Fishing from Maghtab area or Manoel Island ...

Started by bahri, April 04, 2007, 17:27:58 CET

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I was thinking of doing a spot of fishing over the Easter weekend - in particular Friday for which the forecast is looking promising.

I use a Bahri + 9.9 Mercury and normally go down from the slipways at either Manoel Island or Bahar Ic Cahaq since i am based in St.Julians.

I have never been fishing with the boat outside the summer months but i am told that Pagell is caught all year round - is this true?

Would i fish in the same depts around Maghtab/Splash & FUn area as during summer or would need to go out deeper? Can anyone give me an idea of how far out?

If i go down from Manoel Island - are there any recommend bearings for sandy patches?

tk u



cant help you with the places where to go fishing i dont go to fish there, but if you go fishing in summer and catch fish go in the same places. it doesnt make any difference in summer or winter



Is anyone familiar with the reef known as 'Sikka il-Kbira'

Apparently it is out from Bahar ic Cahaq (opposite Maghtab) area ... can anyone give me GPS coordinates or maybe some bearings to find it ?

tk u



I never heard of this reef, would be interested in the details too.
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp


sry - nahseb rumour kienet!

hemm xi tipp ta "xifer" il barra u faccata tal bahri imma ma sibtx coordinates.


and all that means .... sorry can only speak maltese cant read it yet
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


ermmmm ... literal translation would be "ledge"!


kempy, my Maltese sucks but I read:

sorry - I think it was a rumour.

There is some type of ledge outside and opposite tal bahri, but i did not find the co-ordinates.


A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married