sea, bundled as fishing adventures.  An unbiased technical review of sport fishing boats and tackle used by the local enthusiast, information on conservation and sustainability, safety at sea and legislation.  The series aims to demonstrate real life drama while out on a fishing adventure, with an emphasis on the trials and tribulations of a successful hook-up or the agony of defeat.  Light hearted humour, mixed-in with the unexpected situations, embarrassing moments and often the crude language that follows when a fish breaks the line will contribute to making this series as close as possible to the real thing.   
The expectation is to create a TV series which is unique.  Unique in the sense that each episode will break away from the usual pattern of Maltese TV programming sequences.  It will project an unbiased but positive opinion without shooting down items, equipment or boats under review.  Does not promote single sided agendas, but most importantly portrays the real story, being that  if the fish broke the line or managed to release itself, then that's what the viewers see.  If only one fish was caught during the particular shooting, then that's what viewers will witness.  Above all the producers aim is to portray the unique sense of comradeship, competitiveness and pride of every fisherman in Malta, while displaying the collective respect for the fish we seek.

Jibda ghas-sajf li gej, on One, prime time. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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good luck for program. we need an unbiased program.


GOOD LUCK whenever u need help just ask and whenever possible we will accommodate. I hope that I am not being presumptuous but I believe it to be every forum members wish.


Ha nghidha bil Malti ha jifhmni kullhadd.  Il-prgram huwa taghkom.  Ser nakkommodow is-suggerimenti taghkom kemm nistaw f'kull program.  Intom ser tkunu l-protagonisti.  Intom ser tghinu biex dan is-serje tkun success.  

Kien ghalhekk li staqsejt ghas suggerimenti taghkom.  Dawn servew ta input  biex gie zviluppat u prezentat il-program proposal lil One li mill-ewwel inlaqa b'entuzjazmu.  L-ahwa, din mhux politika, morna fuq One ghax fuq in-NET ga hemm wiehed, u PBS hemm programmi simili ukoll.  Barra minn hekk, One productions offrew l-ghajuna kollha tahhom.

Tony (Shanook), nirringrazzjak tal-appog u l-ghajnuna.  Perswaz li fil-qarib ser inhabbatlek il-bieb ghal ghajnuna, u cert li tiftahli u taqdini.  L-ahwa. is-sorprizi fil program Fish ON ma jaqtaw xejn.  Dan huwa program mis-sajjieda, ghas sajjieda!!...u ifhmuni....kullhadd mistieden biex jippartecipa.

Ghalissa ha nieqaf hawn, pero bhal ma ghedt iktar il-fuq, kull episodju jindirizza is-suggerimenti taghkom kollha!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Proset u gdluck

Gaffer is sugeriment tieghi ta nisa sbieh ha tiehdu inkonsiderazjoni jew?   :) :) :)
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


Niccajta qijed ta ma jmurx jerga jihodni bi serjeta xi hadd!!!!
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!