i'd like your opinions...

Started by benri, May 23, 2008, 09:51:31 CET

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Hi all! I have a bit of a problem and Id'd like your comments/opinions. Next week or the following I shall be taking down my boat and am still not sure which mooring to use as I have one in st. paul's bay and recently bought one in b'bugia. From what I've heard b'bugia is not so safe when it comes to theft, etc. while at SPB my mind is quite at rest as I have almost a constant watch by residents. The negative point there is that it's quite in the open and I'm far off from Filfla/Alungi!
Is anybody moored in Bugibba/SPB and how long does it take you to get to the other side (Alungi side) at say 20-25knots? Do you get there from the North or from the South - which is best? What time do you leave the mooring in the morning to be trolling for Alungi at the right time?
Is it true what I'm being told that b'bugia is terrible when it comes to theft/break-ins? I have been working my butt off (and wallet) since september to get boat in top condition and the last thing i want is theft of stuff and even worse breakages!
What do you think you would do mates? Thanks for all
I'd rather be fishing.....



Used to be in Portomaso which I reckon was like the worst spot for fishing! Last season we went back to St. Paul's Bay and I used to fish the west coast by going round towards Cirkewwa. I believe it's 8nm from inside SPB.

Once at Cirkewwa you can turn left and head out to be along that ridge, effectively you are still fishing the West coast just further up north. I had good success in that area. Or you can head towards the Gozo tip down from Ta'Cenc and then head straight out West to around 30nm though between 15 - 30nm are very productive spots for smaller Bluefin.

To go all the way round to the south is a long trek, from Portomaso it was around 13nm, so add another 5nm or so from SPB and you're looking at 18nm or so, so just under an hours run.

The other way, 20-25mins and you're out near Cirkewwa, another 30 mins and you're 10nm offshore and near the first ridge. I believe the Alungi come in from the south and move up the West coast as they migrate, but I could be wrong!

Heard theft is bad in B'bugia, SPB like all locations probably still has occurances but as you mention there are lots of residents overlooking.

Still don't leave Electronics out/visible and lock anything in compartments with a good marine padlock. I got some nice padlocks that have a rubber/plastic coating all around to help against the elements and prevent damage to your compartments as the boat rocks. Std. metal padlocks will be hitting the fiber/gelcoat all the time.


Hi. With 15 knots it takes me 1 hour 15mins to be on the spot for alungi when I leave from Marfa. If you have 20knots, its should take you roughly the same from St.Paul's bay. I reckon its much shorter if you go north around, rather than head south.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp


I had mine in B'Bugia and never experienced any thefts but I heard of a lot who said they were burgled. But whether in B'Bugia or SPB I never even think of leaving anything on the boat that i cant take with me. Wow I just realised that its going to take me 3 hrs to get to the fishing spot..... Oh well. I dont mind I will have the lures out as soon as I get past St Pauls islands. Yes benri its better to go round the north side, because once u are 8 miles out u will be fishing. When i was in B'Bugia i used to leave port at around 3.30 am.


Hi Shanook, Ciappinu. Thanks for your replies. Do you head south/down towards Filfla when you get out of Cirkewwa then or do you you keep going out and fish in that area?
I'd rather be fishing.....


Hi Benri. It depends on the timing. At the moment, ie Alungi Season, I head down straight to the Filfla Area and start fishing from there. Not much chance of catching Alungi In my opinion unless you haven't gone beyond Gnejna. In the lampuki season, If I do venture down there, then I might troll some of the way.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp


As long as u get to the gnejna area u should be ok... I will try closer to gozo this year see how it goes...


So Shanook, for albacore so do you start trolling from out of gnejna down to the co-ordinates you had given us or maybe there is a ridge out of the gnejna area?
I'd rather be fishing.....


Hi Benri, the co-ordinates I gave are more useful when u go out of Birzebbugia. If u plan to go out of Bugibba and pass on the west side, its like a 25 miles trip to get to the closest co-ordinate. I would suggest u go out around 10/15 miles west of gnejna and troll on the drop off down south. There are a couple of deep crevices there and they should have an upward drift which Alungi like both for resting and eating.
Ciappinu should be able to give u co-ordinates in those areas as I usually fish from Birzebbugia its this year that I will be experimenting the west and North west of Malta as I have the boat in Bugibba.
So Ciappinu Please note.......