2014 Bluefin Tuna Licence / Applikazzjonijiet għas-sajd rikreazzjonali tat-tonn

Started by skip, March 23, 2014, 17:55:06 CET

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voldieri jekk xi hadd jinzerta fortunat u jaqbad wahda ma lewwel darba li jmur, daqsekk, ma jmurx aktar... biex joqod jistenna lil dak li jmur darba fix xhar jistad... biex umbad dan tal-ahhar probabli jispicca ma jmur qatt.

Is-snin ta qabel kif qeghda dis-sena kienet u hadmet tajjeb ferm.  Nahseb kieku applikajt is-sena l-ohra kont titkellem mod iehor.
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Quote from: ganni on April 24, 2014, 14:18:57 CET
voldieri jekk xi hadd jinzerta fortunat u jaqbad wahda ma lewwel darba li jmur, daqsekk, ma jmurx aktar... biex joqod jistenna lil dak li jmur darba fix xhar jistad... biex umbad dan tal-ahhar probabli jispicca ma jmur qatt.

Is-snin ta qabel kif qeghda dis-sena kienet u hadmet tajjeb ferm.  Nahseb kieku applikajt is-sena l-ohra kont titkellem mod iehor.
Jew tnejn biex ma nqaziziex ;)
Jekk ma jmurx jistad affari tijaw diment li il quota tintlahaq, xortajista jmissu xihaga hadiehor.
Jekk il quota tintalahaq lejn lahhar ta listagun bhas sena lohara no problem imma jista ma jkunx il kas dejem.
Marinello Eden 18 Evolution - 125hp Mercury Classic


li ma imurx iktar ma naqbilx ima li jati cans naqbel isa din tista isir bili min ikolu liformazjoni tal qbdid  juzom alijna ukol`. igifiri lahar wihed li jiraporta il qabda tijaw ma ikux jista jerga imur qabel ma terga isir roport ta qbda ohra .U bekk ikun emm iktar cans li ikun jista igawdi kulhad .
Regards Saviour


Fejn nista nsib ir regolamenti ezatti kif qedin? u hem xi tibdil fir regolamenti mis sena l`ohra l`awn?
Marinello Eden 18 Evolution - 125hp Mercury Classic


Dipartiment tas-Sajd u Akkwakultura Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture
Gammieri, Ngiered Road, Marsa MRS 3303
Tel: +356 2292 1111 Freephone: 80072240 Fax: +356 2292 1221
Email: infofisheries.msdec@gov.mt
27 March 2014
Procedures to be implemented by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture during the 2014
recreational bluefin tuna campaign
1. All recreational vessels which have applied for a BFT recreational fishing authorisation will be
authorised to fish for BFT.
2. The authorisation must be kept on board for the entire season or until the fishery is closed.
3. The fishing season is from the 16th June to the 14th October, 2014 or until the allocated quota is
4. The global allocated quota for recreational fishing vessels is being set at 1,000kg.
5. All authorised recreational fishing vessels have to notify the Department of Fisheries and
Aquaculture (DFA) before leaving the port and before returning to port at least 2 hours before
arriving. The pre-notification can be made by sending an sms on 99674933 or by calling the DFAs
free-phone on 80072240.
6. Once the quota has been consumed the DFA will close this fishery and the authorised recreational
fishing vessels will not be required to continue notifying the DFA prior to departure and before
7. Once the fishing season is closed no BFT can be fished for, caught or landed. All incidental catches
of bluefin tuna must be released.
8. Only those vessels that actually catch BFT are required to land their catch in one of the designated
ports. The authorised recreational fisher may choose the most convenient designated port. These
include: Marfa, Valletta, Marsaxlokk and Gozo.
9. Landings must take place in the presence of an officer from the DFA.
10. The minimum size for BFT is 30 kg or with a fork length of 115cm.
11. In cases of fish caught below the minimum size, the fisher must take the necessary measures to
ensure, to the greatest extent possible, the release of bluefin tuna caught alive. In cases of dead
fish the DFA must be informed immediately and the catch has to be landed in one of the designated
ports. Such fish shall also be deducted from the allocated quota.
12. Recreational and sports fishers can only land one fish per day during the season. Any other fish
shall be confiscated and shall also be deducted from the allocated quota.
13. The fishing line used by the authorised vessels cannot be thicker than 160mm during the season.
The DFA will carry out inspections of the line at landings and during routine inspections at sea to
ensure the fishing gear is in line with this provision.
14. It is prohibited to carry out fishing activities within the fish farm parameters. Action shall be taken
against all vessels fishing within the designated zone and any fish on board will be confiscated and
deducted from the allocated quota.
The DFA and the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) shall carry out daily inspections at sea and in ports to ensure
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


thanks fisheye.
ma jissema xejn rigward snanar. Dak bilfors circle jew jistaw jintuza J normali ?
Marinello Eden 18 Evolution - 125hp Mercury Classic


Quote from: rednaell on April 29, 2014, 16:51:37 CET
thanks fisheye.
ma jissema xejn rigward snanar. Dak bilfors circle jew jistaw jintuza J normali ?

Tista tuza snanar li trid, circle, semi circle, claw, li trid.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Sa fejn naf jien ma hemm ebda restrizjoni fuq snanar. Jien dawk huma ir-regolamenti li rcevejt. Nahseb li kieku kien hemm xi restrizzjoni ohra kienu inizluwa ma dawn ir-regoli. Fuq bazi ta preferenza ic-circle hooks nipreferihom specjalment fejn jidhol catch and release.
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85

Kevin G

14. "It is prohibited to carry out fishing activities within the fish farm parameters." what are the distances of the  parameters?
The Sea Sweeper :D


jek tkun inqas min 115cm tkun tista tehlisa jek tuza circle. Jek ma ma tuzax circle hook u tibla ma nahsibx li tajx jek tehlisa! fdak il kas tilandjaha u jehduielek?

Marinello Eden 18 Evolution - 125hp Mercury Classic


Quote from: rednaell on April 29, 2014, 17:36:07 CET
jek tkun inqas min 115cm tkun tista tehlisa jek tuza circle. Jek ma ma tuzax circle hook u tibla ma nahsibx li tajx jek tehlisa! fdak il kas tilandjaha u jehduielek?
Jekk tillandja tonn inqas minn 115cm mhux biss jehduielek, imma tehel multa.  Oqod attent, aqra sew ir-regolamenti.  Ma tistax taqbad tonn izvhar minn 115cm jew inqas minn 30kg. 

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Joe, point 11 states that if a fish smaller in size and weight is caught dead, the it can be landed.


11. In cases of fish caught below the minimum size, the fisher must take the necessary measures to
ensure, to the greatest extent possible, the release of bluefin tuna caught alive. In cases of dead
fish the DFA must be informed immediately and the catch has to be landed in one of the designated
ports. Such fish shall also be deducted from the allocated quota.

Le Joe fil kas li huta tmut u tkun izar min 115 ma jejdx li tehel multa, imma mhux spjegat car.
Marinello Eden 18 Evolution - 125hp Mercury Classic


Quote from: The_Gaffer on April 29, 2014, 19:30:45 CET
Quote from: rednaell on April 29, 2014, 17:36:07 CET
jek tkun inqas min 115cm tkun tista tehlisa jek tuza circle. Jek ma ma tuzax circle hook u tibla ma nahsibx li tajx jek tehlisa! fdak il kas tilandjaha u jehduielek?
Jekk tillandja tonn inqas minn 115cm mhux biss jehduielek, imma tehel multa.  Oqod attent, aqra sew ir-regolamenti.  Ma tistax taqbad tonn izvhar minn 115cm jew inqas minn 30kg. 

Joe Fehma li tonn izghar taqbdu u jinqatel... ekk illegali - u jekk ikollok accident mohhok emm jin kiku nihu video nipprova nitlaqa halli jkolli x nuri x gara.

Il kaz li tonna malli taqbada tmut huwa remot hbib..... jekk meta taqbada ma tkiddix titlaq u tghix serrah rasek... issa jekk malli tara ttija l ganc mod iehor dak li jkun irid ikun responsabbli ta dak li jaghmel.

Jekk sunnara ma tkunx tista tinqala u wiehed ikun ha jitlaqa, kunu certi li qed tuzaw degredable hooks u line. Almenu taqta u fi zmien gimgha s sunnara tiddisolvi ruha u l huta tibqa hajja.

Snanar ta ditet kbar llum kollha maghmulin hekk u huma regolati li jsiru ekk. Tuzawx snanar tal knuz tal pixxispad ghax dawn m mhumiex degradable u hafna drabi difficli bix jinqalu ghax maghmulin bix huta ma tinqalax - maghmulin bix izommu l hut mwahhal fit tul. Circle hooks huma l ahjar snanar li tistaw tuzaw u nahseb l iktar snanar produttivi
Good season so far.....



Voldieri ghal punt 11 haddem rasek u thalli lebda huta zghira tmutlek qabel titlaqa biex ghal anqas in-naqra kwotal li ghandna tintuza b'mod ghaqli.
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today