Recreational Fishermen should have a boat registered MFC or S ?

Started by savioursajdbis, April 05, 2013, 19:34:55 CET

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Recreational Fishermen should have a boat registered MFC or S ?
Does it make any  difference ?
If I have a boat registered S will I be able to apply for the Applications for Recreational Fishermen Blue Fin Tuna Licences for 2013 ?
Thanks and regards Saviour Azzopardi
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Regards Saviour


Saviour, nothing changes until it changes.  So, yes, until now, you can apply for the permit.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Is it common practice, or easy, that boats on S registration change over to MFC?
Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu


I going to have a new boat should I register it MFC or S ?
Regards Saviour


Regards Saviour


Regards Saviour



MFC millewwel salv nahseb ahjar tigik irhas milli stajt nifhem!
Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu


I'd rather be fishing.....


Quote from: benri on April 09, 2013, 18:09:39 CET
Fees for S Register are as follows:
IRF=Initial Registration Fee

If you intend to do any fishing from your boat, or use your boat for recreational fishing, I would advise that you register under the MFC registry.  Eventually, all 'S' and Valletta registered vessels engaging in recreational fishing will have to be registered as MFC. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: Cellikku on April 10, 2013, 15:45:35 CET
Hekk hemm ghidud

Dawn mhux ghejdut, dawn fatti.  Kull opra tal-bahar li bhalissa hija registrata 'S' u din l-opra qeda ukoll tintuza ghas sajd rekrejativ, trid tigi registrata MFC.  Allura, li qed jaghmel id-dipartiment, huwa li qed jipprepara kollox ghal din il-qalba fir-registration.  Mit-tahdidiet li jien kelli mad-Direttur Generali, jidher (nerga nirrepeti il-kelma jidher) li mhux ser jintalab hlas zejjed jew extra.  Kull opra li taqleb ir-registration ghal MFC, izzom dak ir-registration biss.  B'hekk, taqa ir-registration 'S' u tibqa tghodd biss ir-registration MFC. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 10, 2013, 16:25:04 CET

Dawn mhux ghejdut, dawn fatti.  Kull opra tal-bahar li bhalissa hija registrata 'S' u din l-opra qeda ukoll tintuza ghas sajd rekrejativ, trid tigi registrata MFC.  Allura, li qed jaghmel id-dipartiment, huwa li qed jipprepara kollox ghal din il-qalba fir-registration.  Mit-tahdidiet li jien kelli mad-Direttur Generali, jidher (nerga nirrepeti il-kelma jidher) li mhux ser jintalab hlas zejjed jew extra.  Kull opra li taqleb ir-registration ghal MFC, izzom dak ir-registration biss.  B'hekk, taqa ir-registration 'S' u tibqa tghodd biss ir-registration MFC. 

Good to know Joe. Keep us informed please as mine is one of the many Ss!!! Thanks.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Very good, I'll just wait for the changeover then. thansk for the info!
Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu


Guys, I've been in contact with fisheries, and this is their reply:

SUBJECT: new Reg in the MFC category from S

13:31 (29 minutes ago)

Good morning Mr Mamo,

Please refer to your query.

Please note that it is not possible to register vessels that were previously registered as 'S'  in the MFC Category.

Thank you and Regards,
Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu