whats the best bait for awrat

Started by billy81, May 07, 2012, 13:49:14 CET

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 Hey all
I am trying to catch awrat and wanted to know what the best bait is for them?


hi as regards to bait , I use shrimps(gambli) and had success with them !!


do you put them on the bottom or float


i fish for awrat using a paternoster with hooks number 3 and yes on the bottom :)

piscatorial pirate

Hi I have been fishing on the float for awrat, have had 38 in the last two days, I have been using shrimp, dried worm, rubber worm, bread and small rubber shad all with success. After 4 hours of fishing with fish after fish have gone home tired, but happy.
I'd rather be fishing 🎣


where are you fishing if i may ask? (ex. port)?


fishing off the rocks with a rocky bottom


Quote from: L-Ghaxqi on May 13, 2012, 23:44:24 CET
where are you fishing if i may ask? (ex. port)?
I am not exactly sure where our friend was fishing from but you can try anywhere along the coast from Mellieha to Msida Creek after a couple of days of windy days!

Today I counted 10 fishing from Pieta Creek - I was driving so not sure if they have been catching!

After the gale force wind of a couple of months ago, I saw fisherman catching qawrat with a net (kopp ta l-idejn min ma l-art!) from Ballutta bay.


jin mhux biex nistadila ta...biex nara kif ha najdlu jistadila. ifem jekk rocky bottom arma running float my friend (jekk tfittex naqa awnekk andek issib ajnuna ta kif tarmah sew) u jekk tkun sandy beach uek...i prefer using paternoster ;) gl dude :)


L-awrata thobb ir-ramel igifieri trid issib postijiet fejn il qiegh huwa ramli.  Issa jekk qed nghidu tkun fejn emm ir-ramel, dak jigifieri ha tiekol affarijiet assocjati ma dan l-ambjent.  L-ahjar lixka li insib aliiha huwa ckal kbir u gambli mil-homor.  Sakemm ma tahrabx mil farm mihiex huta li ha ssib malajr pero jekk issib wahda hafna drabi tkun kbira.