Rix ghas sajd

Started by ken82, November 18, 2012, 02:57:14 CET

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qed nikteb dil post ghan nom ta habib tieghi li jmur bid dghajsa u jixtieq jaqbad xi huta sabiha bir rixa.

Tafu tghiduli r rix lest li nsibu fil hwienet huwiex tajjeb? jew inkella tindikawli l xi hadd ghand min nibaghtu li jaghtih parir u anke jbieghlu rix ghas sajd.

Grazzi bil quddiem


Ibghatu ghand Mark tal fishing frenzy, m'scala bypass, Haz-Zabbar.  Jekk hu minn naha ta fuq, ibghatu ghand Peter Paul Azzopardi ir-Rabat. Peter Paul ittih parir sew kif ghandu jarma, u jkollu xolfa lesti ukoll.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Hi Freinds

New here

Used to purchase from Mr. Fish, vast selection, and still somthimes, has good ready ones though I would say not the cheapest, but you know if you catch than it's worth, lately doing my own and would say the return is higher.

Best of luck.



Ok thx hbieb. Nithajjar naghmilhom jien imma ma nafx kif jaghmlu l stopper ha nghidlu hekk tal brazzoli.
