Forum BBQ / Season Get Together 18th June - Come on let's meet up!

Started by EmicMalta, June 02, 2008, 11:07:41 CET

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Preferred Date for the BBQ

Wednesday 18th June
6 (28.6%)
Thursday 19th June
5 (23.8%)
no difference
10 (47.6%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Voting closed: June 11, 2008, 12:31:41 CET


what about this idea...?

everyone gets his own chair! and then someone else (there was a guy saying he can get tables ... dont remember who though) gets the tables.... since we are going to be around 20 people... we need tables to fit 20 people on! and another table for food!

Why do fish make men go crazy?


All I need to know is how many pieces of marinated steak and kilos of ribs shall I get so 2 morow I just go and order them. 1 kilo of ribs = around approx 7 pieces. Remeber ribs doesnt contain a lot of meat. Emicmalta please get me Kinnie  :P ..... you know I can't have alcohol at the moment  :).
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook, ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, Italian, baghira, kris, fishfinder, pauline tuna, Simon G, kalnc2, Kayak Mike,jon 109,

20 and counting........



Hello guys

I just think that the organisers of this barbecue should take a stand, and decide who and what are we all going to do. If you keep on going like this, you will never agree. Someone is on diet, the other wants kinnie, someone does not like ribs etc etc.

Who came out with the idea to organise this barbecue, sets the final decisions. Just write, the menu, what drinks are to be bought, if wee need to bring along chairs and cutlery, who will bring the lights and generator, and who will bring barbecue and charcoal (if with the opposite sex or not). I also beleive that if you want to buy fdrinks, we also need a tank and ice.

just remember that just 3 days are left, and for the poor people that are organising this it is not fair.
Guys I just got a car, and no vans to carry large items, but if i can help in anyway just let me know.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


My food order for tomorrow is going to be like this :

1 piece of marinated steak per head
1 piece of marinated chicken per head
10 - 15 Maltese sausages
9 kilos of marinated spare ribs
4 extra marinated steaks (ghal min jibqa bil-guh jew aptit)

Please email me a mobile number of someone who will know the final amount of people coming so that tomorrow before I go to the butcher I can call and confirm the amount of people coming.

It would be also great if someone could get some potato salad, rice salad and salad ghal mal-genb  ;D
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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Gaffer my phone is 21580695, mob 7970 2496. Tables I'll check in the morning if they will be available for the day. I don't think it will be a problem unless there is some big function going on. But monday will confirm. Chairs I cannot get, so I suggest we all get our own.
I agree on cutlery, plates and glases each get his.
Regarding the wife/ girlfriend isue I think we leave it for members only for now, so we get to know each other. later on we organise somthing for them as well.
Can't wait to go fishing


Tomorrow morning will confirm whether Redbus9 will be attending as he is in Malta (usually UK) and no Internet access.

After the food order cut off date/time if anyone else wants to come I suggest they bring their own food otherwise we will never stop.

Gaffer/Shanook/Emic et al, I suggest you drop all those who confirmed a private message clarifying the issue of wives/gf/partners as I don't think you can exclude them at the last minute without causing problems and having people drop out.

This is something that should have been clarified at the begining as previous bbq events included them.


Quote from: Buddhagrass on June 15, 2008, 21:05:49 CET
My food order for tomorrow is going to be like this :

1 piece of marinated steak per head
1 piece of marinated chicken per head
10 - 15 Maltese sausages
9 kilos of marinated spare ribs
4 extra marinated steaks (ghal min jibqa bil-guh jew aptit)

Please email me a mobile number of someone who will know the final amount of people coming so that tomorrow before I go to the butcher I can call and confirm the amount of people coming.

It would be also great if someone could get some potato salad, rice salad and salad ghal mal-genb  ;D

sorry to be a pest! but if your getting all that food per head, count me out from the list as i will get my own food!

Also, we will be 20 people biss taa.... mahnix ha nkunu mitejn!! billi xi hadd jixtieq kinnie u jghid li jixtieq max xorb ikun emm kinnie ma fiha xejn hazin! U billi jien ridt diet softdrink, u nixtru kaxxa diet (tkun xi tkun) mux ha taqa id dinja! Jekk tkun problema li nissugerixxu no problem man.... min irid igib alih ux... just ghiduli u ingib... jin gej bix niltaqa makom u mux bix niekol as such...

Why do fish make men go crazy?


Hello Guys,

jiena ma tantx nmur barbeque's u ma tantx nista nofri armar li tigu bzonn u biex taxxaqa il-karretta tieghi zghira.

biss ghandi igloo kbir fejn is soltu jidhlu l-Alungi u l-lampuki nista ngibu u ghandi lampa tal-gas bic cilindru zghir.

min ser jgib is-silg?
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


If any admin or organizer is reading my post kindly call me on 23819125 (7am-3.45pm) regarding the bbq food booking. I am not going to book anything before I speak to someone about it. I don't wanna sound like I am pushing anyone to share food or whatsoever. It was just an idea I had and some members seem to like it. I know some members might have a different opinion regading food like everyone gets his own, which I don't mind at all. We only have a couple of days left and we need to straighten things up regarding many little things like charcoal, meat thongs, sauces, tissues, garbage bags, tank for ice, light, mosquito candles (l-ahhar li rajt ghand Piscopo supermarket u ha ikollna bzonnhom zgur), etc etc. I'll also bring my First Aid kit just in case.
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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as for the drinks i said that i will care for it and don t need to know that there should be diet or not. I said that I will take care and thats all. Now the drinks are in my hands and pls don tsay i want this or I want that cos will not finish. Don t worry. I done a lot and know what I need to buy. Then if someone need some drink special just go and get it by him self. To buy diet drinks was also in my mind. Las time bagira and Buddhagrass came to my bbq they can conferm that they found every thing.

As for the Ice i said that I will bring it.

As for the food Buddhagrass

pls take out the ribs cos for cooking for 20 pls it takes too lot. Just make that a Maltese sausage for every person, and some frankfurters and pink sausages, and 1 piece of marinated steak per head
,1 piece of marinated chicken per head,  Maltese sausages, 4 extra marinated steaks (ghal min jibqa bil-guh jew aptit).

I will bring:

1 big box for the drinks,
Wine (Red and white),
Beer (Scoll),
Gas burner and a chip pen,
2 dishes,
Tools for the BBQ,
1 big BBq,
1 Small BBq,


1 BBQ so that we do another fire to get charcoal ready.
1 gas burner with gas,
1 chip pen

food by Buddhagras
chips from the butcher

sauce; 1 HP and 1 tomato sauce
salt and peper

and some gas lamps.

pls try not to reply the same questions cos at the moment i`m busy on work and to read all the posts its hard.

Who is bringing something just add them in his post and lets help each other. And don t worry that all the expenses will be shared with each other.


i propose that the closing date will be tonight to see who is coming or not, and then who wants to come just bring all his staff. It isn t fair for who is preparing to leave them waiting.

Yes Buddhagras will be fine if you do that things. Just make the thing have to order under your post so others don t have  to buy them again



Hey guys if you want, I can offer to bring logs along (free of charge) instead of charcoal.
Charcoal is expensive, and many times not efficient as much as logs. But if you somehow have a brand new barbecue, painted bright green, better you tell me, if you do not want to strip them.
If you agree, (I mean who is buying the charcoal), let me know and I will bring logs with me.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh