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The heat is on

Started by The_Gaffer, July 29, 2013, 15:16:37 CET

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Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Yes - my ass as to reporting illegal tramel nets. Come to St Paul's Bay and you'll see for yourself. When reporting to Bugibba police they tell you to report to fisheries, fisheries on the other hand tell you that unless you appear in court to testify against the culprits there's nothing they can do about it.

If the authorities are doing nothing in marine protected areas such as Dwejra, how can one imagine that they will do anything in other places?!!!
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


l-Ministeru għall-Ambjent informa lill-pubbliku li r-rapporti ta' sajd illegali flimkien man-numru tar-reġistrazzjoni tad-dgħajjes għandhom ikunu rappurtati b'mod kunfidenzjali lill-Ministeru fuq 2292 1111 jew

Din l-istqarrija inħarġet wara li kienu ppubblikati ritratti, fost oħrajn minn u l-orizzont, ta' xibka tas-sajd fid-Dwejra eżattament taħt il-post magħruf bħala 'it-Tieqa tad-Dwejra'.

Il-ministeru qal li "kull attivitajiet ta' sajd għandhom ikunu konformi mal-regolamenti eżistenti". Intqal li r-regolamenti jgħidu li l-użu ta' xbieki fil-bajjiet ma jistax isir il-ġewwa mil-linji stabbiliti, waqt li l-barra mil-linja jista' jsir bejn il-15 ta' Frar u l-15 ta' Lulju. L-istess ministeru qal li fil-każ tad-Dwerja m'hemm ebda linja li turi minn fejn għandu jsir is-sajd.

L-istess ministeru fi stqarrija qal li waqt li d-Dwejra kienet dikjarata żona marittima protetta, ma hemmx liġijiet li jirregolaw l-immaniġġajr tas-sajd fiż-żona. Spjega li bħalissa qed titħejja strateġija li permezz tagħha se tinġabar l-informazzjoni fuq is-sajd fid-Dwejra.

Il-Ministeru qal li hu jemmen li ċ-ċittadini għandhom ikunu attivi u viġilanti, u dan billi jirrappurtaw każi ta' sajd illegali.


hahahahah tajba din
Report when there is no law regulating anything at Dwejra
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


First there must be regulations backed up by laws. Then one can do something otherwise it's just bla bla bla.....


even Gnejna area is supposed to be a Marine Protected Area. About 8 years ago there was a presentation at Mgarr local council by Mepa officials and the Minister responsible for Mepa at that time. There were a lot of nice pictures and nice words and the minister even said that the project will be done for sure. they said that they were discussing what type of fishing and activities will be allowed in that area.

In 2010 there was an article from MEPA in the times of malta that the gnejna area is a Marine Protected Area. I made conatct with MEPA to tell them that this area is always full of trammel nets and the reply I got is that the discussions about  Fishing and other activities that will be allowed in this area are still ongoing between all the stakeholders and that till now (2010) all fishing in that area is under national law. I still have the e-mail.

It seems that another 3 years have passed we are now in 2013 and the situation is still the same the discussions are still going on with all the stakeholders and fishing in this area is under national law.

After 8 years the discussions are still ongoing. ONLY IN MALTA


Quote from: busumark on July 30, 2013, 20:22:22 CET
even Gnejna area is supposed to be a Marine Protected Area. About 8 years ago there was a presentation at Mgarr local council by Mepa officials and the Minister responsible for Mepa at that time. There were a lot of nice pictures and nice words and the minister even said that the project will be done for sure. they said that they were discussing what type of fishing and activities will be allowed in that area.

In 2010 there was an article from MEPA in the times of malta that the gnejna area is a Marine Protected Area. I made conatct with MEPA to tell them that this area is always full of trammel nets and the reply I got is that the discussions about  Fishing and other activities that will be allowed in this area are still ongoing between all the stakeholders and that till now (2010) all fishing in that area is under national law. I still have the e-mail.

It seems that another 3 years have passed we are now in 2013 and the situation is still the same the discussions are still going on with all the stakeholders and fishing in this area is under national law.

After 8 years the discussions are still ongoing. ONLY IN MALTA

taking people for a ride. most important that consultancy firms get paid for discussions leading to nowhere
Good season so far.....


Get a load of this.  I would be very interested to know why Nature Trust Malta is reported to have said that this may be the work of an amateur Fisherman!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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