Raymarine - Dragonfly

Started by Galea_5, February 07, 2014, 11:38:10 CET

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I'm thinking of buying a combo GPS/ Fish finder and I came across the Raymarine - Dragonfly. Anyone own one of these or have any comments to share or maybe other alternative combos ? thanks


My understanding is that the DF isn't suited for depths beyond around 80-100m and by its very nature is a CHIRP/Downvision sounder/plotter. It will CHIRP deeper than that but in Saltwater I doubt more than 120m


I see, and what about the Lowrance Elite 5 HDI any comments on this one? such precision and what is the depth limit for the Down scan imaging ?



I like the HDI being a Hybrid Device where you have both a 50/200Hz Transducer for Broadband imaging (but it's not CHIRP) and a separate DSI transducer. If you've got the space, look at the Elite-7 HDI which is more but a 7 inch screen is going to be far more beneficial if you want to use both DSI and regular sounder side by side. Look for this variant 50/200 + 455/800 HDI

I'm not sure whether the same applies to the Dragonfly and it's worthy of further research as CHIRP is supposed to be a superior sounding technology, so you might want to validate what the Dragonfly CHIRP transducer is capable of a max depth in salt water and check the same with the Elite HDI range. Raymarine reckon best depth achieved in Saltwater of 271m on CHIRP only (but that's a very best), the 50/200 broadband sounder on the Elite should give you alot more than 270m


Just to clarify the above post:-

The difference in price between the Elite-5 HDI and the 7 HDI is considerably more than initially thought as I was looking at the wrong model when comparing. Still something to consider in terms of screen space as with a split screen that is important.

As many of you know not only do Lowrance GeoFence their products depending on region (meaning US models won't work properly in Europe), but Caruana Marine the local agents offer excellent sales and support as many forum members have posted in the past.

You can check out the models in the flesh and see how they work and whether the extra screen size or features of both manufacturers meets your requirements, contact details below

Caruana Marine (Lowrance) Contact Details http://www.caruanamarine.com/1,0,contact-us.html  Tel 21821332
RLR (Raymarine) Contact Details http://www.rlryachting.com/ Tel 21331192

Apologies if my earlier post was misleading.


Iccekja naqa garmin ukoll. Is sistema tac chirp tider interessanti. Jien qed nithajjar nara naqa al lowarence x jofru rigward chirp, imma adom ftit tkelmu fuqa. Jider li qed jinbidlu hafna affarijiet f daqqa u iccekja naqa sew qabel tixtri


@EmicMalta din xinija di chirp? ax minix nifem
Regards Saviour


Regards Saviour


Jiddependi il fond li trid tuzah, ax il prezzijiet mhux tal but ta kulhadd, u wara kollox il fatti jkunu differenti min certu reklami.

Wara dawn il fieri li hawn, nimmagina li jkun hemm xi ftit paroli u esperjenzi fuqom.

Personalment, jekk persuna se tidhol al dan it tip ta readings, inutli jintefqu dawk il flejjes jekk l ewwel u qabel kollox ma jkollokx display kbir, fejn dan jiddependi ukoll it tip ta dajsa li tkun qed tuza.


Pero biss ghal xi raguni chrip tar Raymarine qisu aktar id detaljat fl images min tal lowrance u tal garmin. Dawn jidhru ukoll f images li jiehdu in nies personali u mux directly market ta xi brand partikolari. Aparti il prezz li jghamel differenza ukoll mir Raymarine ghall-ohrajn.


Does it see as deep as the lowrance......well do you need it for deep sea....seems in what I read chirp does good in shallow water, doesn't perform as good in deep sea or higher speed while on the move....


Ic chirp tiddependi hafna mis sahha tat tranducer u alek jien semmejt li wiehed irrid jara sew qabel jixtri ax il prezz jafetwa is sahha tat transducer. Li johrog mijaw huwa il minimum, u kull ma hu, entry level.

Rigward il prezz, personali vera li ir ray marine huwa l irhas, pero trid tara il fattuwli l ohrajn, tipo x jofru bhala pakket komplut u kemm jiswew bicca bicca. Personalment qat ma ogbuni il garmin, pero dawn il mudelli li adom kif hargu qedin pass il quddiem u il fetuers mhux hziena