Federation Meeting with Fisheries Board Sub Committee for new Sport/Recreational

Started by frabel, November 12, 2012, 21:03:22 CET

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U haga ohra kif wasslu ghal-dawn il-proposti???? Nispera li hemm xi studji xjentifici warajhom dawn il-proposti kif ukoll ir-rizultati mistennija bdawn il-mizuri u li nistghu narawhom. Ghax jekk ma hemm xejn minn dan, jista xi hadd jispjegalna fuq liema bazi hargu dawn il-proposti???


Ha nghidilkom jien ghala erba minn nies qed jidfdettaw kollox.  Dawn ghandhom pressure minn certi ghaqdiet, gruppi, inhawi, sejhulhom li tridu, biex kemm jista jkun, il-sajd jigi ikontrollat,   Dan minhabba lobby iebes gej mill-EU. l-aktar grupp daghjjef huwa id-dilettant tas-sajd, mhux tal MFB jew MFA, ghax dawk raprezzentati sew, mela dur ghalijhom.  Dawn immorru l-EU, u jghidu ara, ghamilna dawn ir-regolamenti tas-sajd, li ma jghidulhomx huwa li dawn ir-regolamenti japplikaw biss ghad-delettant. 
Fattur iehor huwa li dawn il-gruppi ikollhom certu miri li jridu jintlahqu, u f'daqqa wahda jintebhu li wasalna ghal gheluq ta legislatura ohra, u milli ghedna m'hemm xejn.
It-tielet fattur huwa li hemm cans kbir li fi ftit jiem ohra, jekk ma jghaddiex il-budget, il-gvern ma jkollox ghazla ohra hlief li sejjah elezzjoni, peress li rabat il-budget ma vot ta sfiducja.  Jekk jigri hekk, allura dak kollu li hemm ippjanat, ikollu jistenna sa wara l-elezzjoni.  Anki jekk ma jinbiddilx il-gvern, xort jaf ikun hemm bidla fil-ministru, li tghati lok ghal bidla fil mentalita, policy, sejhula li tridu.  U alliura, dawn ix-xewqat ta dawn il-gruppi, jergaw lura ghal mejda tal-hsieb.  Jekk jinbiddel il-gvern, allura is-sitwazjoni tinbiddel ghal kollox.
Ghalhekk din l'ghagla kollha, biex dak li ghandu jigi deciz, jigi decizz, u jghaddi baxx baxx.  Il-hasra hi li hemm raprezentanti ta sajjieda delettanti maqbudin f'din ix-xibka tal-hazen.  Ghalhekk, minnufih qed nitlob li dawn jirtirraw minn dawn il-laqghat moqzieza, li l-ghan tahhom biss huwa li jxeklu l-passatemp taghna.  Jirtiraw, u jirrigistraw it-tilwima tahhom mal-Kunsill Nazjonali tal-isport.  Aktar minn hekk, tigi irrigistrata tilwima mal-Ombudsman, fejn jigi mghharraf b'dak kollu li qed jigi.  Hemm bzonn  ukoll li din il-kwistjoni nwasluha ukoll fuq livell politiku. L-aqwa opportunita bhalissa hija li niltaqaw mall-mexxeja tal-partiti politici, u nwaslu l-messag taghna li ahna, fl-eluf taghna, ma naqblu xejn ma dan kollu.  Oltre minn hekk, nistidnu l-partiti politici biex jinkludu l-weghedi tahhom fil-manifest elettorali taghhom, halli meta nigu ghal vott, inkunu nafu liema hu dak il-partit li hu favur is-sajjied dillettant.  Tinsewx l-ahwa, qedin fl-eluf ahna...ejja ma jigrilniex bhal kaccaturi.
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Quote from: EmicMalta on November 13, 2012, 20:59:09 CET

Rigward il hrapen, jista xi hadt jajdli kif nista naqbad huta waqt li nkun diving bl apnea minghajr harpoon? Dan ifisser li anke l italja, franza, spanja u il kumplament ta l unjoni europea se jkolla twaqqaf is sajd bil harpoon???

Mela ma smajtx Dward.  Dawn l-ghorrief li qed jiltaqaw, ser jaghmlu kors ghad-divers kollha, gej wiehed minn barra, biex jghallem lid-divers kif isejhu l-hut jersqu vicin tahhom, umbghadd johorgu lembuba u jfajrulha wahda kif tmiss il-ligi fuq ras il-huta. X'tambieh il-harpoon meta jkollok il-power li sejjah huta hekk!!!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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The Malta Fishing Forum has the largest registered member base of recreational fishers encompassing land, boat and underwater. Given the ramifications of these proposals we indeed should be duly represented in our own right.

As recreational fishers we are not part time fishers earning an income, yet it seems the Fishing Directorate want to single us out as the culprits. I don't need to expand much as we all know the reasons for fish stock depletion - Gross unregulated overfishing by MFA/MFB vessels catching severely undersized fish in huge quantities over the last couple of decades or so.

The Fisheries Board Sub Committee has failed to gather all stakeholders if it feels having the Federation is representation of the majority of recreational fishers. The Federation primarily represents the clubs associated with it, but a significant number of recreational fishers prefer to enjoy their past time than feel obliged to join a club. As such they can keep themselves informed and share ideas and learn techniques on the MFF....and therefore their voice should be heard.

I am more than happy to send out an announcement to all registered users, asking them to sign an online poll or petition if need be.

In the meantime we will be pursuing having these discussions suspended. I was aware of the creation of this Commitee as Dr. Joe has always been kind enough to CC me on certain mails with Fisheries. However based on the mails I saw I was under the impression this was to deal with Bluefin and Swordfish quotas and to put forward views to ICAAT. Not such an extensive and potentially seriously discriminatory set of propsals.


Guys, up until this point, I have outlined a strategy how one should tackle this situation which is slowly developing.  However, thanks to the post by Frabel, we were alerted to some very worrying things which seem to be taking place behind closed doors, to the extent that members here are implying that the clubs have not been informed about these discussions.  I have outlined, in Maltese, what the Federation should do, and that is, immediately call for a halt in these discussions, failure to which, the Federation lodges a formal complaint with the National Sport's council, and inform in writing the National ombudsman aginst this blatant discrimination against  recreational fishing.
Allow me now to outline what the MFF is about to do.  
I have written to the Leader of the Opposition, where a delegation from the MFF requests a meeting with the PL and spokespersons for fishing, recreational activity and maritime activity.  Our agenda will be to raise the awareness of the PL to the shenengens going on with these meetings, and request that whatever is decided in these meetings be declared null and void by a new Governement  should the PL be voted to government after the nex tgeneral election.  Moreover, we will discuss our ideas with the PL, encourage the PL to include these ideas into their electoral manifesto (roadmap) so tha tpeople are well informed of the direction to be taken in the future.  I have already recieved a positive response on this request, and a delegation of the MFF will be meeting the PL in the coming weeks.
I will do exactly the same thing with the party in Governement, the PN.  I will request tha ta delegation from MFF meets the PM, and respective spokepersons, including the minsister responsible for all this.  I will request that these meetings are immediately suspended, as they are not reflective and representative of recreational fishing.  

I am drafting an email to the IGFA, as the MFF are members, and inform the IGFA how recreational fishing and fishers are treated in Malta.
I think Nick's (Skip's) onlione petition will come in handy, just as a show of force, and that the MFF does really mean business.  Remember we are 2660 members here, quite a force to be reckoned with.

What you can do? - I expect each and every one of you to exert as much pressure as possible on your MPs (they're doing house visits at the moment) and expose this sub committee for what it really is. If we all make a noise about this, I'm sure it will be heard at the very top.  

For starters, how about starting an online campaign agains tthese meetings on facebook.  you'd be surprised how effective this is,
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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They didn't take care of what the Hunters and trappers had as a hobby which number over 17,000 let alone us. this goverment is a bulldozer on single hobby organisations.

you will see
Petecraft 17 Sport with Suzuki DF90..............


Quote from: digger0579 on November 14, 2012, 08:42:52 CET
They didn't take care of what the Hunters and trappers had as a hobby which number over 17,000 let alone us. this goverment is a bulldozer on single hobby organisations.

you will see

This is not the attitude I was expecting.  There are valid reasons why the hunting and trapping lobby failed miserably in the quest to secure the best deal with both the government and the EU.  I will not mention them here, but I will mention one fact, which is public knowledge now.  The Hunters and trapping federation where lied to, taken for a ride, and ridiculed beyond all extremes.  This is public knowledge.
As to us recreational fishermen, our position is much different.  If we unite, and walk the talk, then we are a force to be reckoned with.  We will argue reason with facts, and treason with disdain.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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As promised yesterday, the same request for a meeting with the PM and spokespersons of the PN has just been forwatrded to the PN. 
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I represent The Malta Skin Divers Club, which is the only club on the island that organises spearfishing competitions on a regular basis, would like to be informed with what is going on regarding this matter.
You may contact us on Facebook - Maltaskin Divers or by e-mail josetteg@maltanet.net or by phone 79593884


@Dr. Carabott + Frank Abela - Nispera li qed tindunaw li l-membri tal clubs affiljati mal federation huma kollha vuci wahda li dawn id-diskussjonijiet li qedin taghmlu ghandhom jieqfu immediatament.
Hemm bzonn intuwilkhom bil-miktub din ukoll?

Jien qed nistieden wiehed minnkhom biex bhal ma ghamilna fl-imghoddi, nergu ninghaqdu spalla ma spalla u tigu maghna meta niltaqu mal-partiti politici biex niddiskutu kif ser nimxu l-quddiem.  Diga ghandha konferma li l-PL lest jiltaqa maghna.  M'ghandiex dubju li l-PN jaghmel l-istess.  Pero id-diskussjonijiet irrridu jieqfu immediatament, inkella irtirraw minn dawn id-diskussjonijiet, tissejjah laqgha ghad-dilettanti kollha tas-sajd, u hemm niddeciedu l-pass li jmiss.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: The_Gaffer on November 13, 2012, 21:17:00 CET
....... Oltre minn hekk, nistidnu l-partiti politici biex jinkludu l-weghedi tahhom fil-manifest elettorali taghhom, halli meta nigu ghal vott, inkunu nafu liema hu dak il-partit li hu favur is-sajjied dillettant.  Tinsewx l-ahwa, qedin fl-eluf ahna...ejja ma jigrilniex bhal kaccaturi.

Joe haga li tinkwetani hafna hija li jista' jigri l-istess kif gara lill-kaccaturi, lili nnifsi nkluz. Ftit qabel l-elezzjoni, Eddie Fenech Adami bghat lilna l-kaccaturi pagni shah b'weghdiet li l-kacca mhux se tintmiss, u li jekk tintmiss, din se tkun ghall-ahjar. U dan suppost bil-barka tal-EU u bid-derogi li suppost gabilna. Kulhadd jaf x'gara. L-ghaziz eks prim ministru tnejjek bina f'wiccna u wahhalulna bil-pulit ghax kulhadd jaf f'hiex giet is-sitwazzjoni tal-kacca u l-insib. Ma nistax nifhem kif il-FKNK qatt ma gabitha zewg meta hemm dawk l-eluf kollha ta' kaccaturi. Wisq nibza' li l-istess ghaqda hadmitna minn taht. U l-istess qed nibza' mill-istess Federazzjoni tas-Sajd!!!!
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@Malvizzu - jidher li hekk ha jigri. Interess ta Xejn.  Jien pjuttost m'ghandiex ghalfejn ninkwieta ruhi, ghax il-lanca tieghi qeda irregistrata MFC u Valletta.  Iggifieri pjuttost imissni nghamel bhal haddiehor, noqod gallarija, u nhalli kollox ghaddej.  Wara kollox, jien nohrog nistad ghal Alungi bil-qasab, ghat-tonn meta johrogli l-permess bil-qasba mmur, u la konzijiet, u wisq inqas xibka ma nitfa.  Jien ga nhallas licenza biex nistad  ;)
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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@ gaffer. kieku li thallas l licenzja biss as sajd lanqas jimporta tghid m hemmx xtaghmel taxxa ohra ma l ohrajn issa drajna li t taxxi ma ghadhomx jizdiedu fil-budget imma matul s-sena biex tinata l-impressjoni li mumiex jaghmlu taxxi godda. Li tinkwetani huwa dawk r regoli bla sens u biex jinqdew certu nies li jimponu fuqna u igibuna nitkelmu wehdna