Hniex ta l imperjal

Started by Tatanka, September 14, 2008, 22:03:06 CET

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those are yabbie holes (ckal)
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


yes back in those good old days of plenmty there was everything in Senglea creek, hniex in 4 feet of water, tamal we were about 10years old and wee used to jump in catch hold of a stone and bring it up and it produced LOTS and LOTS of tamal, imhar, nakkli, gambli galore, insomma all u can think of.........ALL GONE NOW.
U still remember Joe when a nioce spnotta used to come in harbour there were so many fish that they used to jump out of the water and onto the pavement and we used to gather by the bucketful.
Oh we also used to get a lot of smuggled goods hidden behind wooden boats along the waterfront ..........yep gooooooooood old days


Spot on Tony.  Those were the good old days.  It was good business for me as a youngster diving for building stones, and boulders, tying them to a rope, pulling them up onto the jetty and with a hammer and chiesel break the stones searching for tamal.  Together with tamal you also had the by catch, including hniex!!  I was making some Lm1 a day at that time, which was a fortune when you consider a Brand new ford escort ws selling for Lm400!!!!
The seabed was indeed plentiful.  I remember as kids we used to dare each other who could dive the deepest.  As proof of reaching the seabed, you were requested to bring up a small stone or something.  Its not the first time that I and my mates would come up with a gandofla...
I remember the terrace area, at that time occupied by the British forces, was particularly a good fishing area for sargi and sparli. 
Tony, I also remember the plentiful episodes of fish jumping out of the water, especially when a tugboat  would come in to pull a ship out of Dock Number 1.
Smuggling???...hehehe...what a field day we had.  I remember HM Ships berthed in Senglea Creek, and people on wooden daghjsas, under the cover of darkness, creeping up to the ships and then winching down all that the ship's crew would manage to sell, this included clothes, ropes, food, tools, the bucket full...etc.  I also remember that the Ponta was out of bounds for kids during the night, and the smugglers used to tell us that the WHITE LADY haunted the area, so as to scare us away and let them get on with their business.

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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to answer my own question regarding buying hniex tal imperjal, i just came over from kevin tal Isla, hes got a shop in san gwann - opposite savesmart supermarket. hes got great prices since he goes for them himself.

his number is 99012685 or 99847021, tell him Joe from msida sent you and that youre from the forum, and he'll also give you a 15% discount on tackle. spoke to skip to make it official.



10x fish noob!!! will definitely visit him :)


haqq insejt lispot light


i also suggest that sea water is changed frequently , and the worm is left untouched and undisturbed


nixtiq insaqsi jek hawnx xi hadd li jista jigwidani kif nista naqbad il hniex ta' l-imperjal u min fejn...ghal uzu personali...thanks 


Bghattlek Pm habib.

Jin naghmlu ghalija personali nurik milli naf bil qalb kollha (m inix mustaccun - hawn 4 malta tajbin ghalih imma kollox sigriet ghax jghixu minnu (u jghixu tajjeb!)) imma fih hafna xol ta strapazz dment li mhux ha tkun wikkiel u li tara tigbor. Jekk tibza ghalih land jibza ghalik... jekk li tara ttellu dak li taqbad llum ada ma ssib xejn.

Bhal hut, jekk tistermina minn post tkun qridtu. jekk minn 4 hallejt 2 darba ta wara ssib 5 mux 4 :)
Good season so far.....


@Granitu...Grazzi tal PM habib u naqbel mija fil mija mijek li ktibt fil 'post' li hallejt...dan f kollox l istess meta tibza al xi haga jumejn ohra ha terga isib...jek li issib tkaxkar tmur l ada u ma isib xejn ux :)