Federation Meeting with Fisheries Board Sub Committee for new Sport/Recreational

Started by frabel, November 12, 2012, 21:03:22 CET

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@Shanook - I hear you, and totally agree with you.  Something is not right.  The discussions are taking place at a very late stage in this Government's legislature, there are too many unknown unknowns, and there are too many high powered, money hungry stakeholders involved in these discussions.  However, and this is a big however, myself alone (and I don't mind walking the road alone) cannot do anything about it.  Also, I am giving decency the benefit of th doubt, decency being that I truely beleive that Dr. Joe Carabott is a decent, genuine and trustworthy person.  Unfortunately, Dr.Joe is not alone in these discussions, and its the other individuals who I don't trust.  
So, yes, on the one hand I share the same feeling as you Tony.  On the other hand, I need to take a step back and observe the scene unfold before I really put on the pressure.  We have at least made a step in the right direction, being that the MFF and the Federation will be meeting the political parties to discuss the best way forward for the benefit of recreational fishing.  
One thing is for sure, the quicker the Federation decides to call a National meeting for all recreational fisherman, the better.  I would feel much more at ease and comfortable that Dr.Joe would be reflecting the sentiments and wishes of what the majority of recreational fisherman want, and not what a Notary feels is the right thing for us, whether he is a recreational fisherman or not.  I feel that all affiliated clubs within the federation should push the Federation to calling a national meeting to discuss and agree on a way forward.  If this does not happen, then we all have something real to worry about.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Joe (gaffer) as I already told you the Federation has in mind to organise a National Amateur Meeting i.e. for all Maltese and Foreign amateur fisherman that practice their hobby from Malta.
Now since we are all on the same frequency, always allowing and discussing different opinions, this general meeting can be organized. The Federation committee meeting next Thursday has this on the agenda. Also one must realize that the Federation has to have a final draft document ( type of white paper) to present during  the meeting for discussion where the floor will decide to adhere or not to proposals in the draft. At this stage if certain proposals due to valid reasons are not accepted by the majority, I will again call on the sub committee to reconsider the objections.

Another way is that I as  Secretary of  Federation will post on Fed website and MFF the drafted proposals and have the feed back of amateur fisherman. I am sure that the message will be carried to every corner of Malta. Here we amateur fisherman should show our real love towards recreational fishing by opening a real and sound discussion.
I already had a couple of questions from MFF members which I answered. Also I still have to answer redhead and shannook but the valid issues they raised are  still being discussed in the sub committee and no draft has as yet been drawn. Once these issues are  discussed I will post to both members. Further questions are welcome. The term of reference which is in an advanced stage is the type of gears used by recreational  fisherman.   

Also please, everybody should understand  that the Federation did not propose or organize this sub committee. We are present to give our opinion and defend amateur fisherman from any proposal that may influence adversely our hobby. We need your help.



Dr. Joe, since you mentioned 'gears' better refered to as fishing equipment, I will talk about it as well.  I didn't want to bring up this subject, because as yet I have no information about what type of 'gear' is acceptable and allowed to be used by recreational fisherman.  I have my own views which I have privately shared with you, but that is simply my opinion.  Others may view things differently, and we need to respect that opinion too.  However, when it is seen that those opinions go against the spirit of recreational fishing as an activity, then we need to call a spade a spade.  I will not elaborate further here, as this is a public forum.

We need to define recreational fishing for what it really is.  We must also acknowledge the fact that recreational fishing has become a multi million euro business in Malta, whereby thousands of passionate enthusiasts sustain local fishing outlets, marine related outlets, and a host of support enterprizes who enjoy the income generated from the services renedered to the recreational fishing community, from fuel purchases to mechanics, to divers who inspect renew or repair moorings to marina fees, boat repairs, boat yards, and a plethoria of other services, which list is too long to put down here.  The recreational fisherman expects these entities to support our cause, as we are the ones who generate and drive their business.  So you see guys, in actual fact, we may not bring over tourist divers to look at our beautiful reefs and sunken treasures, but we sure as hell put bread on the table of a number of businesses and individual entrepenours who enjoy the benefits generated by recreational (passionate) fishermen.  

I have attempted to list some known facts about our passion.  An activity which is not only providing recreational space to our needs, but also generating a living for a number of entities. Let us all come together to form a united front to protect what is rightfully ours.   
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Dawn fil-laqghat ma isemmu xejn rigward pariti ghax jekk hemm xi haga li trid tinqata huma l-pariti nahseb jien......


Jiena nemmen li kollox qed jissemma.  Pero habib, importanti li ma nippuntawx subghajna lejn hadd ghalissa.  Halli johorgu l-fatti f'forma ta 'white paper' kif wegheduna tal-Federation, issir il-laqgha nazzjonali, umbghadd minn hemm kollha flimkien nidecciedu il-pass li jmiss.  
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Sewwa tkellem Joe (gaffer).

Jien jekk ikolli l-permess li nikteb fuq il Forum lista ta' irkaptu (fishing equipment) jien hekk naghmel. Nar it-tnien 19 ta' Novembru waqt  l-laghqa tal-kumitat  insaqsi nistax naghmel hekk min issa.
If I will have permission to name the fishing equipment I will do so. Next Monday I will ask whether I can at this time of discussions.



My friends,
i'm not a member in any club ,because at wied zurrieq there isn't a committe, will i be able to attend any national meetings if there is any?


Yes, I beleive Gogo has already made this clear.  All recreational fishermen, both locals and foreign, will be able to attend the national meeting.  "Joe (gaffer) as I already told you the Federation has in mind to organise a National Amateur Meeting i.e. for all Maltese and Foreign amateur fisherman that practice their hobby from Malta."

Iva, kullhadd jista jattendi din il-laqgha nazzjonali, intix membru ta klabb jew le.  Diga qal Dr. Joe li dawk kollha li huma sajjieda dilettanti li jistadu fl-ibhra Maltin, kemm jekk huma Maltin, kif ukoll barranin, jistu jattendu. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Dear Werzieq,

National meeting means for all Amateur fishermen practicing their hobby in Malta.
Yes, not you can but you must.



Quote from: Marenostrum on November 16, 2012, 11:07:53 CET
Dawn fil-laqghat ma isemmu xejn rigward pariti ghax jekk hemm xi haga li trid tinqata huma l-pariti nahseb jien......

Nahseb qed tohlom habib, ghidli kif ha tfiehem xlukkajr jew xi ghawdxi li ma jistax imur jistad bl-ghazel..

Il parit jaghmel hsara, imma kieku irid isir pass importanti lejn il konservazzjoni, jinqata dan is sajd sfrenat bit tkarkir, gangmu, bombi (din ghanda ssir sfortunatament minn certu individwi veru nsara) u s sajd esagerat bil lampara u x xibka (hut taht dghajjes bl lampa, u wara idawruh)

Il parit jaghmel hsara, imma tahsbux li jaghmel dik l hsara sfrenata li hafna jahsbu. L hut wara certu zmien hawn postijiet dara l parit... Kieku jinqata ideali, imma fil hajja trid tkun realistiku
Good season so far.....


@Granitu....ghidli kif fehmu lix xlukkajri u lil ghawdxin li ma jistax jonsob jew jispara..................but I agree with you that there are worse practices that do more damage.
The shore fisherman is mostly hit by this method and we must take care of all fisherman, those using a boat, from shore or diving.

@gogo .........hey I know its not an easy matter being in that seat. I am sure that with your experience, you can realize that those who post are not being malicious but enthusiastic for their hobby and as everyone knows their most expensive investment. In my opinion theses meeting should be held with the various entities. Why are the full time professional fisherman discussing the future of the amateur fisherman? Why should they decide what we should or should not do? They do not carry the same agenda. I respect and admire the full time fisherman, as the sea is not a piece of cake and they have to make a living out of it, but thats as far as it goes.
I think there should be change in the way that the Gov operates, not put everyone in the same basket so that we get something done in a hurry.


Quote from: shanook on November 16, 2012, 14:23:18 CET
@Granitu....ghidli kif fehmu lix xlukkajri u lil ghawdxin li ma jistax jonsob jew jispara..................but I agree with you that there are worse practices that do more damage.
The shore fisherman is mostly hit by this method and we must take care of all fisherman, those using a boat, from shore or diving.

Lol shanook... kif fehmu... taparsi ma jmorrux.... imma jitfaw xi tifel jew xi xih qabel id dahla ta delimara biex jekk jidhol xi appostlu jinfurmhom li gej fuqhom u jzarmaw minnufih. Hemm sal kanen go l art biex jahbu s snieter u johrog mill ghalqa biz zappun u jahbi t tajr go lart biex mbad jaqilawh bil lejl jew meta jkunu jistaw jaghmlu dan...

Hemm min osserva il ligi, u emm min jisfida l ligi. Dik il hajja. Pero nibqa mmeraviljat fuq haga wahda... nies intelligenissimi (irid ikollok intelligenza biex ikollok l ALE u bird life fuqek u ma jaqbdukx) li kieku juzaw l intelligenza taghhom b mod ghaqli, zgur mhux qedin fis sitwazzjoni li spiccaw..

Fuq s sajd, l abbuz qatt ma tista taqtaw shanook... dejjem ikun emm dak il bniedem li isib mod kif jevadi s sistema u ma jinqabadx... Fuq il parit u x xlukkajri, trid tkun gust ukoll... Hafna minnhom llum qalbhom maqtuwha u izarmaw qedin... fadal min ghadu jahdem imma zgur mhux ihajru t tfal taghhom jaqbdu l mestier taghhom. Huma nies li wara kollox jafu l bahar fuq ponot subghajhom u kieku jibzaw inqas mill bidla, nemmen li dawn huma n nies li jistaw jaghtu kontribut siewi fuq l konservazzjoni. Dawn nies li hafna minnhom ghexu fuq il bahar u zgur jghallmuna mux nghallmuhom. Zgur ma jistax jghallem fuq konservazzjoni xi owner ta xi diving school.... nizlu diving wrecks b apparat tal plastic li hallewhom emm (telephones ect) fil bahar li jikkontamina u jiehu 500 sena biex jiddegrada ruhu.

Ftit huma l mgienen llum li jinvestu biex jahdmu fis sajd - l ispejjez zdiedu u l prezz tal hut naqas (meta jkarku, jwaqqaw il prezz ghax tinqabad il kwantita ta hut bi spejjez izghar u l hut gieli jinxtara minn barra bhal vietnam u nigerja (fittex youtube ha tara x jigri)- anke jekk l kwalita hija baxxa)

Pero nemmen li problema kollha hi li kultant nahsbu wisq fil llum kif qijed milli kif nista nkun ahjar fil futur - 'No long run vision'. Kieku s sajjieda professjonali jadattaw ruhom ghas sitwazzjoni prezenti u jibdew jahsbu b mod iktar realistiku u xjentifiku - naslu

imma dik holma habib...
Good season so far.....


Dear  Tony (shanook)
All you said is right and that is the reason why this subcommittee has been created. In the Fisheries board apart from FCD,GRTU,fish vendors, Mepa, AFM and TM representatives there are two cooperatives and fishfarm/acqua culture representatives. The latter two  count up to six persons and many a time I the only recreational representative have to battle against these personalities  whose main aim is fish farming, trawling and Tuna /swordfish fishing. More often than not anything on the agenda that involves recreational fishing is skipped not to say............

So the directorate decided to form this subcommittee where there is only one member from the cooperatives who is well versed and is respectfull towards recreational activities. Each Authority  present has one representative including FCD. Legal advisors to FCD and TM are also present so any sweep proposal is turned down if not within the legal framework.           
Certain issues as registration of MFC vessels dates back many years and now the two departments involved i.e. FCD and TM are very close to a solution. Be sure that I am involved and suggesting proposals which have already been discussed with the respective committee members of recognized Associations such as M/Xett, Bugibba, Birzebbuga, Sliema,Gzira,Gnejna and also Denci  Club. Next Thursday although not a Federation member we are going to meet Harpoon divers club.
I will not accept in the name of amateur fishermen anthing that is not supported by legal laws or notices.
Remember  that this subcommittee is for recreational fisheries so we cannot discuss ( which I do in the other board) trawling,net casting and longline for Tuna/Swordfish/Alongi which is a fishing equipment already prohibited to recreational Fisheries. If there is a cowboy that despite the prohibition uses such equipment then it is the Authorities duty to enforce the law. All we can do is report such misdoings.

Let us keep ourselves informed and once the draft regulations will be post forward your suggestions, acceptance or objections in a constructive way. This will help me to voice out the requests of Amateur Fishermen.



Decisions are not taken in formal meetings.Rest assured,they are taken behind closed doors,between two or three people maximum.Bullshit and corruption is rampant in this country,with the blessing of all and sundry!


@ gogo.. Thanks for the updates..
Hope to hear more positive outcomes, and if need be attend this general meeting.
There are much more recreational fisheman than those listed in these clubs. Just have a look at the MFF.
I can speak regarding my biggest hobby ie:spearfisng. The members of this 'club' amount to a very small percentage of the overall local enthusiasts. I myself am not a member of this 'club'.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh