
Started by mike.d., October 06, 2008, 19:50:26 CET

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can you buy put in or put over poles in malta or are they all whip/telescopic type ?


Only saw those on tv,never seen them here.Maybe someone else can help you :-\
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Mike.d do you think put over poles are worth it? are they better then telescopic poles?never tried one!


i think so, allthough main use is freshwater lots of good carp poles about, main reason not over here must be shiping cost, i had a garbollino spirit in the uk 11mtrs just over 800grms if i remember right, but you dont need to use all of it and the beauty of it was top sections were elasticated, so it helps to play the fish, maybe my wife will bring one back with her.  ::) ::) 


I am sure I have seen a couple of them around & the last I seen a person using one was at marsascala Harbour fishing for mullet. it was the first time I seen someone fishing like that & it was proving very effective. He had a 30ft pole rod with not more than 12ft line on . So he obviously fishes further out and once he has a bite he will just start taking sections off to bring the mullet closer to enable to net it. And another time was in one of the Kingfisher competitions. They seem to be very light too. 
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


they are very effective, and light, lighter than your avv 6mtr tele, but it comes with a price, a guy in uk does them quite cheap but will not ship to malta, ( no real reason given ), about 10 years ago i got my spirit for 116 stirling, that was a lot of money then, but well worth it, it was so light you didnt really know you had it in your hand, the other thing about fishing so light, is the fight, it seems better hoping you dont snap etc, sorry to go on but i could write a page on pole fishing.

Kaptan Jr

mike d you want to buy a pole rod?? If yes I have a brand new shimano 9m telscopic for sale........
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


thanks for the offer, but i have 5 telescopic poles, i am after a take apart or a put in, how much are you asking i know someone who is after one, (it will save him using mine all the time) and what is the weight ?.

Kaptan Jr

I dont know the exact weight but its very light and i am going to sell it because i can't handle it cause it is too long for me. Each part of the rod has a serial number so if it is broken it can easily be replaced and the price is 230 euros. It has hardly been used because i was always afraid of breaking the tip cause its very sensitive
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


ok mate, will pass it on.


sorry for my questions mike.d but you got me interested to import a few.But for example if I get a put on pole of 9.5mt,can I use it with 9.5mt line,play the fish and then net it or you have to use shorter line? ???


the length of line is up to the individual, what you have to remember is if pole is elasticated that will add to length of line when playing the fish, the most important thing in my opinion is length of line from pole tip to float, the shorter it is the better the strike rate, plus the elastic needs to be taken into account, you dont want a heavy one if only fishing light, pole fishing is great fun,
                 there was a nice 11 mtr one went on ebay uk last night for 40 stirling, i e mailed them but they would not ship to malta, on reflection i could have had it sent to my wife for her to bring over.
hope this is of some help.
                                mike. :) 


Can sombody please explain what this pole is all about. What is the difference from the normal telescopic rod?
Can't wait to go fishing


telescopic u extend it and it strays that way till u want to store it. The poles is made up of pieces that come of (unscrewed) and thus u shorten the rod to the size of the line. to bring the fish in.
its a fixed rod and extended or retract by screwing on/off pieces.


Can't wait to go fishing