Fishing for Barracuda

Started by kris, June 03, 2008, 15:27:35 CET

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Prosit Kris.Issa taqbadomx kolla ta!!!!!


congratulations kris, it is nice that you had success with lizz and we helped in any way we could....

as you may have noticed, it is luck..... did you strike it?

it seems that ras hanzir catches are dropping cause it has been a while since someone caught one from there... i might be wrong but i know a security guard from there and he noticed this drop in catches... but lizz is always present here
Good season so far.....


Thanks Bigboy. I take it you use hand line, or you got clip on weights? I got a down rigger which I never used, equiped with planner and weight. Has any one ever used one. Any suugestions on way to use it regarding lenght lure should be kept behind down rigger weight so as not to spook the fish? It will be handy to use it with my rods.
Can't wait to go fishing


I use handlines ramio. I like using the green weights the ones you wind in the line.

Qed tara kris prosit man :) jien naf fejn jmiss il hut ta:p issa darbohra mela haqqek iggibli wiehed ha nmaluh fil forn hux :p Aw aggel ftit ax min nhar il gima nibda nistad jien eeeee lesti ruhek mhux se jibqa jmissek kif gib u lahaq il lizz issa :p

Anyways goodluck man jkollok bzonn xi haga aqbad u iktibli post. Forsi xi darba nintaqaw u ejja stad wahda mijej bir rixa ax tihu gost zgur ukoll.


isma guys, about to buy a reel for cuda fishing, ( to change the line to .30) what type of line should i buy?,
and another cuda lure, what type/kind?
could someone suggest something please.....

presently i have a shimano hyperloop 4000fb,
and a yozuri redhead c5.

thnks for your help.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


the reel as long it is shimano i assume it is ok.... they are good reels

lures well the shiny ones are good

i would do something if i where you....

go to mr fish and see what people mostly take and base your decision on that. yo zuri are very good, so are rapala... also h e had another brand which i forgot which i had good catches

Good season so far.....


so i would choose a shimano reel.  (ohh, about the ball bearing, the more the better? hekk nahseb allinqas, cos mine has 1 ball bearing)

i saw a recent post which said that if one chooses a lure, having various changes in colour, it would still be effective...but still reflective lures are good too.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


mux ghal spinning dik ifem.... r retreive rate fuq spinning ma nafx imma jekk qe dtistad xi 100m b riil komuni tghin li ma taqlax daqshekk idejk
Good season so far.....


ohh.. fimtek, so spinning, what gear ratio would one best choose?
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


well ... nahseb medium ifem........ imma din mux kwistjoni fuq spinning l importanti li tkun taf il velocita tar retrieve u tuzha kif trid

dak kollox ma nahsibx li hi concern kbira.... iktar importanti li jkollok spooling perfett tar rill ha twassal l lure iktar

Good season so far.....


tnx guys for the help!! i really appreciate it! :)

meta trid nigi bigboy :P

forsi nigi l-bbq ukoll ha niltaqa naqra makom ux ppl.

15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Fava li kont minnek naqbes qabza sand pirotta fishing centre il gzira ( il hanut il kbir ta fej il knisja) u kellem li lruben dak zgur jejnek fuq xandek bzonn. Bhala lures ghandom it take lures ta vera u ghandom il jointed man li ghal lizz nahseb mawx ahjar minnhom. King jekk tixtri rukkell ipprova sib wiehed li ghandu 2 spools flok wiehed halli mhux kull darba trid toqod tibdel ir rill. F wiehed ezempju tamel 0.25 u fliehor tamel 0.30.


Hawn hafna tipi ta lures differenti tajbin al lizz.Jien nhobb nibdel skond t-temp.Bhalissa mejjet biex nmur wahda alih imma sa kemm imur l-ewwel darba naqta qalbi!


thnks bigboy, l-ewwel cans li jkolli immur...
imnalla atli bigboy dwar ir rukkel b-2 spools, ghax 1) ma kontx naf li jeziztu,
                                                               u 2) no need to buy the 2nd reel.

guys, il bierah mort sac-cirkewwa...ghal lizz...
rajt lizz, zghir kien, imma il hin kollu jaghti is salt ghal vopi li kien em.

ftit wara l-ghaxra tlaqt lemm, minghajr ma messni xejn.

it temp ghadu ma ssetiljax.. grrr
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


jezistu b zew spools certainly fava. rill tajjeb dejjem ikollu. hawn rillijiet tista tixtri aktar extra spools. rill iccekja d drag system tieghu ( halli tara x tip trid, ez. instant drag, bait runner drag, normal ect....) u l ball bearings tieghu...

ma nafx imma l common sense jghidli li jikollok numru diskret- l importanti r retrieve, li tkun tista taqbleb l velocita f daqqa li xi kultant hija killer f dis sajda, l ahjar moviment ta certu lures isir b din l mossa

anke l piz tar rill li nassumi mux ha jkun kbir, tmurx ghal rillijet kbar ghax kollox jghin biex taqla darek sakemm mhux ha tkun qed tistad ghal hut bhal lampuki u hekk
Good season so far.....