My list of some mid range trolling reels

Started by skip, March 15, 2008, 14:38:20 CET

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Here's my list of what I reckon are some good mid range trolling reels where money IS an issue but you still want something good. Max size of reels is 50W as anything more than that is an overkill here in Malta in my option. All prices courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">Anglers Center</a> except for Okuma pricing.

Shimano Fishing - Super Smooth Japanese Reels
Shimano Tyrnos 30 Two Speed - $360

Shimano TLD 30IIA Two Speed - $289
Shimano TLD 50IIA Two Speed - $379
Shimano TLD 50IILRSA Two Speed - $379

Shimano TLD 25 Single Speed - $169

Shimano TLD 20/40S Single Speed - $99 (Star Drag)

Penn Fishing - Tried and Tested
Penn GLD 30 Single Speed - $199

Penn GLD 30II Two Speed - $309
Penn GLD 50II Two Speed - $399

Penn Special Senator 113H (30) Single Speed - $99.00 (Star Drag)
Penn Special Senator 113HLW (30) Single Speed - $139.00 (Star Drag)

Penn Special Senator 114H (50) Single Speed - $115.00 (Star Drag)
Penn Special Senator 114HLW (50) Single Speed - $169.00 (Star Drag)

Penn Senator 115L (50/80) Single Speed - $170 (Star Drag)

Daiwa Fishing
Daiwa SLD-30 Single Speed - $195
Daiwa SLD-30 Two Speed - $310

Okuma Fishing - Prices courtesy of Okuma MSRP
Okuma Titus Level Wind 20L Single Speed - $160
Okuma Titus Level Wind 50L Single Speed - $190

Okuma Titus 30 Single Speed - $160
Okuma Titus 50 Single Speed - $170
Okuma Titus 50W Single Speed - $199

Okuma Titus 30 Two Speed - $220

Okuma Titus Silver 50 Single Speed - $240
Okuma Titus Silver 50W Single Speed - $250

Okuma Titus Silver 50 Two Speed - $280
Okuma Titus Silver 50W Two Speed - $299

Okuma Titus Gold 30 Single Speed - $299
Okuma Titus Gold 50 Single Speed - $350
Okuma Titus Gold 50W Single Speed - $380

Okuma Titus Gold 30 Two Speed - $370
Okuma Titus Gold 50 Two Speed - $399
Okuma Titus Gold 50W Two Speed - $449

I've put the Okuma's in the mid range category even though some of their Titus Gold reels have similar prices to some of the high end reels as I still don't feel that Okuma qualify to be in a high end reel category.

Have I missed any out? If they have a high gear ratio I've left them out as they are not considered to be trolling reels, but whilst they can also be used for trolling, reels with a high gear ratio are aimed more at deep jigging and bottom fishing etc.



Very nice choice of reels there Nick. My personell favorite is the Shimano TLD 50. The smooth drag system speaks for itself. Penn Gold 30SW are great....but recommend servicing drag before use.
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Joe, what do you make of the reel seat issues with the TLD's. They were, and I believe still are made of carbon and apparently have a habit of cracking/breaking under pressure especially if you use the reel harness clips and then lean back into the fish without pulling on the rod.

At least Shimano updated the spool to aluminium now but it seems the reel seat is still an issue. I guess it could potentially always be changed. Also what are your thoughts on wet drags vs dry. In the past most manufacturers went for dry drags but it seems they have no realised the benefit and smoothness of wet drags and Shimano are using wet drags on all their lever drag reels but still dry and the star drags due to cost.

Apparently it is recommended to still open up the reel and make re-coat the drag with Cal's Drag grease or Shimano star drag grease as there isn't always an even application.

Be sure to check out the new Tyrnos reels, they're supposed to be awesome.


Nick. Yes this is true. Even though l have not experianced this personnelly l have friends that this has happened to. In a few occasions where this has happened, the drag setting was set beyond the breaking strain of the line putting lots of pressure on the seat. I still like the carbon caseing opposed to the aluminium alloy, but this is just my personnel choice. I have caught many marlin with this reel and is still my favorite. Lever drags are much easier to operate and have control with adjustment while fitting those larger fish than with star drags. I have different marks on mine  to show me the different drag pressure. As you may know with more line in the water it creates for more drag with more friction, and it is important to back of the drag till exsessive line is retrieved, to reduce the risk of breaking the line...or the real itself. I have not yet used or experiance a reel with 'wet drag'. But will look out for them. You guys seem to be more advance with new technology than we are here in Australia.
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I personally use the Penn Senator special 113's and 114H.  Each reel is mounted on a Penn Senator rod with Aftco guides and rollers.  I've had them for 5 yrs now, annually serviced by myself, and never had any trouble with them, except the 114 which took a beating when I hooked up the big BFT.  The 114 is not designed for fish over 80lbs.  Just changed the drag system, and its as good as new.  The Penn reels are all equipped with Star drags.  Personally, for the fish we seek, star drags are enough.  However, always wanted to try out the lever drag system, so recently I bought a Shimano TLD 25 coupled to a Shimano Talavela rod.  Have not tried it yet, but, I'm counting on Shimano's reputation to provide quality reels.  All reels are loaded with Momoi Diamond 40lbs line, with the bigger 114 and TLD having the high-vis yellow and over 450yds of line, while the 113's have about 350yds.  Again, more then enough for Albacore. 
The clicker on the Penns is loud enough to alert you of a strike even if you're inside the cabin (it's always the case isn't it...when you least expect a strike, 2 or 3 reels are screaming simultaneously), this happens to me sometimes if I'm down in the cabin for a cool drink, or with my head in the fridge for something to eat. 
All in all, I have no reason to complain about my Penn Senators, well built, anti corrosive material throughout, and good line retrievers. 
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