Started by mulett75, August 04, 2008, 22:18:06 CET

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Il-lum kelli ix-xorti li nattendi ghal-laghqa sabiha li saret gewwa l-Imsida, fejn gie introdott il-ktieb SAJD BIR RIXA. Hemmhekk kelli l-okazjoni li niltaqa ma nies li is soltu tkun tafhom biss fuq il-forum. Tkellimna fuq l-esperjenzi taghna u tihu gost meta tisma lill haddiehor jirrakonta l-istorja tieghu. Min hawn nixtiq naghjad prosit lill Johnathan tal ktieb SAJD BIR RIXA. L-Imsida indunajna kemm hawn ghatx ghal kotba bhal dawn, ghax kien hemm nies li ilghom jistadu ghexiren ta snien u xorta xtraw il ktieb. Kien hemm anke nies li ghadhom jibdew li zkur ghozzew dan il ktieb aktar min kulhadd.


Was great meeting you and having a chat, was nice to see so many people interested in fishing all meeting up in person for the book launch.


Hope we will have more of these occasions where one can meet and discuss our pass time or better our passion.


It was realy nice meeting you guys. thanks to you Jonathan and Rio this book is one of my favourite now
Fish or Work, but you can't Fish without Work.


Min fejn jinxtara dan, U kemm jiswa?
Jien mhux xi dilettant kbir tar rixa, imma jihdher interessanti.
L-importanti li fih xi illustrazzjonijiet ta, kif tarma, biex wiehed jiehu idea.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Jonathan tal forum ghandu.(ax hu kitbu)Anke il hwienet ta mr fish.U jien rajtu ukoll go xi stationaries.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


alavolja adni gdid xorta hatt pjacir nintaqa makom ax naf li parir tatuh bill passioni ta sajt u muxx mentalita antika li hatt ma jajdlek xej ijsu bnaqqa qazba jew rixa ha tohodlu il hut kollu
selva 12ft dinghy with selva 30hp


Veru ktieb sabih u interessanti. Kellna bzonn ktieb ta dan it tip f idejna. Ir ragel li hemm bil lampuka f idu huwa l papa tieghi. Dik konna qbaniha bil qasba tar reel fil grigal ta ghawdex fis sena 2004 u kien fiha challange mhux hazin!!


The tell him avery good well done. Even from the smile he has on his face it shows that he was very happy with his catch.


Thanks! Will surely tell him and hope to catch another one like that!!


Have bought the book & yes it is very informative & intersting. If you have not bought it yet it is worth having !!! Mark it down on the Xmas list!!! Hope to see more people taking thier time a doing books like these, as they help beginers & also experianced fisherman. ;)
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


you can buy this book from th bbq tomorrow Eur 8.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Hi I am new to the forum, I found this forum very informative seems there are some nice guys too. I just heard about this book "sajd bir-rixa" and I like to buy it. Can anyony give me a clue from where I can buy it (except from tomorrow's Bar B que)please.
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Fisheye,did you buy the book?If not i will try and get you one.

Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.