fluocarbon leaders

Started by benri, April 03, 2009, 20:57:15 CET

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With my works on the boat on schedule, it's time to start working on the tackle as the alungi season is getting closer! A question I wanted to ask the experts is about using fluocarbon leaders - what lenght of fluocarbon do you use for the leader? also do you use a swivel in the last 2 meters or so, or do you tie your lures directly to the whole leader? I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say! I mean let's say the fluocarbon leader is 10 meters - do you tie your lure at the end of the 10 meters or do you tie a sviwel at the end of the 10 meters and then attach say another 2 meters to the lure?
Also does anyone use a weight of say 200g inline? Ta' Bormla has these new weights which you can screw on and off (inline) depending on how you'd like to fish and they look quite interesting!
I'd rather be fishing.....


Bryan, leader length is a preference! Some people say the length of your rod, other people say the length of your intended fish size, and some people just like to run a standard length 2meters etc.

I run around 2m or so which is the length I use when preparing my lures.

In my case my main line is terminated by first inserting a small squid (used to cover the snap swivel) colour etc is your choice and then I crimp with a snap-swivel.

All my lures are then rigged with an eye+chaffe protector and I crimp to create the loop. I use this method because if I am using a rapala or similar I simply attach the snap swivel directly to the lure, whereas if I am using rigged lures or daisy chains I just attach to the loop and I'm good to go.

The Gaffer on the other hands runs the reverse! He has snap swivels on all on his lures and has the eye/swivel on the end of his mainline. I prefer my option is it's the standard method and let's me use pre-rigged, rapala style or anyone elses lures without modification.

You want to acheieve maximum versatility with minimum hassle. And I've switched to crimping everything as I managed to buy small crimps specifically for 30lbs mono whereas most of the ones we get here are too big.

Used to use an inline weight here and there but don't anymore, I flat line instead if a lure isn't running well.


Thanks Skip. Besides the 2m leader, do you spool the end of the line on the reel with flurocarbon too? If yes what lenght say last 10m?
I'd rather be fishing.....


No I don't, less knots/joints the better!


mine same as skip, except that I dont use fluorocarbon all the time. This way i can change the lures easily without any hassle. See u out there soon benri.


Bryan,  Leader theory states that your leader should be approx the length of the fish you seek.  However, my leader length is always approx the length of the rod.  The leaderline is joined to the mainline with a barrel snap swivel which is tied to leader.  I tried the small squid method to cover the swivel, but what happens is that when trolling at 6 knts, the small squid starts to rotate.  This action, because the small squid is fitted into the barrel head of your swivel, also tends to rotate your main line, and you end up with alot of twists and turns on your main line.  So for this year, I will be removing the small squids from the mainline, used to camoflauge the swivel.  I use flourocarbon leader, which lasts about 2 yrs, then I change it.  This is depending on catch frequency and condition of leader. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Interesting point about the little squid, although I don't think yours were that little? Can't remember!


if you add some beads and its a barrel swivel wont it solve the problem of the twists, cause it looks like a great idea covering with sqiud , as for a snap swivel, do barrel ones exist? what im saying is changing lures by just changing leader when using rod will be the easiest thing to do
selva 12ft dinghy with selva 30hp


Thats exactly what I do pupu.  I have a barrel swivel attached to the mainline, and a barrel/snap swivel attached to the leader.  When I need to change lures, I just unlock the snap swivel, and change the lure and leader.  As for the beads, I still don't think its a good idea.  Allow me to explain.  The squid head fits into the bead.  Trawlling at 6knts, the squid lure will still rotate, only this time its fitted into the bead.  Thus the bead will also turn at high spead, and start to rub against the mainline (friction).  I think this will compromise the integrity of the mainline. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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i know you use multiple setups for alungi , saw the pics ,( mux ta bxej cronic alungitis).  , so what setup would you suggest me so that i prepare then, being mainline length from boat and tickness, leader tickness and preffered lure,

knots its about 6 , and i have 12lb trolling rod will it be enough?

thanks bro
selva 12ft dinghy with selva 30hp


I think 20lb would be better or 30-50lb.I have one 30lb and another 30-50lb.Regarding setup the gaffer will tell you better.Regarding lures i like to use the redhead or firetiger.I also caught on yozuri squid and jet head squids.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Pupu, your best bet would be to have at least a 20-40lbs rod.  I spool my reels with 30/40lbs momoi diamond, which would be around 50lbs normal mainline, since momoi diamond line's breaking strength is rated at usually double that.  For leader, I use 60lbs flurocarbon.  Lures are your personal preference.  I've caught alongi on redheads, williamson, but my main lre is the pakula dojo pechewww.pakula.com
Lure distance from boat is also down to personal preferences.  Some suggest swimming your lures way back, others like to keep them nearer the boat.  The ideal positioning would be in the 85-115 feet distance from the transam.  However, if you are not getting any bites, I would suggest you swim them further.  This is all depends the propwash, vibrations ect.  As a starter, again depending on the size of your boat, I would suggest a 2 to 3 lure spread, swimming in a sort of 'V' shape, with your middle lure furthest.  If you go for only 2 lines, then position one line at about 90 feet away and the other 115 feet away.  Play around with lengths if after half an hour trolling in a productive area you don't get any strikes. 
Also, watch out for any surface activity, splashes, current lines, water temperature breaks.  If you have a good fishfinder, try and locate baitfish, normally, where there are baitfish, there are the predators!
Best of luck mate....Alongi season is only 2 months away....and counting.....
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Are there any suggestions for a good pattern for a 4 rod set-up - 2 high and 2 flat lines? Do you suggest having any of them weighted and what patterns/lengths?
I'd rather be fishing.....


Thanks skip and Gaffer for this information!

Can you please let me know from where i can buy momoi diamond fishing line here in Malta?


DEADLIEST CATCH{ --> 18.5 ft Ranieri Soverato powered by 100 hp 4 stroke Yamaha & Yamaha Enduro 8hp


@benri If you go on www.pakula.com there are all the setups there.I once asked myself and i think the gaffer or shanook sent me the link.
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.