Marine conservation areas

Started by baghira, June 16, 2008, 21:12:22 CET

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How many of you have been to some shore sites, and encountered the following signs affixed:
Marine conservation area Mepa Law sl 425-01, Spearfishing is illegal in this area.
I have seen one at ghar lapsi recently.
Below is the e-mail that I have personally sent to Mepa and to Nature Protection.
This is due to the fact that I seriously beleive that this sign is abusive, and none of the authorities know anything about it. Does anyone of you guy has a better picture?
Below is the letter................

As spoken on our telephone conversation, below are listed the details of  my complaint.

I am in the knowledge that in various shore sites in malta, notices are being affixed, (on poles) to prohibit spearfishing into that particular area.

On a particular occasion, I witnessed myself one of these notices, affixed on the steps, the way down to ghar lapsi.

This stated. ?Illegal any spearfishing activity in this area, Marine Conseravation Areas Mepa Law sl 425-01.?

I obeyed this sign, and left the site, altough this sounded strange to me.

Today and last Friday I contacted:

1         Local Council siggiewi, whom are not aware of this sign

2         Malta Maritime authority, whom are not aware of this sign either

3         Malta Maritime foundation (I couldn?t speak to anyone, but I sent an e-mail)

4         Mepa (this mail confirms)

I am a spearfisher, and love this sport. Ony whom practices this sport knows how many sacrifice and training you need to achieve any result.

I hate whoever acts badly (against rules, or law), because this brings along, a negative image onto all of those who pratice this sport.

On the other hand if someone else, is acting illegally, by putting up notices, (maybe for personal, or financial reasons), this situation has to end.

For this reason I am hereby lodging this complaint, giving you my personal e-mail and mobile number, hoping to hear any action that have been undertaken from your end please.

Regards Silvio.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Baghira, have you read the post by emic malta "Reserve zones
by EmicMalta [Today at 11:47:38] " I personally new that they were introducing marine reservs, but wasn't aware of any except around filfla.

I agree with the reserves, but not in areas which have been used by all sorts of fisherman for ages, at least some distance away from shore.
Can't wait to go fishing


Hi ramio

I was aware of these that you mentioned (Notice to marines no 5 of 2008, Conservation areas around wrecks)
But these have been made public and I was in the knowledge of these long ago.
Authorites obviously know about them, but not about these signs.???
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well sombody is puting them up! It recon the autority knows who. They have to go to an expence to make, and install them. Obviously somone with a personal interest, maybe tourist divers org. did you check with police.
Can't wait to go fishing


ija jekk trid huda emic, ngiblek chaser u nzommuwha ghal collection. taghtux kas guys malta s soltu mis seba niehdu l id......

morru ghoddsu u hudu gost
Good season so far.....



This is my email sent today to the MMA cos seems that no one is making any movement


I m trying to find something on spearfishing on the the MMA site. Pls can you help us or send us a link so that we will know the reserve zones.Also in a lot of beaches there are making signs on poles saying Spearfishing is illegal. Can we know who had made these pls cos sent a lot of mails and didn t had any confirmations. Attached one can see the sign. And if no one is in charge of these signs, this means that can be taken of by the law?




emic this note is only for guidance, it is not saying that in this particular place is illegal.......

there are the conditions, IF IT DOES NOT APPLY TO RESERVES AREAS FORGET THEM! hence, if lapsi is included, it was probably included as some launch boats from there, not because the zone is restricted

if they don't clarify, they shouldn't expect that anyone abides with the rules-
Good season so far.....


Go to medfish, under local's all many words and speculations...yet nobody sits down and does a bit of homework.

Written by Kenneth Busuttil Griffin     
Spearfishing license: Before the actual purchase of the gun, one obtains license number from Police General Headquarters weapons Offices after a short interview with an officer. One is asked to fill in a form with personal details and speargun specifications.
- For the purchase of any arm which requires a licence and to keep such an arm during the year of its purchase. (reg.1_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 16.31.
- To keep a speargun during any year following the year of purchase there of, per annum. (reg.6_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 6.99
- To carry a speargun per annum (reg.7_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 3.49
Restrictions: Regulation (EC No 1967/2006) which is administered by the Veterinary Affairs and Fisheries Division:

Spear-guns shall be prohibited if used in conjunction with underwater breathing apparatus (aqualung) or at night from sunset to dawn. (reg.4_Art.8_EC No 1967/2006).

Restricted areas:

Fishing is strictly prohibited in the proximity of the sewage outfall at Wied Ghammieq within the area demarcated on the land side by two stone pillars painted red situated on the sides of the drainage outlet, one on Xghajra shore in the vicinity of Ras il-gebel and the other under the Ricasoli Bastion and on the sea side by two range buoys. It is also prohibited to collect by any means from the same area any edible marine products. (reg.11_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations).

No fishing is permitted in the Dockyard Creek or in the French Creek, that is in those parts of the Grand Harbour to the south east of a line drawn from St.Angelo Point to Isola Point and hence to the northern end of Parlatorio Wharf and Corradino Hill without a special licence issued by the Director with the approval of the Prime Minister. (reg.12_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations).

No spearfishing is permitted in zones which are designated to be conservation zones by MEPA* and wherever artificial reefs are built for the purpose of scientific studies or as an attraction to tourist divers.

*Designated Marine Protected Areas: A marine site that has recently been selected and designated as a marine protected area and a Special Area of Conservation of International Importance is the marine area between Rdum Majjiesa and Ras ir-Raheb on the northwest coast of Malta. MEPA.ORG
The Veterinary Regulation and Fisheries Conservation and Control within the Veterinary and Fisheries Affairs Division (VAFD) has set a number of conservation areas around wrecks.

Spearfishing is prohibited in the following areas. Only surface fishing is allowed including trolling lines (rixa) and angling for pelagic fish.

Location: Wied iz-Zurrieq; Wreck: Um el Faroud
Location: Off Xatt l-Ahmar; Wreck: MV Xlendi, Cominoland, Karwela
Location: Marsascala; Wreck: Tug St.Michael, Tug 10
Location: Off Qawra point; Wreck: Imperial Eagle
Location: Off Cirkewwa; Wreck: Rozi, P29
Location: Off Xrobb l-Ghagin; Wreck: Blenheim bomber
Location: Off Exiles Point; Wreck: Bristol Beaufighter

Protected fish:

The minimum sizes of fishes, measured overall, shall be according to the following schedule:
Name:                                                                                                                                        Min Size
Voparella and Vopa (Box boops)                                                                                         90mm
Arznella and Munqara (Smaris vulgaris)                                                                               90mm
Trilja or Red Mullets (Mullus barbatus and Mullus sarmuletus) including Triljetta                       100mm
All other fishes except transparent goby (makku) & whitebait (srajdna & nemusa)                    115mm
Cuttlefish (sicca)*                                                                                                             75mm
Squid (klamari)*                                                                                                              100mm

*Cephalopods, measured from the anterior side of the eye to the posterior end of the body

Posted: 2008-05-19, this information is accurate as of date of publication.



well well, seems to me that some interesting information is evolving.

By the way spnotta, can you be a bit more clear in your phrases. ???
I believe that this forum is intended for discussion, and maybe for those who have no idea of any protected areas, so they can get a clearer picture. And for all of us to learn more from others.
Speculations....................................Does any maltese has to go to a website like medfish to get some information, Can't we get it directly from source??????? >:(
I know what I am saying, and I spoke directly to the departments or authorities mentioned in my letter and nobody, could until now give me an answer. I also have a pending complaint at mepa which has still been not answered.
Anzi malta qed nghixu u tafu l-affarijiet kif imorru hux. Bhal meta L-ewwel trid tigri xi katastrofi, imbghad niffaccjaw il problema. (Jien ghax naf x'jigri qed nitkellem, u kieku taf fejn nahdem jien, tifhimni ahjar.)
Jiddispjacini, imma ir-risposta jien nixtieqa minghand min kien ghamel il-ligi.
Nahseb li kulhadd ghandu dritt ikun jaf fejn huma dawn l-areas ezatt, sabiex ahna wkoll nkunu konxji bihom.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I might also be wrong, but in any case, when a complaint is lodged, the authority has to answer, both if positive and also in the negative.
And also I must add that the sign that I saw, had been a bit vandalised :o, and some wording was missing.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Simon G

well if no one comes to change them we will know why, as the authorities should do something about people just putting up signs without prper auth.
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Hi Guys, Actually I did that sign myself so that I can catch all the fish on my own. Please go somewhere else!
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp


Has anyone spoken with the MTA seeing as it has their web address at the bottom?


Quote from: baghira on June 17, 2008, 23:24:52 CET
well well, seems to me that some interesting information is evolving.

By the way spnotta, can you be a bit more clear in your phrases. ???
I believe that this forum is intended for discussion, and maybe for those who have no idea of any protected areas, so they can get a clearer picture. And for all of us to learn more from others.
Speculations....................................Does any maltese has to go to a website like medfish to get some information, Can't we get it directly from source??????? >:(
I know what I am saying, and I spoke directly to the departments or authorities mentioned in my letter and nobody, could until now give me an answer. I also have a pending complaint at mepa which has still been not answered.
Anzi malta qed nghixu u tafu l-affarijiet kif imorru hux. Bhal meta L-ewwel trid tigri xi katastrofi, imbghad niffaccjaw il problema. (Jien ghax naf x'jigri qed nitkellem, u kieku taf fejn nahdem jien, tifhimni ahjar.)
Jiddispjacini, imma ir-risposta jien nixtieqa minghand min kien ghamel il-ligi.
Nahseb li kulhadd ghandu dritt ikun jaf fejn huma dawn l-areas ezatt, sabiex ahna wkoll nkunu konxji bihom.
IMHO I was very clear.

You don't have to go to can find the respective documents from the European and Maltese Directives, laws and regulations...directly from the source.

Visiting medfish is not a bad idea either.

Hello we are in search??? I wrote that myself and from where do you think I got the info?...not from eavesdropping in the streets, in forums or what cikku said. I got it all from the source.

-European Regulation (EC No 1967/2006)
-The Veterinary Regulation and Fisheries Conservation and Control within the Veterinary and Fisheries Affairs Division (VAFD)
- Maltese Law...reg.12_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations

You want to talk to who is responsible for the directives stated on the banner (which I fully agree with) and the conservation sites ? You  have to go to VADF who are just implementing and conforming with the European regulation EC No 1967/2006. Regarding the converation sites on wrecks those are coming from Malta's side.

Pullicino issued and statedwhat you all are discussing about in 2007 in the parliamentary questions directed to him.

Guys all this hassle for nothing...those signs do not mean you cannot perform spearfishing in those respective areas. The restricted areas are the ones that I listed on the previous thread. For now you should only be angry that you cannot perform spearfishing on those wrecks for "converservation purposes" whilst angling for pelagic fish on then is allowed.

Now that is something to be angry about.