Marine conservation areas

Started by baghira, June 16, 2008, 21:12:22 CET

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What we catch here is nuts compared to that caught by the Italians, Greek, Spanish and other european spearos!

Here what we have to do is may a strict law on those F****N nets (pariti) thrown near shore. Or else some kind of control that is supposed to be done!

We don't have to  conserve our seas for others to make money as I already said in one of my posts, and lose our beloved hobby!

Everyone knows what sacrifices and how much money a spearo spends!

So we don't have to keep letting foreign people take more from us!
They already introduced laws in hunting, that we maltese together could have taken our own decision on them!
Let us not leave space for more of this stuff guys!

So there must be a balance like with everything.

There are already many shipwrecks near our shore where fish can breed, some of them sunk for that purpose. So there is already some kind of conservation!

Unfortunately there is still illegal fishing on some of them.Sometimes nets are left stuck on these wrecks. So laws must be strict on people fishing in these areas.

On the other hand we have to leave part of sea to practice our hobbies and not conserve everywhere!

I think there are enough shipwrecks or artificaial reefs for tourists and if not so something can be done to increase their numbers.

Maltese to English Names visit


Quote from: SPNOTTA on June 23, 2008, 18:08:08 CET

The real activities that harm the sea are very to hard to stop, for the simple reason that they are money rendering.

Then, if that`s the authorities` way of looking forward, its useless to have these zones, and then I don't agree that we should have any conservation zones at all.
I hate the two ways, two measures decisions that are always taken in the benefit of ones that actually harm the environment/seas while the people who have a real passion for the sea will be deprived from their sport.


regards to these mca, especially the one at marsascala area i was diving at the limits of zonqor point today but on my way back i could notice a prit from one side to another OF THE MCA. SHAME I HAD NO CAMERA. TO ANY BOATS DRIVING THERE PAY ATTENTION TO THE YELLOW BUOYS... THEY INDICATE SWIMMERS ZONE
Good season so far.....


I just got a mail from george abdilla, same as emic posted.
This guy was totally unaware of these regulations when I phoned him.

Spnotta, you are making me curious...........
You knew issues much better than some people in the authorities....... I did some research today and i will eventually post it...... The majority is exactly what you posted in the beginning.
I could not match, point 5 on the sign ......Can you please help!
I read the regulations and they said many other things about irregular fishing activities. These were the only related to spearfishing.
Another question directed to spnotta. As I quoted...Don't you think that these signs make a ''bad image'' on spearfishing...and why putting them in non-protected areas??
I would appreciate if you answer me...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Quote from: baghira on June 26, 2008, 18:47:17 CET
Spnotta, you are making me curious...........
You knew issues much better than some people in the authorities....... I did some research today and i will eventually post it...... The majority is exactly what you posted in the beginning.

I am I get full marks? :)

Baghira...yes I think these signs make a bad image on spearos, and misinformative when placing them in non-protected areas.

Regarding Point 5.. that came from Pullicino's answer to a parliamentary question in 2007 if you require the source I will find it for you.

You mean the authotities did not know about all this!!!! Oh my God!!! Malta really is a in a terrible mess!!! Malta really needs to brush up and wake up!!!

I am sending you a personal message.


The following is being discussed on medfish: Ban of SF in atlantic.

European Union current Technical Conservation Regulations  article 12, hunting with any kind of projectile will be taken into "Destructive Fishing Practice" category and is proposed to be banned totally.

This is rather ambigous and does not necessary it entails SF. When I have time I will get some clarifications.

For those who cannot stand medfish :) here is the direct link: ... 324_en.pdf


HOla finally we agree on some issues.... 8)
Regarding point 5 - I would like to get the source if you can please..spnotta
I will obviously use this information to make others aware of it. (But I would indeed use original sources, so that I can cut and paste)

as regards article 12...... 12) To ensure the protection of marine biological resources and the balanced exploitation
of fishery resources in the interests of both fishermen and consumers, technical
conservation measures should be laid down, specifying the inter alia the mesh sizes
and combinations thereof appropriate for the capture of certain species and other
characteristics of fishing gear, and the minimum sizes of marine organisms, as well as
limitations of fishing within certain areas and with certain gear and equipment.
Is it this one??
Bann spearfishing??????!!!! What ????????
Jien li ma nistax ghaliha, hi illi mal-hazin dejjem jehel it-tajjeb. Jekk hawn ligijiet irridu nimxu maghhom, naqblu u ma naqblux. Jekk le, inkunu qed nitfghu gebla fuq saqajna, u forsi nispiccaw bhall-kaccaturi ehhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mela ejja, daqt nghidilkom ezatt x'jghidu il-ligijiet.
Pero din li jwahhlu tabella bl-addocc, habba ragunijiet personali, f'post li mhux riserva......din narawha ehh
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Simon G

also the club is trying to open discussions whith the authorities to get clarifification on certion issues  will keep you posted
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Quote from: EmicMalta on June 27, 2008, 16:32:05 CET
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

here we are on Malta Fishing Forum and not on a Turkish Forum. So we does not forward the issue to another forum

Correction: I posted a link from medfish concerning the issue of proposal of laws and regulations which I thought is relevant to this thread and not vice versa. :) Sit down before you hurt yourself. ::)

The following should concern all of you spearos.

The following statement could entail spearfishing in the word "projectiles".
Current regulation is proposed for the Atlantic niches but if we open the door to this and regulations entail the activity of spearfishing this might mean that tomorrow it might be adopted to the mediterranean.

Ok the statement is ambigous but it is still dangerous to us.

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION concerning the conservation of fisheries resources through technical measures Brussels, 4.6.2008 COM(2008) 324 final 2008/0112 (CNS)

Where article 12 states:

Article 12

Destructive fishing practices

The catching, retention on board, the transhipment, storage, landing, sale, display or offer for

sale of marine organisms caught using methods incorporating the use of explosives, poisonous

or stupefying substances, electric current or any kind of projectile shall be prohibited.

I have contacted the board for the EU commisioner to clarify the situation. Hopefully I get an answer.


I think what is meant by projectile is some kind of spearguns like those used for whales! Not small spearguns like we use which are not at all distructive!
Maltese to English Names visit


Some fellow member from this forum, (which I don't think it's fair to name) sent me the following:

"spnotta tqazziz l alla ta. missek tisthi bdan il paroli fil vojt u xeba teoriji. Andek xorti kien awn min holoq dan il forum bil maltin u mhux b xeba zbub u paroli fil vojt. Int tparla hekk ax dejjew bilqeda forsi tara huta f aquarium. Flok tamel il gid tiprova tipresjona. Nerga najdlek tqazziz lalla"

-What I wrote in this thread are not theories, they are fact...I also provided the citations for one to follow. I read literature off books, published papers, laws and regulations, ducuments and threads from forums like this one, deeperblu, medfish etc. I don't think there is anything wrong with this. I like to keep myself informed.

-Yes it is true that I am sarcastic and my humour is a bit on the dark side. That is my way of sending a message home. I don't tolerate and make use of bad language. I think it deteriorates the quality of this forum. Which IMHO is a shame.

-I am very happy that we have a local forum, this is very good. To be frank and honest, there are some issues which I do not digest well. But this is my opinion and you find these things in all fourums in respective different propotions.

-Guess what...I am truly sitting down watching the flora and fauna in my aquarium. Are you spying on me??? :) LOL.

- I wish to contribute positively to this forum from the very little I can share.

Let's be educated and responsible for our posts and actions.


Quote from: Arti2 on June 29, 2008, 11:55:36 CET
I think what is meant by projectile is some kind of spearguns like those used for whales! Not small spearguns like we use which are not at all distructive!
I also presume the same but...
that is why we need a clarification because it may be misinterpreted and abused by some EU authorities


Hi guys
I am a spearo, and I posted this information, so that everyone of us knows what current legistaion in Malta states. I will for sure write all relevant information when at hand.
I may not necessarily agree with it, but that is law, and abusing of it may backfire on us... Everyone is aware of what happened with hunting uhhhh!!!

We might not agree between us, and we can argue, but not be offensive towards each other please. Our main objective is all the same one.....enjoy this sport.......
Spnotta has his own way to express himself, but he is very well informed, and can be of help to all of us. We need clarifications, so let him ask for.....Better if we know in advance, instead of being engulfed by a storm.......
We must be unite
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


to unite is a very nice thing to do. to be aware of rules and regulations is also good. to be proactive is an excellent thing to do to be pessimistic (as i am being in this post) is not good BUT no matter what any of us say protest or unite the rules are going to be set by some A_ _ hole/s and all we can do is grumble, swear but obey the rules set by others........ Welcome to reality


Guys as has been written here, everyone is expressing their opinion and view-points on things but let us all be mindful of each other even in personal messages. It is not the scope of the forum to antogonise each other but obviously certain threads may upset different people.

As I mentioned before, if anyone feels a post or thread is 'breaking the rules' or someone feels unduly targetted please report the thread to a moderator, and that includes personal messages although ideally it's up to each member to address issues sent via pm's as they are not 'public'. If the report is justified, that member will receive a warning and if things continue appropriate action will be taken, but let us not get to this stage with each other.

Thanks :)