Jigging for Calamari

Started by The_Gaffer, September 11, 2008, 14:42:50 CET

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The difference is that with a hand line you can actually feel the calamari 'playing around' with the lure; in this case I wait for a couple of seconds and sort of 'stike'. More often than not I manage to catch the calamari.  That is something you cannot feel with a rod (or I have not managed to feel!!). 


gazzett,i was talking about fishing for clamari from a boat in 50 to 60mtrs deep.from land it is a different story cos clamari strike while spinning in 1 mtr deep
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


The way I found best, and have been using for the last 5 years, is a short rod (about 1m), small multiplier reel, preferably self winding filled with 10 Lbs powerpro line ( I think this is spectra). The feel is out of this world as there is no stretch. I actually feel the lead weight fall from vertical to horizontal.
Sinse the rod is short by holding the line just out of reel in my fingers you can feel the sqiud as soon as it touches lure.
The good thing is, no tangles of line on the floor boards under the feet.
Can't wait to go fishing


the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing

Perla 165

Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!

Perla 165

Tubu ahdar ( green neon) tahsbu li hu efetiv izjed min dawl l-iehor ez min helogean? Din qrajta min site barranija illi juza dan it tip ta dawl . xtahsbu?
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


That's the best site I found regarding squid fishing and there is also a seller there which is very reliable, I got lures from him aswell. 

Regarding the light colour, I prefer to use White light (not yellow but white) as it's the most light that penetrates through the seas darkness thus attracting more small fish which is bait for squids !!

Chris  8)

Perla 165

Gazzetta meta tejd tuza dawl abjad, ezempju bozza ta xix tuza u kem tkun watts al klamari ?
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Halogen trid tkun l ahjar u jekk jista jkun tqabbad dimmer maghha halli tirregola s sahha tad dawl. Kif jibda jmiss il klamar trid tnaqqaslu d dawl.

Bozza halogen tal 50 bizzejjed man ;)

Thallix min ibellalek li il klamar irid hafna dawl ax il klamar fid dawl ma jmissekx. Meta jkun kwinta l qamar ahna laqqas nixelu dawl u jibda jmess aktar lejn il wic.

Perla 165

tal 50 + dimmer u xhin imiss tbaxilu ux big boy? Thank you
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


bozza halogen tal 50 man. Ijja jkollok dimmer biex xorta inti ma thallijiex tati full il bozza u kif tara li beda jmess il klamur baxxilu d dawl kemm kemm thallilu dik id dijja gel ilma u tara kif jibda jmessek sew. Jien Issa nibda ndur l affarijiet tal klamari u nara li kollox armat sew ax issa dalwaqt jibdew jidru n naha tana


Mill art jew bahar qed titkellem bigboy ?

Chris  8)

Perla 165

tajjeb. Mela il qabda tajba bigboy u grazzi
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


found squid jigs on ebay that have LED's inside them that light up on contact with water. Does anyone have any experience fishing with them?

Perla 165

fiz100 tista ta tina link tahhom dawn biex narawhom, jek jogbok. grazzi
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!