Fish On - Hooked on Fishing

Started by The_Gaffer, September 10, 2012, 15:01:12 CET

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Quote from: ggantno1 on September 20, 2012, 22:02:29 CET
Proset u gdluck

Gaffer is sugeriment tieghi ta nisa sbieh ha tiehdu inkonsiderazjoni jew?   :) :) :)

Is-suggerimenti taghkom kollha huma indirizzati.  :P
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Le hallik ggantno1, dak kien l. Aqwa suggeriment li kien hemm :)p


Quote from: The_Gaffer on September 17, 2012, 13:58:29 CET
I have another suggestion, which should provide a quantative benefit to this exercise.  How many people, directly or indirectly, benefit (financially) from the recreational fishing industry in Malta.  Just to mention a few areas, Fishing tackle outlets,tackle and bait importers, boat builders and boat importers, inborad/outboard importers, marine outlets, charter companies.  One could quantify the amout of people working and supported by the recreational fishing industry, and the contribution to the economy.
I have written about this on the forum a couple of years back.  Politics is mostly about the economy, and if we can actually determine how much money we spend per kg of fish we take home, and convince politicians and lobby groups that our figures make sense, our hobby will automatically be safeguarded.  A TV series highlighting this aspect would definitely help our cause.
Also, on point that is rarely given attention is a better use of the marine resources.  A large percentage of fish caught by industrial fishing is thrown back into the sea, in most cases dead or dying.  This is a complete waste of a valuable resource.
Another issue I read about over and over again is tuna ranching destroying tuna stocks.  I can say that since ACCAT have established and enforced the quotas (about four years ago), I've seen large tuna pods breaching the surface on more than one occasion, something I previously never saw (I started fishing about 10 years ago).  I will not comment on the division of the actuals quotas between groups of fishermen, because they are clearly skewed in one direction. 



Thanks Kane.  Daqt inkelmek, qabel ma tbieh dak il-gmiel ta bimbu l-ghandek.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I'd rather be fishing.....


I only fish on days that end in "Y" ...


Regards Saviour


July 2013 Fish On fuq One fit 8.30pm
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Proset, ahna programmi dan it-tip irridu naraw u hawn l-ghatx ghalihom, awguri.


Well done, Great news and looking forward to some great content and several first's for this type of local TV programme.



any help i can offer just ask.


Great initiative. Keep it up.
But just 12 episodes seem not enough to tackle all the subjects.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Let's start with the first 12 and than if the programme is a great success I am more than sure that there will be more.

Good luck to all involved in this new series. It seems a very exciting one. Keep us informed Joe. Well done for this great initiative.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP