Night Fishing at Marsoxlokk

Started by blueskip, April 25, 2009, 17:18:21 CET

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When I come out again in September Redbus9 & I have decided to go night fishing near the stalls that sell fish at Marsaxlokk, he reckons that the guts & bits that get thrown in will attract "monsters", so we will be "fishing big, for big fish" :D
I have a couple of boat rods out there (20lb class & 50lb class) & reels to match, &  12FT Exage beachcaster. Does anybody have any idea what is liable to be "lurking" around there? morays maybe? maybe a short wire trace would be an idea, or very heavy (150lb mono) as a hook length?
We were thinking big smelly baits, a flask of coffee, box of sanwiches, headlight, hip flask ::), when we decide exactly which night(s) we are going we will post it on the forum, then if anybody wants to join us they will be welcome, or just come along for a chat, to see if we have pulled anything in, or been pulled in ourselves :o In the back of my mind I keep thinking that if it was worth fishing there, somebody else would have already done it?
Still it beats going out "for a nice meal, in a nice resturaunt" as "er indoors" describes it, she doesn't understand that I would rather be fishing, than eating out, & making polite conversation ::)   


all the time i lived down there, (and i went for a walk along harbour nearly every day) i only ever saw one person fishing there, and that was opposit labour dlub, so good luck.


Blueskip, I wouldnt reccomend that place very much. Nothing would wont to live there and anyway only 8feet deep or so.
If  you realy want to try this out and have a chance of something. Do your research find maps, talk to people etcetc Find somewhere nice and deep  and go ahead ;) You'd have a good chance of catching a moray and even if your very lucky maybe a nice fish (grouper,dentex etc)
Try using pieces of fish (mackarel etc) and nice big cuts of squid or even whole small squid.
When i go land fishing (bottom fishing) i always take 2 lines round a piece of cork with a decent size hook, bait it up and i let it drift slowly down (throw some line off into the sea and let the bait slowly go down) I caight many morays this way and once i caught a 3kg Grouper, Another time i saw the line very tense went to pull and felt the head shaking of a fish but it cut the line (mabye dentex :o who knows.)


The thinking behind it is because of all the fish bits etc that get thrown in there, something must eat it, otherwise the place would be stinking the Bay out, 8ft of water would be enough for a Great White to come in & feed at night without being seen :o
I think this is what Redbus9 had in mind when he suggested it, a dark night, 8ft of water, & a spot full of ground bait, & if we dont get a bite what about the sandwiches, coffee, hip flask, & the fishing stories! :D


Always worth a try and you can put the theory behind the fish bits to the test :)


blueskip even a great white knows better than to come close to shore here in Malta, it will definitely be a hazard, to his health that is.......
But I would still try it as who knows u might run into something worthwhile and as u rightly said better to be out with good fishing company than sitting at a restaurant... GOOD LUCK


You never know... Marsaxlokk may be Nessie's summer residence........
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


As the italians say "tentar non nuoce".


We have to give it a try blueskip,I won,t be happy untill I get a monster moray there but I don,t think we will get a great white but I would love to be proved wrong.   ;D
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


There's a simple explanation for not smelling like rotten fish in there mate, the stench is covered by the 2cm of diesel on the surface. Jokes apart, if you really want to fish over there, I think your better off with a bit of running float fishing using live shrimps  or maggots as bait, and try your luck for a nice bass.


and dont forget to practice catch and release, it is healthier for u than for the fish.


Quote from: Freeman on April 26, 2009, 18:59:12 CET
There's a simple explanation for not smelling like rotten fish in there mate, the stench is covered by the 2cm of diesel on the surface. Jokes apart, if you really want to fish over there, I think your better off with a bit of running float fishing using live shrimps  or maggots as bait, and try your luck for a nice bass.

Not more bass! I'll be trying to get away from them after the summer, they are in "plague" proportions over here during summertime, drop a live joey mackerel over the side & its either a bass or a tope that chomps it!
I have only ever caught one moray before & that tried to eat me, so I an looking forward to getting another.
Diesel? no problem, if it gets cold halfway through the night all we have to do is throw a fag end into the water, & warm ourselves by the fire!


Good season so far.....


The place sounds better and better.No one fishes there,and all that fish guts in the water its got to be monster moray time.I am comming back to Malta on 19 May untill 10 July maybe we could give it a trial for a few hours one evening durring this time, before the allnight session in september if anyone wants to join me?   ;D
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


Quote from: Granitu on April 27, 2009, 15:06:42 CET
diesel does not burn to fire :P/quote]
It does if you soak a rag in it first, with luck it should burn all through the night without poking! should solve the problem od the diesel on top of the water, in fact a good fire would get rid of the problems that cause it as well, so Placebo get your boat out of the water before Redbus9 & I go night fishing!