Malta so far

Started by blueskip, October 03, 2008, 08:52:42 CET

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Finally arrived after a 3hr delay, so Monday was a bit of a low key day, used some bread to feed the small fish from the local jetty, caught a few small bream, wrasse etc.
Tuesday called at Sea Breeze to get Korea worm, no chance until Thur/ Fri, so its off to Zabbar to Franky's, no worm so its Figura & Mr Fish but still no worm, so back to Marsascala  the bread.
Wednesday, where did that light show come from? & those sound effects? went down to "my pier" to find it swarming with anglers, & the water very dirty. I watched the locals to see how they were doing it, & it just seemed like the usual breadpaste but with more being caught. Some were using paste close in on the bottom & were catching small bream, wrasse, combers, others were fishing at distance with paste on a float for mullet, so I joined the mullet brigade,  caught a few Golden Greys.
Thursday worm day, straight to Figura for 3 boxes & back to "my pier" water still dirty, but with worm a bite a cast, lost count of how many small bream with 7 black stripes I caught, along with other sorts of bream, & combers, & wrasse. I mounted one small silver fish as livebait, but it swam around for hours untouched, tried spinning later on, (after I got soaked to the skin in a downpour) had one hit before my arm got tired.
Friday we are supposed to be going to the Blue Grotto if my family get back from Valetta & shopping, will try some deep heavy lure spinning down there. It looks like my day out with Placebo on the boat is off, with high winds forecast for Saturday, so it will probably mean using the last of my Korea worms down on my pier.
Its not been a wonderful fishing week, but I have learned some lessons, & Korea worm is a must, & so is having your own transport to get to different venues, I will let you know how Friday & Saturday go when I get home. Signing off from "our man in Marsascala" ;D


hi blueskip just arrived home from work and everything is ready for tomorrow. Although we can not make it by boat still we can have some fun from shores.

We try fishing garfish tomorrow and hope will have some fun!

goodnight mate i'm off for the forum meeting tonight as i will be meeting most of the guys for the 1st time.

cu tomorrow.

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing

Pedro the Fisherman

We arrive Tuesday for a week Blueskip. will you still be out there? Be nice to meet up. Text me after tuesday 0770 489 2645
Nab 17 with Honda 50 4stroke based at Newhaven
Fish English Channel for pollack, bass, cod, bream.
Organiser of South East Anglers charter fishing club see:-


Sorry mate flying back in the morning, make a note of the Korea worm though its a must, breadpaste is a good standby, but you need to groundbait with it. Contact Placebo & Aab both sound lads really willing to help, & they certainly know their fishing, Placebo took me today & we must have had 40 garfish on a running float rigs skipped across the surface, next time I come I will try them on the fly rod. Aab knows how to make a "secret" bait for mullet, which I never got chance to try, but will use next time. These forum lads know their stuff & are really keen to help, my advice is to make use of them & you WILL catch fish, I cant wait to come back again, (I kept my son for 21yrs, now its payback time)! ;D Thank you for your help lads, I will be back perhaps before Christmas, there are lots of fish out there with my name on them! ;)


I dont know if the owner of the charter boat, that works out of Marsascala, & has a mobile phone number painted on the side, is a forum member, but if you are, how is it that according to you, on Monday night, you were "booked solid for 2 weeks" yet the boat never left its mooring all week?
Surely it wasn't too rough on all the days, or do you only do weekend charters? I sat on the concrete jetty all week, & watched things I wouldn't bath my grandson in, going out quite happily, I am looking for somebody who goes out during the week, when the other lads are in work, if anybody does midweek charters I would be glad of their number for next time I am over.


No he's not Blueskip, have tried to get in touch with him a few times but to no avail.


I think its Chris of Fishingmania.  I only have good experiences with his charter, and nothing to complain about.  He usually does not go out with F3+ winds.



I knew there had to be a logical explanation, although I would have thought that Force 3 would be no more than a "good fart" to a boat that size? Still he must know his boat & his customers, so I am still looking for a charter boat that does Mon-Fri, when I am next over.


Rob, when you next speak to him, mention the forum and see his reaction. As mentioned above I have emailed him several times to get in contact, but never had a reply. Perhaps he has so much business he doesn't need to reply, but given the number of people who frequent the forum and the number of people who come from overseas and are interested in a charter, I'm surprised he's not a member.

At least he would be in a position to talk about the type of fishing that can be done etc, and entice some people!


He could certainly have enticed me! If he was to put a board advertising himself, on the promenade opposite where he moors his boat, with all the tourists who walk there, he would fill the thing most days.
Doesn't it annoy you, when you see an opportunity being missed, I bet there are hundreds of Brits who come to Marsascala on holiday, who would love to have a day out on a charter boat, from right outside their door, think of all those moaning wives/girl friends! ;D


Whenever I tried booking a charter, he always had a rather full schedule, IMO that's why he does not advertise much and does not follow up his emails.  Even the site is outdated, he's had those photos for years.  Should contact him during the next couple of weeks.

Skip and Blueship see my PM.


dont know if its any help, but an english guy is going to start diong them next year 25 euros a head per day.

Kaptan Jr

for what type of fishing mike pls???
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


really dont know as its early stages, i know where he hangs out in marsascalla so i will keep all informed.
        if its any help he sailed over from uk, not sure if thats right term to use.


It must be a big old boat if he sailed it from the UK :o saying that, it is possible to come down the canals of France to Marseilles, then if you can go by river across Italy, & sail down the Adriatic, its only a short dap across to Sicily then Malta.
If he has something like a 50' MFV, or a 38' Lochin type, he wouldn't have a lot of trouble if he picked his route, & made sure he had harbours to bolt into in case of bad weather. Nowadays the navigation would be a doddle, a good GPS or better still a chartplotter, & its done for you, but I dont think I would try it in my 16 footer ::)