Rod advice please?

Started by AlanPortsmouth, February 02, 2008, 20:35:01 CET

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I?m pretty new to sea fishing - well, and absolute beginner to be honest. I used to do coarse fishing as a teenager. I moved to Lanzarote a while back and have been dabbling - seems criminal not to fish here!

Anyway, I don't know much about rods and would like some suggestions please. I have a 9ft rod (don't ask me what type - I started cheap with a kit) which seems for most of what I do a bit short. In this photo you can get a picture of the place I'm talking about (the wall to the left) - apologies for the quality on the picture!. I keep loosing tackle on the rocks because of it.

So far I've been doing float fishing with about 30g and a bit of plug fishing. Ideally I'd like something suitable for both - that will give me the best distance possible. What should I be looking for? Can one rod do the two things - or should I be looking for two?
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From what i can tell from the photo you would probably be better off with a 13ft spinning/ledger rod.Obviously it dosen't need to be too heavy a casting weight if you want to float fish with it too.
There are quite a few good brands who sell this kind of spec of rod.
I have an old trusty D.A.M rod that size,its actually 12ft with around 60-90g casting weight and its very light yet very strong (its some carbon fibre composite) & also really good for fine control with a small lure around harbour's etc and  yet still comfortable to float fish with.
Ive had it for 10yrs now & i would highly recommend a D.A.M rod but unfortunatley the company went bust!! (probably cos their rods were so good no-one was buying replacements  ;D)  But despite all these 2 good attributes, its no good for fishing off high up places so i dont use it much in autumn/winter time.And you'll probably end up like me (& most people) buying a few rods for different marks/seasons.Nothing wrong with that! especially if you happen to own a tackle shop!  ::)


Thanks for that Martin. The 13ft option does sound better than what I have - apart from anything else it should pay for itself after a while in the cost of preventing me losing so much tackle on the rocks. Well, that's the story for the wife eh!  :)
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No problem mate.Sounds like as good a reason to buy a new rod as any...dont know if my girlfriend would buy that one  :) i think ive tried it on a few times too many!!!! 


As a beginner I have a whole host of as yet unheard excuses to use... ;-)
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Still haven't bought a new rod - but have convince my wife its needed after a ring broke yesterday.

Despite the breakage, it was a good day for me.... I caught my first edible fish (just), a SEA BREAM - I know its nothing to you guys - but its a first for me :)
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the joy of fishing makes the difference whether big or small the excitement and relaxation is always there


Well said shanook! thats it in a nutshell as far as i am concerned


Made me feel like a kid again! :)
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