What's expected?

Started by Mosti1, June 17, 2014, 21:44:26 CET

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As you know I am new to spinning and have been out only twice. I am reading loads on the subject through internet...in fact I have recently overheated my phone's battery and had to switch it off after a notification appeared on screen!! Anyway..., any spinners been out lately and any catches being reported? What fish are expected at this time of year?


I am confused with so much replies!


Spinners are very secretive guys!!



Looks like that forum is a bit out of action or is it me who is not finding my way around as I should...


Quote from: Mosti1 on June 23, 2014, 21:54:47 CET
Looks like that forum is a bit out of action or is it me who is not finding my way around as I should...

It's true that it's a bit out of action , But it's a "bible" for spinners because it has loads of information in it .
I only fish on days that end in "Y" ...


I did find some good info in there now that I got browsing. Thanks for your help.


I only fish on days that end in "Y" ...