Pastardella - Catch & release

Started by Jonathan, December 17, 2012, 08:18:59 CET

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Whilst trolling recently, we were lucky to hook up a pastardella and the feeling on board was why not return the stroke of luck to mother nature and release the fish to enjoy the satisfaction of seeing her regain her freedom. Here's our video clip of this rewarding experience:

If others are keen on the idea, we can start a series of short clips where people can share their experience of catching and releasing fish. It might not be something you want to do with every fish you catch but rest assured that the feeling of satisfaction remains long after than what you'ld normally experience if you were to simply keep it as food. :)
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The Website For 2nd Hand Boats


Prosit Gann! Well done for the catch and a big thumbs up for the release :) liked the video alot!


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Nice! Prosit for the catch and also for the release! I hope I'll be the one to catch it next as unfortunately I never caught one! :)
I'd rather be fishing.....


Mela jien xi sandro onofaro jew? Dak jaghmel hekk ghal videos tieghu ;)

Konna ilna nghidu li nixtiequ niffilmjaw wahda nitilquwha, ghamilniha flahhar :)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today



Dwar ir release ta xi accola ta dak id daqs smajt li diga kien hemm xi hadd ghamilha hawn Malta ;) ma issibx hafna nies jitilqulek huta ta dak il pregju  ;D
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


mela jien waslat ghal wahda ghax xbajt nitfa sicc u klamar fil-bahar. :-)
Ejja forsi wasalt
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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