Jigging for Calamari

Started by The_Gaffer, September 11, 2008, 14:42:50 CET

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Not that much a difference Fava it's more a personal choice because as camkev said when there are squid they are caught on every colour.Good luck to all for the squid season

poor catch

Have there been any catch reports iro boat fishing for calamari ?
Any specific areas where they are reporting catches if any ?
Is it still too early in the season ? 


poor catch u havnt changed ur nick yet........clamari being caught off Gozo and off mizbla. catches not very abundant except for the odd day. Klamari are nice sized. its a matter of luck but if the weather is good and the company nice then u should go.


I went for a couple of hours on Sunday early morning.  Six in the bag, averaging 150gr.


poor catch

Thanks for replies, since I' m new to this type of fishing I need some more info please so onto the next couple of questions  ...

Should the light set up used be bright or dim ?

Should light cone be concentrated as per a spotlight / beam or is a floodlight type effect better ?

Should light used be submersed into the water or reflected onto the fishing spot ?

Do you fish in the lit up area , adjacent to or away from it, say opposit side of boat to where light is setup ?

And additional advice / info provided would be of help.



I did not use any light on SUnday.  Usually I do, but due to force majure (broken bulb) had to do without.  I normally have ready to use submersible bulb bought from Mr Fish.



i got nice catches from the south last week.

in one outing i got 35 and then sunday morning i got 7.

many are still small in size (less than 200gms) but i got also some nice sized.

i was fishing in a new 70mtrs depth area! normally i fish them in 30-50mtrs but this time i'm experimenting in more deep waters and is looking good.

do not worry much about light as i only have a small dim light (20 watts) to save battery energy!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing



far from it bigboy! i was only lucky!

This is my third year fishing for klamari and i can assure you that for every squid i get the boats from MXlokk who are fishing near me get 3.

i'm still experimenting and finding good spots
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing

Perla 165

palcebo , just when you found them just let us know :P cheers m8 and good luck form more experements
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!

poor catch

Thanks to all who submitted feedback - very useful to me as new to this fishing category. At least I'm getting some clues.

Regarding wind, sea state and lunar phases which conditions would be most appropriate ?


yesturday went out and the wind was north. in 10 mins we got 6 nice ones but wind had changed to SE and had to get back. Was going to be a good one but better safe then sorry


poor catch did u rig up for kalamari or not. I suggest spitec to buy lines and lures. then all u have ot do is try.

poor catch

Yes, I managed to get all necessary equipment sorted out.

We were out last week for a couple of hours and managed to land 10.

Pleasantly surprised with catch since it was our first time out fishing for calamari. Not bad for starters ! :)


hey hey hey as i told u before u have to change ur nick man........try 'good catch' for a change, good luck man. did u go Gozo and Bugibba side cause there are lots who come from gozo on that edge. faccata tal Barriera........