Stolen tender boat!

Started by bahri, February 20, 2014, 21:36:44 CET

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My father, who is 76, has had his little tender boat stolen from Ballutta Bay (min taht il-knisja tal ballutta) on Monday 3rd Feb 2014!

She was named: T.T. THUNDERBOLD and had installed two small wheels for easy handling.

It is very small 5ft (?)

Long shot but just in case you spot it!




M ghamiltx hazin habib min ghand min xtrajt d dghajsa taghni tender li kienu serquwielu u saba - ghamel ekk

taqtax qalbek probabli min hu ha jizbaha - ghati ftit cans u dur naqa l portijiet u fejn izommu d dghajjes - din tender u mhix ghamla kommuni.

Ghamel rapport lil puluzija - tahsibx li ha jfittxuwielek imma jekk ssiba ccempillhom u ma tihux l ligi b idejk ;) - jekk ssiba serrah rasek li jirsistu ghax ikunu ghalqu l kaz.

iccekja sites bhal maltapark - ma tistax tghid taf ssiba ghal biegh

Fyi c catra kienet nserqet bbugia u saba l qajjenza mizbuwa sewda minn bluna - gharafa ghax ghamila hu litteralment forma ta tebut :) igifieri tahsibx li necessarjament marret il boghod.

Jiddispjacini u naf x igifieri - s serq fuq min ihalli d dghajjes l bahar wide spread.

Good season so far.....


They stole my tender dinghy from Marsaxlokk bay in midd day last Summer, on a sunday morning, with all does people on the market, and no one saw anything  ???
Petecraft 17 Sport with Suzuki DF90..............

Kevin G

amila fuq fb, hemm il-kelma tigri, hemm page jisima Malta Dizastru Totali marufa hafna man nies jekk titfa hemm malajr tigri il kelma
The Sea Sweeper :D