Need some help on a project

Started by kurtfalcon, February 23, 2009, 14:54:43 CET

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Apart from projected legislative directives other BIG manufaturers will use the aformentioned as a weapon/excuse to wipe out competition.

Just have a look at what is currently happening with commercial cars and motorbikes.

In writing "dying era" I never meant to offend your project, on the contrary I stated that it is (ambitious and controvertial).

Don't worry... it is my fault, I always get misunderstood and misinterpreted.


come on spnotta ejja my friend there are people who get your point no worry!
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing



I think spnotta has pointed out some very interesting things where you can expand your reaserch. When you are doing projects, thats the type of info you need to kickstart. then you just expand on everything, decide on the pipeline and get into as much detail as you wish. At least i used to work that way :) anyway good luck man.


I think that you in your project it would be useful to add how these manufacturers attained low emissions and consumption. High tech engine control systems incorporating oxygen sensors wired up to electronic modules regulate air/fuel ratio as close to the stoichiometric ratio (14.7:1) as possible. The reason behind this development is that CO, HC and NOx emissions are dependent on the A/F ratio. Engines that run on the stoichiometric A/F ratio promote the nearly complete oxidation of CO and HC to CO2 and H2O and nearly complete reduction of NOX to N2.


The name of the project is "The new era of two-stroke outboards".
However this discussion seems to be focusing on "Pollution from new two stroke Outbords", which I think is a bit misleading for the name of the project.

I think the project should dwell on:
1) a comparison between an old 2 stroke and a new 2 stroke (how they work)
2) advantages gained by the 2 stroke direct injection system over carburetted or conventional EFI 2 strokes.
3) General comparison between 2 strokes and 4 strokes, hlighting advantages of a 2 stroke engine for small boats: power to weight ratio, servicing, etc

Emissions could be part of it too but the project should not revolve around the emissions topic.

Lets put is as it is: The fact that the EU and California stringent emissions boards are giving direct injection 2 stroke outboards like (e-tec) a three star emissions rating means that they are surely low emissions outboards. These tests are done by experts who are independent from the manufacturing companies.

One thing is for sure, that a new era for 2 stroke outboards DOES exist and it looks very likely that they are here to stay. So much so that a company like evinrude decided to focus all is resources on the new 2 stroke outboards and ignore 4 strokes completely. Not that there is something wrong with 4 stroke but I think that a 2 stroke engine is more adapt fo small sea craft. More power to wieght ratio, less maintanance, less parts, and now thanks to the new era of 2 strokes more fuel economy than 4 strokes!


the 2 stroke scooters were also thought to conquer the 4-stroke world...manufacturers continued in researching and investing in them but in vain.

lighter, more power to weight ratio true... but fuel economy and emissions better to verify how they really rival their 4 stroke cousins of the same class.


According to this certification, e-tecs two stroke direct injection are even cleaner than four stroke.

That's what I call a new era !

See attachment


the commercial sheet (by no means a certificate) has no value... dated 2006...timeliness is important here
and no references are given.

It does not state that it is cleaner than 4 well!!! Even if it did, it would have to be sustained by links to research papers.

Commercial brochures, sheets and sites are the least one would want to look when conducting proper reseach.


Here, now you have it black on white from the US environment protection agency. Straight from the horses' mouth ! Less polluting than 4 strokes !!!! Dont tell me that the US environment protection agency has some particular interest in supporting 2 strokes.

United States Environment Agency Clean Air Excellence Awards Recipients
Evinrude? E-TEC? Clean Air Technology
Bombardier Recreational Products Inc.

In 2003, Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP) introduced Evinrude E-TEC, an outboard engine for marine recreational products, which is based on a two-stroke engine technology. Compared to a similar 2004 four-stroke engine, carbon monoxide emissions with Evinrude E-TEC are typically 30 to 50 percent lower; and at idle are lower by a factor of 50 to 100 times. In addition, Evinrude E-TEC emits 30 to 40 percent less total particulate matter on a weight basis than a similar ?ultra-low emissions? four-stroke outboard. Furthermore, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbon emissions for Evinrude E-TEC are similar, if not lower, than a four-stroke outboard. There are no oil changes with this engine, as well as no belts, and no valve or throttle linkage adjustments. This makes Evinrude E-TEC engines easier to own than comparable four-stroke engines. In addition, numerous advancements combine to create the Evinrude E-TEC quiet signature sound including an exclusive idle air bypass circuit.

Its going to be hard to beat this one  !!! :) Truly a new 2-stroke era.

You can go directly to the site from the link posted above.


no prob...timeliness 2003-2004 :)

But we are getting there...well done for the research :)
I really love these discussions keep it up!  :)


Gottie  you did a wonderful job. Especially for my project, thanks also to you Spnotta for any help given in this thread. Gottie could you please send me your mobile number as I wish to personally contact you since you own an Etec.
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water

Destination Sea

and etec s are approved to be used on lake constance (selected models)
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


kurtfalcon, gottie provided you with an excellent link for your project but unfortunately it is dated 2004...timeliness is an big issue here...try to find  a more recent statement of the sort for your write up.

A few days more and you might have more than enough material for your project. LOL.


 ;D Hehe ;D I might as well just copy and paste this thread onto a Word document and print it and give it to my teacher. Lol ;)
#1 on the water ---kurtfalcon--- #1 on the water