
Started by Predator, July 14, 2008, 12:17:51 CET

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how far offshore would 1 be recomended to go for spearfishing swordfish? probably a daft question but am curios :) also i imagine you can find them at all sorts of depths?


you have to pay attention predator because swordfish have a spear too and they can be playing at spearing the spearo


Man u got hundreds of species u can fish for, y go fight something that can actually fight back ?


mmm thanks for the replys, i see your points but i guess i must be daft because am interested in going for something like that, i know i have a lot to learn before but must admit it is interesting. I am interested in going for big game or atleast challenging game otherwise it wont be as much fun :p however i realize its no joke and need the propper skills first, thanks againn.


in january we meet one and for me I could had swam againt it but belive me from saying and spear it its totally different


I have been in this sport long now. I am no expert, but I am training hard together with freediver, and some others.
By the way, Nice one busu ;D

I think that you are rushing a bit huh. Get some experiance first, and train also safety. And at first, be happy with catches of smaller species.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


yep like i said i need to get ready first, i know i have a lot to learn, thanks.