Fishing for Vopi with Nases

Started by kris, July 24, 2008, 17:28:15 CET

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hey guys!!  8)

I have two nassi tal-vopi about a metre each which were given to me by a friend. I think that it is about time that i give them a go.  ;D

So i was wondering... do any of you knnow what is the actual mixing ratio of the ghalf pls? :-\

I know that they use ful mithun, hobz, and as a secret weapon they use incova. The problem is that i don't know the mixing ratio that is used.

Regarding equipment i have everything ready. And one more question pls...some say that you should leave the nases for about 3/4 of an hour and not more. And some say they you must leave the nases for a couple of hours? Any thoughts regarding this?

Thanks guys!!:)

15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Hi Kris,

the method that I use is ful, gobon, aringi, ftit ilma bahar kemm jaqqad ix-xoghol u marfa anizett.

first mix the solids toghether and then start adding a little of water. there isn't any mixing ratio cause ful is always mixed with ramel. stop adding water untl it gets a little big hard but not too much or else the ful will never start working. if after the first 45mins the ball is still the same size or near than it means that you have left it hard too much.

generaly I leave them for 30-45mins max. Check always that the entrance is always facing down cause if not, fish will never enter and this would mean that there's a lot of current. take with you always some cakk to put in the net if this happens but mostly you will catch a lot of cawl.

make sure that the nases aren't too old and the best are the diesa one's.

try one near to the bottom and one 6-8m below surface so that you will know where the fish will be eating cause often there are trigger fish(hmir) running after the bouge.

hope that i've been of help to you.

Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


the depth that you have the nassa is not the in every area. the best thing is that if you know someone that goes in your area with nases you ask him at what depth he leaves the nassa. if its not at the right depth you catch nothing or only cawl. where i go i put them at 5 qami from bottom but if you leave them 3 qami from bottom you catch only cawl. 30 min is enough