Mariner outboard

Started by Stevella, September 05, 2013, 19:11:59 CET

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I intend to buy a Mariner 150 outboard 4 stroke.  Any comments from forum members?  Is it good?


I dont know about Mariner, but I've sure heard good things and comments about the seller.  As they say, when buying things like that, you are also buying after sales
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Mariner/Mercury are both made by Brunswick and are the same engines just with different paint, decals and local agents here in Malta.

The engine itself is a brand new design, recently released engine that Brunswick engineers designed with the customer in mind, aside from building a high displacement engine.

Moonwalker on the forum has two of these hanging off the back of his Petecraft 20 :)


Do you reckon having one outboard 150hp on a petecraft 20 cabin be enough?  There are several equipped like this around.  It states 115hp to 225hp on the brouchure.  150hp is within my budget.  I am aware that the bigger the engine is the better, however I have to stick to budget limitations.


Stevella, the best answer u can get is from petecraft directly or fro moonwalker who has 2 150 outboards and he can tell u what numbers he gets with 1 motor.


Hi Stevella. My boat has a twin setup with these motors and I'm quite happy with them. They're still quite new though as I just passed the 120hrs (most of the time idle) so cant say much more.
I have the Mirage Plus 17P propellers at them moment. With 2 motors the boat makes around 38knts while with only one motor (second motor trimmed up) the boat just planes making about 20knt at full throttle.
However you have to take in consideration that the motor is shifted to the side and with the second motor acting as dead weight. The propeller pitch would have to go down to 13/15 with only 1 engine.

So the 150 4stroke should be enough for a Petecraft 20, however the rule is to always go for the biggest motor that the boat can handle. Unless you will only use the boat for short trips a few times a year, do go for a 225 or 250 as you will spend the saved cash in fuel for sure.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Quote from: Stevella on September 07, 2013, 19:08:27 CET
however I have to stick to budget limitations.

I know where you are coming from, but I made that mistake with my first boat and regretted it. I would have been better off delaying its purchase or doing some overtime or something to get the bigger engine, which yes was quite a jump in cost.

If you go out only 1-2 people (so a light load) and short trips you won't see the additional fuel issue so much, but if you are loading up the boat with people, full fuel, water, etc then it's a different story as you will be pushing the engine in the upper rev range = more wear and tear etc


Skip, imxejt fuq il-parir tieghek u ordnajt Yamaha 200HP minflok.  Issa nispera li nkun hafna ahjar!!!!

Grazzi tal-parir siewi.


Quote from: Stevella on September 16, 2013, 18:34:44 CET
Skip, imxejt fuq il-parir tieghek u ordnajt Yamaha 200HP minflok.  Issa nispera li nkun hafna ahjar!!!!

Grazzi tal-parir siewi.

Proset, 200hp dejjem ahjar ax iktar power qatt ma hu telf. Nista nsaqsik kif irrangajt al garanzija? Normal service tista taghmlu fejn trid jew bilfors ghandom?


The F200 is a very capable outboard - that extra power over the 150 will be noticeable.


EmicMalta, I have been guaranteed that I can do the service of the Yamaha outboard wherever I want.  No obligations at all.


Quote from: Stevella on September 20, 2013, 22:55:08 CET
EmicMalta, I have been guaranteed that I can do the service of the Yamaha outboard wherever I want.  No obligations at all.

Very good


Good luck stevella. great choice of engine which should provide adequate power and also should be more economical than a smaller engine. Try and get into some sort of agreement with the engine supplier not to commit yourself to a propeller in order to try the boat out and make sure it is pitched correctly.
I'd rather be fishing.....


Will do that.  Any recommendation on which propeller I should ask for?