Started by joe, September 30, 2013, 21:27:50 CET

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Quote from: The_Gaffer on October 02, 2013, 16:02:52 CET
@Granitu - Thanks mate, good to know.  Not that familiar with Lowrance, as I am more inclined towards the Raymarine range.  However, I am in the market for a new plotter/fishfinder, and the HDS-7 looks interesting.  I need at least seabed coverage in the 600, max 800mtr range.

Lowrance in my opinion are the best fishfinders in the 15-200m range. The level of detail they offer and reading in this range is exceptional.

I can tell you this for one reason. Get me a fishfinder that is able to find a small shoal of squid at 65m and you win me. Get me a fishfinder that a .15mm line id able to trace it at 95m and you win me.

Sometimes one of the problems is that it detects everything... and that funnily enough is a problem. Once you learn how to set it up well (it is a complicated FF) you will have a very powerful tool in your hands. fyi i use a 600w 50/200 transducer.

Simrad are very good ff too from what I was told (by a professional  gozitan fisherman with long lines). but never tested them out.
Good season so far.....


Quote from: The_Gaffer on October 02, 2013, 15:11:21 CET
HI Kris, interessanti dak li ktibt hawn.  X'transducer qed tuza?, huwa transom mount, thro hull jew in-hull?  Jien qed nara l-HDS-7 Gen2 Touch, u qalluli li b'transducer nromali transom mount jinzel sa 800mtrs, tieghek hekk ukoll?

Hi Joe I have a Lowrance HDS-5 GPS + Fishfinder (50/200KHZ Tdx) Combo. The transducer is transom mounted and I can take it off after a days fishing and store it safely away. Mine in theory, should reach to 800m...but till now I have tested it till ~600m.
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


@joe -Imma il video li urik migbud hawn Malta jew promo tas Simrad?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


@Granitu - Does it really detect the 0.15 line or some lure/lead?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


line - u see the trace from up to bottom and keeps showing until left fishing. Imp is the setting, sea condition, sea current and sea temperature (and this is an important factor!)
Good season so far.....


Still sceptic - if it really detects the line it would show it across all the screen all the time - if you are getting a slanting line from top to bottom that would be the lure/lead while it is going down.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Quote from: Moonwalker on October 03, 2013, 10:32:03 CET
Still sceptic - if it really detects the line it would show it across all the screen all the time - if you are getting a slanting line from top to bottom that would be the lure/lead while it is going down.

But it would stop at sometime after 20 mins transmitting it - not remain there ;) else the FFinder is not working. There is movement during the time and the line is still there.

Bdw the .15 is a braid and not mono imp to say.
Good season so far.....


Well if you have a screen shot we can argue better :) I still say that it cannot be the line/braid.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Quote from: Moonwalker on October 03, 2013, 11:58:42 CET
Well if you have a screen shot we can argue better :) I still say that it cannot be the line/braid.

I will take you a screen shot next time.... but not the coordinates :)
Good season so far.....


Moonwalker il video
 migbud min fuq jott kenu qed isuqu
nizlin mien sqalija


@joe - Jott jigifieri sailing boat? Li nista najdlek hu li dak jimxi hafni iktar stabli minn dghajsa normali specjalment f naqra caqliq. Mhux qed najd li is Simrad mhux tajjeb - li id dubju tieghi hu fuq it transducer li mhux bsahtu bizzejjed.

Jien kelli il Furuno bil 1kW fuq id dghajsa l ohra u darba qbadt il qiegh ta 800m waqt li kont qed insuq 20knt. Izda meta ergajt pruvajt sibta difficli hafna biex nerga naqbad dak il fond waqt li mixi. Bejn naqra caqliqa u bejn  il kurrent tal bahar tghamel differenza kbira. Meta issuq bil mod (xi 5knt) ovjament kont naqbad dak il fond. Izda ftakar li is sikek mhuxmiex immarkati perfetti specjalment il barra (inqas fuq fishing charts) , u allura trid tfittex naqra sew sakem issib ix xifer li trid.
Issa nista insuq kemm irrid u nibqa naqbad il qiegh sew mingharj problemi.

Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


nerga mur nara naqra sewa ax veru gejt dari mal hajt


Jekk l agent qed jiggarantilek li se tkun tajjeb allura ma nahsibx li andek alfejn tithawwad.
Jien adtlek l esperjenza tieghi fuq Furuno. Fuq Simrad qatt ma kelli esperjenza u milli qrajt ifahhruhom hafna.

Fuq dik il beam angle ma tamilx differenza kbira. Jien bil 1kW ma kontx narah il hut fi 300m u inqas issa bit 3kW ma narah - bazug qed najd ghax hut kbir iehor narah sew.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


thx Moonwalker ijwa agent tani garanzija   u sisa qad masmajt xejn fuqu ima tibda taqra u jina manifimx u titfixkel naqra qisek wara li tixtri tonfoq il fluss ikun 2 late